The latest website: Li Pu walked alone in the wilderness, and opened the small map to take a look.

"Fortunately, we are the safe zone here."

The first wave of poison circles has begun to appear, but he has no worries about running away from poison.

If you look closely, you will find that his shadow is somewhat abnormally distorted.

Even at this time, the shadow actually made a sound.

"Boss, should we find a place to hide now?"

Hidden in Li Pu's shadow, it is from Shadow Clan's thick black.

At that time, Li Pu, who had opened the [nono profound meaning], went out of control, and it could be said that he did not recognize his six relatives.

Without breaking the shackles of the mind, he killed the light black who manipulated himself with one punch.

Even Yi Li was not spared.

What surprised Li Pu a little was that killing his teammates actually gave him some experience, not to mention it was delicious.

On the contrary, it was thick black again, and survived with the escape card.

But surviving, doesn't mean that you can completely escape the clutches.

As the only target around, it was chased by nono Li Pu for more than five minutes, until the out-of-control effect completely disappeared.

After witnessing the process with my own eyes, Thick Black completely understood.

Their Shadow Clan's proud mind control methods are not worth mentioning in front of each other.

But it was precisely because of the change of concept that this time it successfully persuaded Li Pu.

It turns out that in addition to the blessing of mind control, the Sombra family has another pure gain method.

That is, living in the shadow of the target can obtain the same blessing effect.

The downside is that it only works on one target at a time, and it cannot be mind controlled.

However, the current thick black is already very convincing to Li Pu, and he does not dare to have two hearts.

Because considering the situation of the last third round and thinking about it carefully, this young man is obviously the best alliance partner.

To put it more bluntly, it is its best thigh-holding object.

As long as you follow closely, the chances of getting a good ranking in this field must be very high.

For Li Pu, it is not bad to carry such a temporary little brother temporarily.

After all, the permanent buff of physical strength, armor, and magic resistance +20 is still very tempting.

What's more, he heard that when necessary, the thick black can burst into small bursts, which greatly improves the effect of the buff.

Under the blessing of high armor and magic resistance, and with the talent [Zero to Whole], he felt that he could almost reach a state of invincibility and injury-free.

"Don't rush to hide, I want to see what the poison circle is this time."

Hearing the proposal for the temporary younger brother, Li Pu expressed his decision.

If the poison circle this time is suitable for oneself, then it will be more dominant.

Walk on the edge of the poison circle, do it when you meet someone, and hide in the poison circle if you can't do it, you are simply invincible.

The map of this field is a tropical rainforest island, and the size of plants is generally two or three times that of the outside world.

The trees are thick and the grass is lush and high.

Li Pu felt that the style of this map was similar to the second round.

Therefore, the poison circle may have a high probability of being the same poisonous fog.

"If we want to see the drug circle, we can go to the beach."

Although it was the first time that Thick Black had heard such a strange idea, he did not dare to question it.

What the boss says, that's what it is.

In the first round of the safe zone circle, a small piece is covered in the ocean outside the island.

With their current position, the distance to the edge of the island is much closer, and much closer.


Li Pu took a look at the map and thought it made sense.

So he found the right direction and started running.

The thick black attached to the shadow is equivalent to taking a hitchhiker, and it also follows quickly.

In fact, at the beginning, it was a little puzzled.

Why did the temporary boss leave the somersault cloud left by the horse head and choose to walk.

But now, it feels like it gets it.

If you dare to love someone's legs, it is enough to be able to withstand a vehicle.

"If I'm lucky, maybe I can get the second place in this game?"

Involuntarily, the thick black had such an idea.

Even if this is the fourth round of the masters, it does not think this idea is unrealistic.

The strength of the temporary boss, I have seen it with my own eyes.

Coupled with the blessing of his own Shadow Clan, it is no exaggeration to say that Wuhu has taken off.

After spending some time, Li Pu came to the edge of the island.

There are no sandy beaches here, only high sea cliffs.

Li Pu's current residence on Blue Star is the artificial island of the Magic Capital Academy.

So he is still very familiar with the seaside environment.

At this time, the sea breeze blowing in the face is very wrong, and there is a noise.

So when he opened his eyes, his expression changed slightly.

"My darling."

The original expectations were completely shattered at this moment.

The poisonous fog-type poison circle did not appear, and what appeared in the distance was a dense flywheel of knives.


The crescent-shaped long knives are spinning at high speed.

At the same time as they rotate, they are still flying forward, from top to bottom, from high to low, occupying the entire space.

"The poison circle this time, is it Fahrenheit?"

The thick black Qiyuan battlefield has more experience than Li Pu, and he can tell the type of poison circle this time at a glance.


Li Pu always felt strange when he heard the name.

clap la la...

At this moment, he heard the faint sound of paddling from the sea not far away.

It sounds quite urgent, it should be chasing after the poison circle.

There are no monsters in the Qiyuan battlefield, so there is no doubt that it must be a player.

So Li Pu did not leave, but stood there quietly and waited.


"Brother, hurry up!"

Lu Bai kept urging backwards while paddling the waves on the sea.

"Pfft! Shut up! Pfft! Not yet! Pfft! Because of you! Pfft!"

Unlike his cousin, who can do it with ease, Lu Zhan needs to use a regular freestyle to barely catch up to his speed.

Therefore, the words are also intermittent, sometimes underwater and sometimes surfaced.

All of this was due to Lu Bai's inexplicably hurried jumping ray just now.

Lu Zhan had no choice but to jump down.

Because this is a duo track, he knows how dangerous it will be if the two are separated.

But the result is Now the first wave of poisonous circles have come out, and they haven't reached the shore yet.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the location where the safe area is brushed is not far from them.

Judging from the current speed, there is still some time to search for equipment after landing on the shore, and then find a place to hide.

"Brother, here we are!"

"Finally... it's really not easy, so hurry up and climb up."

After a while, the brothers Lu Zhan and Lu Bai had already swum under the sea cliff.

Relatively speaking, it is much easier to climb a sea cliff than to swim in the sea.

At this time, the spirits of the two brothers could not be lifted up. As long as they landed on the shore, they were still two heroes.



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