The latest website: "This card sucks."

Li Pu gave a fair evaluation.

What a broken card, can this be sold for money?

【Bald Bear】-3 points

Attack 1, Defense 0, Blood 2

[Big Bear]: In odd-numbered rounds after the bald bear is unveiled, recover 1 HP

[Two Bears]: In the even-numbered rounds after the bald bear unveils the card, damage +1

[Master Lumberjack]: Bald bears attack trees and cause 1 additional point of damage

The skills look pretty good, but the score is too crotch.

The three-dimensionality of 1/0/2 has completely belonged to the category of discarded cards.

【jingle! 】

At this time, a crisp panel prompt sounded in the ear.

Li Pu followed the prompt and found that it was Professor He who picked up the yellow inscription just now and put it on himself.

"Huh? Attributes are okay."

Looking at the inscription, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

【Sawwood Yellow】

Effect 1: Slightly increase attack speed

Effect 2: When there are plants in the enemy, increase the movement speed

It can also be seen that the BOSS is destroyed, the strength of this copy is not high.

Although he didn't know much about the drop rate in the new world, Li Pu guessed that it was not bad to be able to drop such an inscription.

Based on the previous experience in the [Water Field], increasing the movement speed in the turn-based system is equivalent to making your turn come faster.

"This inscription is good."

Team Qin walked to the side and praised: "There are still quite a lot of wood-planting beasts, and there are even many summoned beasts."

Professor He has shown him this inscription just now, and it is a very good thing in the initial stage.

"Well, I forgot to ask your name."

At this time, Professor He also came over, and she has been thinking about this since just now.

"Li Pu."

Afraid that they would not understand, Li Pu also wrote it on the ground with a branch.

Fortunately, the writing of the new world is also the same.

"His words are so ugly."

Team Qin stared at the ground and complained secretly. It stands to reason that people with such strong fighting ability must have good movement and reaction nerves.

The ugliness and beauty of characters are controlled by the posture of the hand. Under such nerve control, the hand should be stable and skillful, and the characters should not be written so ugly.

But what he didn't know was that Li Pu had the talent [unconventional coordination].

That is to say, the ugly hand posture that is not very harmonious is also very harmonious here, and he does not feel that there is anything that needs to be improved or wrong.

【jingle! 】

The panel prompt sounded again in his ears, and Li Pu found that his attributes had changed again.

To be precise, it is not a property, but a name.

【LV1-? ? 】→【LV1-Lishen】

"You are very good at naming."

He expressed his satisfaction. For the first time, he felt that this woman was quite pleasing to the eye.

It has to be said that everyone likes to be praised, not to mention the fact.

Next, the three and one duck left the copy through the door of light.

"Qin team, how is it?"

As soon as he came out, a man in a suit with a worried face greeted him.

Because it is not a summoner, he cannot follow up the dungeon.

He has been standing beside the door of light, never leaving.

It was normal for several people to conquer the dungeon, but he felt that it was very long.

"Let's go back and talk."

Team Qin didn't say much, but patted the man in the suit meaningfully on the shoulder. …

Professor He and Li Pu are very interested in the summoning combination, or in other words, Li Pu.

So there's nothing to do with the man in the suit behind, and he takes over.

"This copy should be deserted for a while."

Looking back at the gate of light that had dimmed first, Team Qin made a judgment and explained to Li Pu.

"It's hard to completely wipe out a copy."

"However, when the level of consumption accumulates to a certain amount, it will enter an inactive period."

"Dungeons in the inactive period can still be entered, but the number of monsters in it will be much smaller."

"It seems that you killed the boss by yourself just now, and the consumption of the copy is quite large."

Hearing this, the man in the suit froze.

Because he caught a few keywords in it and killed the boss alone?

Isn't this a copy of LV5?

Is he really 4S?

Is 4S that powerful?

This is a bit beyond my comprehension.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand the look in Team Qin's eyes just now. This level of things was indeed beyond his ability.

All of a sudden, the man in the suit couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

At the same time, happy.

Unfortunately, I am afraid that I am going to miss the opportunity to contact a super potential summoner.

The pleasant thing is that Professor He discovered the talented person in the area he is in charge of, and he must be promoted and made a fortune afterwards.

"Old man, contact the vehicle."

At this time, Team Qin patted the man in the suit on the shoulder: "Let's go to the consortium base in the provincial capital."

"provincial capital?"

The man in the suit was stunned at first, but after turning his attention to Professor He, he understood.

The equipment in the consortium base is very complete, and this rookie summoner should be able to use it.

"If you go to the provincial capital from here, there is a shortcut."

After thinking about it, he said.

In fact, the valley where the dungeon is located is not very far from the provincial capital, but due to its geographical location, roads or railways need to detour for a long distance.

"You mean to go directly to the provincial capital from the other side of the valley?"

Team Qin knew the direction the other party was pointing, and wondered: "But the terrain over there, even a top pickup can't pass."

"That's not a problem."

The man in the suit patted his shoulder and explained, "I just need to borrow an off-road tank from the garrison here. They are happy to help."

"Otherwise, if you walk the right way, it will take at least half a day to go around."

"Going from the back of the valley, it is estimated that you can enter the suburbs of the provincial capital in less than three hours."

The face of the consortium is still very big here, after all, this station was funded by them when it was established.

"Then let's go in the tank, no problem."

Team Qin looked at Li Pu and asked, "Did you know that tanks are big iron shells?"

Unconsciously, he had become accustomed to asking Li Pu for his opinion, not the Summoner Professor He.

"I know, of course it's fine."

Li Pu's smile was bright.

New World, what a great place.

Seeing this smile, Qin team, who remembered something, felt a little panicked.

But I don't think it should be.

He thought about it, and he was unfounded.

Balance car and tank are not the same concept at all.

Even if the mysterious force can destroy the balance car, but it is a tank, can't the two be better.

"Well, you ask the garrison."

"How many tanks do they have at most at one time?"

But out of preparedness Qin team asked more.

Although the man in the suit was a little puzzled, he still asked.

"Team Qin, there are two tanks in total."

It didn't take long for him to trot back: "But there is only one driver, and the other one is on vacation."

"Open a tank, I can."

Before Team Qin could speak, Li Pu answered.

Isn't it just opening a tank, how difficult it can be.

Although he has never really driven, what kind of person is he.

He is the God of Li, the God of Li who can even pilot (?) an aircraft carrier.



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