, the fastest update can foresee the future, I just want to brush the latest chapter!

quack quack...

A faint gnawing sound came from the depths of the monster group.

Perception penetrated the past, and found that the beast was devouring its fellow worms.

"it is……"

Li Pu didn't know if this humanoid beast was a worm.

But on the other side, he felt a familiar taste.

It seems to be some kind of monster that I have encountered before.

clap clap! x16

The grass figurine's great cause of clearing monsters is still going on. Under Li Pu's deliberate instructions, it made a special trip to avoid the position of the rare elite.

Since discovering the exact location of the boss, Li Pu has kept a close eye on it.

With this attention, I found something amazing.

It turned out that the speed at which this guy devoured the surrounding insect monsters was not slow.

If so, he would definitely not be happy.

After finally encountering a happy experience harvest, there are still people who are fighting with him?

In a flash, an idea popped into my mind.

Maybe the monsters everywhere are actually not the enemies that need to be cleaned up at the level?

The meaning of their existence is just the boss's ration?

【Ouch! 】

【Moo! 】

【Cicada buzzes! 】

Various splicing monsters were still coming, and Li Pu finally decided to take the initiative.

Even if you can't use skills, you can clear monsters very quickly just by flat cutting.

Every time the boss eats one, he loses one less experience.

This is not allowed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As a result, the explosive power of ice and fire quickly spread in the Warcraft camp.

Even Li Pu's speed of clearing monsters is far greater than that of a grass figurine.

So he simply transferred the straw man back and asked him to guard the gate of light.

On the other hand, he was alone in the Warcraft camp, scrambling to kill everywhere.

The final 1/3 of Warcraft was quickly cleared to the level of only two or three hundred remaining.

At this time, Li Pu opened his eyes and was finally able to see the face of the boss.

"It turned out to be it."

At a glance, he recognized each other.

The facial features are concave, each of which is very soft when viewed separately, but when combined together, it has a strong sharp and tyrannical temperament.

Insect King.

This is an insect king.

Leaving aside some individual differences, this boss is still very different from the Insect King Fortress encountered in [Frozen Insect Block].

First of all, it is not as huge as the Insect Emperor Fortress, which has fused the fortress with its flesh. Its body size seems to be no different from a normal woman.

The body is not composed of Zerg vegetation, it has the flesh and blood of the shell.

What's special is that there is a very huge extra abdominal cavity behind him.

At this time, the abdominal cavity is constantly discharging huge eggs.

One by one, the eggs rolled to the ground, and within a dozen seconds, the splicing worms hatched.

And the material source of these splicing and mixing is the other Zerg that it is frantically eating.

Perhaps because of manipulation or other reasons, these worm-like beasts are all willing to surround the worm emperor, and every time it eats one, the other worms scramble to send it up.

After the Insect Emperor chose a new food, they immediately calmed down the commotion and returned to their previous wooden posture.

After thinking about it, Li Pu did not attack immediately.

Because he noticed a deeper difference, that is, every time the Insect Emperor completes a swallow, the breath will be enhanced a little bit.

Under the blessing of "all attributes + 100%", its strength has almost climbed to the level of rare bosses.

In the absence of the source light, it may be a little disadvantageous for him to rashly start a war.

After all, I have a deep understanding of the power of rare bosses, even if both sides are lv30, there can be no slightest contempt.

So relying on his ability to foresee, he cleared the 100+ monsters on the edge without offending the Insect King, and then chose to retreat.

Because in the foreseeable screen, if you continue, the boss will be activated in advance.

The remaining more than 100 monsters, just treat it as the last supper.

After returning to the source lamp range, Li Pu rearranged the configuration of the grass figurine.

In terms of skills, he carries [lv2 Aid] that can help him resist an attack or share 30% of the damage.

Compared with resisting an attack in full, Li Pu actually prefers to share 30% of the damage.

In this way, the skill can be kept in effect for a long time. If it is blocked in full, it is estimated that the straw man will not be able to withstand much.

So when the battle with the boss is officially launched, try to make it stand as far away as possible.

It is best to be at the edge of the skill range, and there is no time to rush over to block, and can only share the kind.

In terms of talent, he shared [Son of the Earth].

Let the grass figurine keep rolling to ensure that it will not hang up while sharing the damage by itself.

In terms of inscriptions, Li Pu let it carry a green inscription, a by-product he accidentally created when he upgraded the inscription.

【Land of Life】

Effect 1: All damage received by plants and trees -12%

Effect 2: Plants restore 1% of their lost health every 2 seconds

The attributes of this inscription are very good, but unfortunately it only works on the grass race.

If it wasn't for a straw man under his command, Li Pu would have been dismantled directly.

With these three things, the survivability of the grass figurine is greatly improved.

As for the snowman, he still carried the [lv2 Orange Orange Profound Truth] with the red inscription [Youyou Musketeer] tied.

Let it throw snowballs at the farthest distance, and if one of them slightly lowers the boss's hit rate, that's a gain.

After completing all the preparations, Li Pu waited patiently beside the source lamp.

Occasionally one or two splicing worms come over, which is just a matter of one sword.

The next task is to wait for the boss.

Waiting for it to devour all the Zerg around him, according to the previously foreseen picture, this guy is definitely not the master who is sitting still, and will definitely launch an active attack on Guangmen and Li Pu.

【?? 】

Sure enough, when the last Zerg was swallowed, the boss suddenly froze.

It looked around and found that the originally well-stocked food had been eaten without knowing it?

How do you feel that you are eating faster than you think?

This experience is like having a few more mouths.

【Still hungry! 】

So it let out a roar, and then stood up from the ground where it had been sitting.

【quack! 】xn

It just so happened that a few more spliced ​​and mixed worms broke out of their eggs at this time, but they were swallowed up by the insect emperor's long tongue.

【Still hungry! 】

There are only a few residue combinations that have been absorbed once, and it cannot be satisfied.

But in the next second, the Insect King was attracted by something.

That was... two lumps of very strong vitality~www.readwn.com~ A primitive thought popped up in its mind.

As long as you eat them, you can also become stronger!

【Eat, eat, eat! 】

So with a knife, the abdominal cavity used for excreting waste to lay eggs was directly slashed away from the body.

The brows did not wrinkle, and the wound healed quickly.

In the end, even the original part of his body did not escape the fate of being swallowed by it.

After eating the extra abdominal cavity, the Insect Emperor finally turned his attention to Li Pu, a body full of vitality.

"Rare boss..."

Li Pu, on the other hand, made a judgment based on the other party's breath.



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