Yamato was salvaged by someone else, and Xiaoju was brought aboard, and Li Pu's mission was completed.

In the future, the two academies may have to try in another place, because the Mermaid Island is empty and only the island is left.

Of course, it was the sudden arrival of grass giants and human dragons.

It has nothing to do with Li Pu.

But when it comes to the harvest, it is still very big.

The straw man is very useful when it gets bigger, especially for those mermaids with an average LV15.

Xiaoshanbao's fist slammed down, and the whole piece was harvested.

In addition, the secret realm of the dungeon was shrunk into the core to exclude all the magical beasts, and Li Puqing was very happy after finishing it.

Originally, his experience value has reached LV22-97% after getting the mechanical storm.

When leaving the island, it directly becomes LV24-65%.

When equipping only one listening wind type [Grass Human Master], the attributes are as follows:

[Physical 129, Strength 129, Agility 77, Luck 12, Mystery 18, Spirit 16, Perception 126]

In addition to two consecutive upgrades, there are also several skill gold papers.

They are all weird and not very useful skills, which can be used for the eldest nephew.

As for the complete sets of inscriptions, although the effects are mostly not good, they can at least be used as materials.

It's a pity that the red dragon [Boncino] has almost been wiped out, so he didn't let him get a second [Red Dragon Power].

However, although he didn't get the second [Red Dragon Power], Li Pu made an unexpected discovery.

That is, he has gathered together red, blue, yellow, green and gray, and five kinds of human and dragon powers and green inscriptions.

When the five green inscriptions were put together, they actually merged and became a brand new green inscription.

Perhaps it can no longer be called green Ming.

Although it still occupies the green inscription pit, it has become golden.

This is the first time Li Pu has encountered such a situation, and he has never heard of it before.

He called it Jin Ming.

【Power of Five Colors】

Effect 1: All attributes +10%

Effect 2: You get attribute restraint damage +50%, attribute damage received -10%

This golden inscription is the best inscription he has ever owned.

10% bonus to all attributes, for the whole data rather than a single panel in [AB face].

The attribute restraint damage bonus is also very useful. For example, when he triggers the power-breaking ability [Breaking Night], the +10% damage of the light attribute slash to the beasts will become +15%.

Not to mention the attribute damage received by -10%, there will never be too much damage-free things.

"Mr. Li?"

Seeing Li Pu boarding the ship, Tang Yu made a questioning greeting, and everyone understood the meaning.

Li Pu, who didn't say much, just nodded and made the other party's heart ecstatic.

After a simple greeting, Modu and Xiaotian returned to their respective cabins, explaining the explanation and reporting.

In short, the matter of the dungeon secret realm has come to an end temporarily, whether it is the magic capital or the small life, it is tacitly not mentioned.

Especially on Kimura's side, others can't grab everything if they get it, so what else is there to mention.

As for the Huaguo elixir that Xiaoju brought back, oh, forget it.

Because the next day was going to take a helicopter to leave, the three of them and Yamato Xiaoju had a small gathering in Yamato's room. After all, the five people on the island forged some friendship.

Of course, Yamato also has other goals.

He wanted to get Li Pu drunk, and then asked him if he had any idea of ​​marrying a wife on the aircraft carrier.

As for why he chose Yamato's room, the main reason is that he is still a little unwilling to leave.

Really? The kind of soulless.

His feature [Crossing the River] still has some side effects. After using it a lot in a short period of time, I always feel a little overwhelmed.

If you are not careful, you may actually cross the river.

At this time, Li Liju was fighting the landlord, and Xue Duo was reading Yamato's collection of comics.

"This time, my vitality has been severely damaged, so I have to go back and cultivate myself."

Yamato sighed, half lying on the bed.

"Mr. Dahe, there is an old Chinese saying that you probably haven't heard before."

Xue Duo spoke while turning the pages of the book intently.

Yamato: "Oh? Please speak."

Xue Duo: "You Dao is a three-point return to vitality, and a seven-point reliance on hard work."

Xue Duo: "You feel tired because you haven't worked hard enough."

Yamato: "It's strange, I seem to have heard this sentence, but I don't seem to have heard of it."

Li Luo: "???"

Li Luo, who was playing poker, saw Xiaoju's expression of "so it makes sense" on the opposite side, and couldn't help but secretly complained.

I'm afraid it's not a fake Chinese teaching foreigners.

Li Pu: "Bomb, I won."

Li Luo: "???"

On the other side, he was stunned.

Brother, did you read my card?

This is so outrageous.

The first time he played cards with Li Pu, Li Luo felt restrained everywhere and always felt like he was being seen through.

"Li Jun, can you teach me to blow bubble gum?"

Just as Li Luo was shuffling the cards, Xiao Ju approached.

This matter, she has been thinking about asking for advice since she went to the island.

I don't know if I can blow Doraemon after I learn it.

Well done sister.

Yamato watched, secretly delighted.

He had made a side-by-side attack, and he knew that Xiao Ju had actually already made a secret promise.

After all, she is the jewel of the clan, and the elders have always held it in their hands.

He has never been slapped in the face when he has grown up, and he has never been strangled with a power-off technique.

Some kind of subconscious mind is at work.


Li Pu agreed very readily, which made Xiaoju overjoyed.

"But you have to pass the test before you are eligible to learn."

Next sentence, he added.

After speaking, he opened his mouth under Xiao Ju's doubtful eyes.

Two seconds, just opened for two seconds.


Xiaoju covered her hot face with her hands, and her fingers were wide open, unable to block her vision at all.

She is a pure girl, but the cultural atmosphere of the small country makes people understand a lot.

At this moment, I can't help but think about it.

"What the **** is this!"

Yamato next to him was really shocked.

He suspected that he had just seen the tentacles of an alien creature sticking out of the guy's mouth.

"If you can do it, there will be a way to teach you."

Li Pu told the truth.

"This, this is so difficult."

Xiaoju's face was still red~www.readwn.com~ She paused for a while, and finally turned her head and whispered, "Can you teach me?"

"Hahahaha! You are not a fool."

Xue Duo, who was walking in front, heard the words and laughed loudly: "You don't use your hands to blow bubble gum. How to teach with your hands, it should be... FUCK!"

Speaking of the last half, he reacted.

Feel like a clown.

Are the girls of Xiaotianguo so open?

At the end of the matter, Li Pu said "You have no talent" and let it go.

After saying goodbye to friends in the small days, the aircraft carrier began to return.

During this period, the exotic time finally arrived.

As planned before, Li Pu went all the way to the west, preparing to find the traces of the Sword Spirit Clan.



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