, the fastest update can foresee the future, I just want to brush the latest chapter!

The body of a big ant, the head of a cow bug.

If it was just a normal encounter, at most, it would be thought that this odd-shaped worm-like beast was nothing more than that.

But just now, the cattle bug and the big ant appeared separately, which made people have to think about the integration.

"It can't possibly be a crossbreed on the spot, right? tui~"

Li Pu was a little confused.

He still didn't stop the action of harvesting, but he began to pay more attention to the fish that slipped through the net handled by the straw man.

Sure enough, strange things were still happening.

Spiders, cicadas, flying cicada spiders.

Fleas, caterpillars, long-legged bouncing caterpillars.

Dragonflies, flies, fly-headed dragonflies, not to mention this seems to be quite difficult to distinguish.

In short, many insects are like a combination of splicing.

Even if it happens once or twice, it is too weird for this phenomenon to occur frequently.

"Where is the problem? tui~"

Li Pu always felt that this level was not as simple as what he had encountered so far.

Before he knew it, more and more insect monsters were cleared out by him.

Efficient and rich experience was accounted for, so that he gradually ignored this strange phenomenon.

Anyway, there are grass men, and three or two running out are not very opponents.

When it really doesn't work, those bugs will be eliminated by a sword when they run in front of him.

"No way, tui~"

Finally, with another spit, Li Pu finally gave up.

Everything within his reach has been sprayed clean by him.

A rough calculation, there are about 1,000 Warcraft.

However, after clearing such a large number, the remaining number of bugs in the opposite camp is still more than 2/3.

It can be seen from the previous preview that the deviation is still very large.

After all, they are so crowded that it is easy to create an illusion.

Splicing bugs are still appearing, and the ratio to ordinary bugs is about 1:2.

"Next, the tactics should be changed."

At this time, Li Pu turned his face to the snowman.

After watching the play for so long, it should be active, otherwise, what should he do if his body freezes.

To be honest, his actions are a bit rushed in this level.

Because in the face of such a large monster, there will always be a kind of worry.

I was worried that at some point, they would suddenly swarm into a wave of monsters.

The only way to address this concern is to reduce their numbers as soon as possible.

Since the saliva can no longer be spit, then only the insects are dispatched.

The safest way is to do it by a snowman with remote means.

Anyway, those bugs just stood there stupidly, and if they didn't hit it, they would be completely trash.

Of course, Li Pu didn't want to push the snowman up to his death.

Its round body doesn't have much movement speed, and if it really attracts a monster, it will be caught and eaten to death in a blink of an eye.

So this time he equipped the [lv2 Wood God].

Find a place to stand and give them a wave of stealth snowball attacks.

Plan pass.

【Float, float! 】

Under Li Pu's signal, the snowman moved forward tremblingly.

It is actually quite easy to chat with the grass man, because they all have one thing in common, that is, cowardice.

He obviously has the body of immortality, but he is always afraid of this and that.

However, the location that Li Pu arranged for it was indeed very close to Warcraft, less than 10 meters away.

Fortunately, as before, those demon beasts stayed where they were, ignoring the snowman at all.

【With the wind! 】

After entering the invisible state, the snowman mustered up his courage and smashed a snowball.


The poor scraping figure fell from a certain monster.


As a result, the monster just stretched out its claws and scratched the part where it was hit, and the imagined anger being activated was completely different.


Perceiving this scene, Li Pu felt that he had made a low-level mistake.

Before he sprayed those monsters with spore venom, he couldn't provoke them, and even if they didn't drop in seconds, they still stayed in place.

How could such a pitiful attack by the yeti be effective?

"Do you want me to go out on my own?"

Li Pu thought for a while, and felt that it was still inappropriate.

[Bombing Lamp] has a redeployment time of 150 seconds. If you remove it now, you have to wait long enough before you can replace it with the [Moving Lamp].

If an accident happens during these 150 seconds, the inability to use skills may become a hidden danger.

After weighing it, it seems that there is no need to gamble.

"In that case..."

Li Pu turned to the grass man again.

【Grass? 】

As soon as the grass man saw this situation, he knew that he was alive again.

So after a few minutes, its configuration was updated.

Skill [lv2 Thunder Shore Shore]: Causes lightning to cause lightning damage within the range of 35% of its maximum health.

Talent [Cheap Insect Medicine]: After 30 seconds of damage to the insect target, an additional 100% damage will be added

Inscription [Power of Five Colors]: All attributes +10%, attribute restraint damage +50%, attribute damage received -10%

This whole set, if you ignore the lightning resistance of those insect monsters, it can roughly cause 277+277 damage.

Most of the insect monsters have low HP, and if the lightning resistance is removed from 554 damage, the ordinary lv30 elite insect monsters can't handle it.

Of course, a few who resist lightning or have a lot of blood say another thing.

As a result, the strategy was decided so happily.

The straw man rushed over to shoot the floor, while Li Pu was responsible for guarding the invading monsters on the defensive line.

Anyway, he wasn't too worried about the safety of the grass figurine.

This guy has half of his own HP, up to 700+.

What's more, it seems to be very talented when it comes to running away for life.

So this time, the plan will definitely work.


With a triumphant cry, the grass figurine set off.

To tell the truth, this seems to be the first time that it has obtained such a high configuration, and the mood is immediately improved.

Summoner's thunderbolt, he can finally make it last time!

【Grass! 】

So he flew into the gap of the beast, and its soft grass slapped on the ground.

clap clap! x16

However, in terms of momentum, the grass man is much weaker than Li Pu.

Not only is the sound effect different, the thunderbolt has also turned grass green.

call out!

After the shoot, the straw man turned around and ran, without even looking back.

"not bad."

It didn't finally look back until it heard Li Pu speak.

The area that I just slapped has already shown a vacancy in the shape of rice.

【Haha grass! 】

The grass man became excited all of a sudden~www.readwn.com~ Now it should be renamed Papacao!

The new experience made the grass figurine more motivated than ever before, and the next thing was to clear the blame, and Li Pu didn't even need to urge the commander.

Seeing the snowman is a burst of envy, I don't know when I will have the opportunity to shoot the blizzard thunderbolt.

However, although the straw man's skills are not consumed, they must wait for the cd after all.

Coupled with the large number of these monsters, it took a long time to clear the remaining 2/3 to 1/3.

At this time, Li Pu finally saw some clues.

There seems to be a rare elite hidden in this group of monsters.



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