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There is only one beam of light in this level, hitting the red square.

The figure of the BOSS appeared.

This is a big bear monster with a shotgun in his hand, a crescent moon on his chest, and standing on his feet.

What is more peculiar is that its head is bald and has no hair.

There is also a construction site helmet pinned to his waist, and I don't know why he doesn't wear a bald cover.

"A bald bear?"

Li Pu was a little stunned.

The lumber mill, the bald head, the bear, it always felt as if it had something to do with it.

"You have to be careful, the boss level is a bit special."

At this time, Team Qin's voice sounded behind him.

"All monsters in the BOSS level have priority rounds."

"That is to say, after they have all acted once, the round will really start to count."

"So it's impossible to take the lead with speed."

"And in the dungeon, these bosses will be even more powerful."

"Maybe it's because of the blessing of the home court. If you leave the dungeon, it will be easier to deal with."

Originally, Li Pu thought that his S+ speed was faster than the LV5 BOSS no matter what, but he didn't expect that such a rule still exists in the turn-based system here.

Looking at the bald bear on the opposite side, as expected, he had already picked up the shotgun towards him.

In the face of BOSS, it is natural to take a more serious attitude than before.

Countless experiences made Li Pu stare at each other subconsciously, wanting to activate the ability to foresee.


But staring at the blue veins on the forehead is naturally fruitless.

Team Qin: "What is he doing?"

Professor He: "I don't know either."

Sword Duck: [Quack! 】

But as a summoned beast, Sword Duck seems to understand a bit.

In it, the master swordsmen will stare at the opponent before the duel and release their own momentum.

The young man's posture seems to have a similar meaning.

But the bald bear doesn't care about these or not, it just pulls the trigger.

【Cuckoo! 】

Like magic, a fat red bird flew out of the muzzle.

"What's the situation?"

Seeing the fat bird's beak approaching quickly, Li Pu wanted to avoid it.

But this was a fat bird shot with a tracking effect, and even though he feinted twice in a row, he was still hit.


And the yellow beak just happened to peck on his forehead, making a crisp sound like a popping melon seed.

Don't say it, it really hurts.

Looking at the health value again, it is about 1/5 less.

"Oh, have I fallen to this point?"

To be honest, Li Pu didn't think the opponent was strong, but he actually lost so much blood.

As the saying goes, those who speak have no intentions and those who listen have intentions, the taste of these words in the Qin team's ears changed a bit.

"There really is a story behind him."

Approaching Professor He quietly, he lowered his voice and said, "Professor He, the one you summoned is probably not easy."


Hearing this, Professor He was stunned, and suddenly said, "By the way, I haven't even asked him what his name is."

I heard that the name in the summoned beast panel was named by the summoner.

Any name is fine, but there is only one chance.

If you want to change it later, it seems that you have to pay a small price. …

In that square, came Li Pu's turn.


There is nothing to say, he directly activated the last skill that was not used in the new world.


The white coat and shirt on his body burst open directly.

Transforming in the new world is no different from being there.

Greenish hair, bronzed body with no apparent enlargement but more defined muscle lines.

"Forgot to take off your shirt."

Li Pu scratched the side of his face, secretly exclaiming carelessness.

"This transformation... Isn't it taboo to grow grass on their heads on their side?"

Team Qin's eyelids twitched, and it would be unacceptable if it were him.

"I remember, that dress seems to be Flammable's favorite one."

At this time, Professor He thought of his subordinates.

Flammable is the name of the man on fire.

Before getting into the car, the guy was only wearing a pair of pants, and he looked rather pitiful when he wanted to cry but had no tears.

However, the matter of the subordinates was immediately forgotten by her.

When I opened the panel secretly and looked at it, I was shocked again.

It's actually a double SS of life/physics!

"Is this the strongest skill?"

The power gained at the cost of just a top and a coat made her feel super worth it.

Looking back, as a summoner, you must prepare more clothes.


【Cuckoo! 】

It's the bald bear's turn again, and it's that fat bird shot.

This time, Li Pu's health increased and his physical resistance increased, but only some blood was knocked out.

"He's really strong..."

The Qin team's perception of Li Pu's combat power was once again raised.

Summed up so far, this summoned beast boy has incredible potential.

Being able to steal inscriptions can be called a summoned beast nemesis.

It can launch long-range attacks with poisonous attributes, and the spells are extremely threatening.

It can enter a super high speed state, and also has light attribute AOE damage.

Coupled with the current burst of shirt muscles, it is the last piece of the puzzle.

Life, physics, spells, speed.

All four attributes can be enhanced.

There is no shortcoming at all!

Suddenly, Team Qin realized that an almighty summoned beast was standing in front of him.

Of course, if the other party still has the ability to recover, it is completely perfect.

Thinking of this, he felt slightly regretful.

It's a fly in the ointment, and it's nitpicking.

"Ha ha."

However, even Team Qin felt that he was fantasizing: "If he still has the ability to recover, he might not be a god."

However, what he didn't know was that Li Pu really had the means of recovery.

A more embarrassing, more outrageous but very effective recovery method, [Son of the Earth].

It's just that the previous three levels were too easy to pass, and there was no chance to use it.

Just like now, this BOSS is just a few hand-to-hand rounds with each other, and he is put on the ground by him.

"Mr. Hu is right, it's really not easy."

But at this time, Li Pu was already slightly out of breath.

The state of his own is not very good, and the feeling of exhaustion is faintly spreading all over his body.

The self in the new world is really incomparable with the original panel monster. No wonder Mr. Hu said in the new world, everyone's starting point is similar.

There are several slightly impurity, but large fragmented crystals scattered on the ground.

There was even a yellow inscription, but Li Pu did not check the attributes.

Because he is not interested in these, and he can't take it back anyway.

Just leave it to Professor He to pick it up by himself.

All he really cared about was the only thing he could bring back, the cube.

Opened the cube card panel, and there was indeed a card named [Bald Bear] among his many cards.

"This card..."

After reading the information, his expression changed.



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