If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 701: Experience package delivery service?

The latest website: "Huhuhu..."

Although it was easier to climb the mountain, Lu Zhan had already consumed a lot of physical strength in the process of swimming just now.

Different from his left-oriented cousin, his physical strength is actually relatively weak, focusing on spiritual attributes.

"Now you should explain it better."

But no matter how tired he was, he couldn't help but speak.

Now that they have entered the safe zone, they no longer have to worry about running into the drug circle.

Coupled with the relative ease of action, Lu Zhan naturally wanted to take the opportunity to ask for clarification.

"This...that's a long story."

Lu Bai pulled his cousin next to him, and his expression gradually became solemn.

"Do you still remember the career assessment I mentioned to you?"

For a time, his eyes were full of memories.

"Of course I remember, you didn't say that you were not very lucky and almost failed."

"What exactly is it, a rogue robbed all the points in the entire examination room?"

Mentioning this, Lu Zhan was somewhat impressed.

"It's not a rogue, it's a devil, a demon!"

Lu Bai corrected it in time.

At that time, he still remembers the scene of nearly a hundred people in the audience chasing and killing each other but returning without success.

Before that, he didn't believe it.

I don't believe that everyone at the same level can be so powerful.

So after the assessment, although he also got a place, his confidence was hit.

"But why did you suddenly mention this."

At this time, Lu Zhan was still puzzled.

"Because... I seem to have seen him just now, like."

Lu Bai suddenly became hesitant.

"So just seeing a suspected object scared you out?"

Hearing this, Lu Zhan really looked down on his cousin.

"Well, that's just a temporary conditioned reflex!"

Lu Bai blushed and wanted to defend himself.

He believes that after going through that ordeal and getting back on his feet, his xinxing has become stronger and more tenacious.

The jumping ray before was just a conditioned reflex of the body.

Well, definitely so.

"Look, even if I really meet him again this time, I won't be afraid."

Lu Bai's words were more like speaking to himself.

He feels that the current self will no longer be defeated by psychological shadows.

"That's right, there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Last time you were surrounded by rabble, so I'm still here now."

The attitude shown by the cousin finally made Lu Zhan look satisfied.

Although the sea cliff is high, it is nothing to the lv30 guardian.

Between the words of the two, they will soon climb to the shore.

"Brother, I'll go up and pull you."

Seeing that victory was in sight, Lu Bai took the lead and climbed up.

But when he grabbed the shore with his palm, he suddenly felt that his vision was shrouded in shadows.

Because there is a person standing on the edge of the cliff waiting for him.

The word "suspected" before must be removed, it is Li Pu.

"Ah, ah?! You, you, you...! Me, me, me!!"

Looking up, Lu Bai was incoherent on the spot.


I'm just talking!

I don't really want to meet him!

Thousands of words came to the mouth, and finally turned into only two words.


In addition to being frightened, Lu Bai's hand suddenly softened while grasping the edge of the cliff.

But at this moment, the young man hurriedly bent down.

With strong arms, he caught him who was about to fall off the sea cliff.

"This, this?!"

Lu Bai's mind immediately turned from surprise to joy.

He, he saved me? !

Right! This is the Seven Plains Battlefield!

In the Seven Plains Battlefield, what is more reassuring than forming an alliance with your fellow clan!

Everyone is a human race and they are still pure human race.

And he is so strong, maybe we can achieve a super good result in this game!

In an instant, Lu Bai finished making up his mind.

He even saw joy on Li Pu's face.

This joy, I know very well.

That is a kind of joy when the fisherman finally catches the fish, the poor ghost finds the money, and the old wolf meets the fat sheep... Huh?

"Thank you for your hard work."

At this moment, the boy said so.


On the other side of the safe zone, the half-blue devil half-mechanical fkgb stood on the edge of the boundary, facing the Fahrenheit poison circle.

"Boss, does it really matter?"

A cowardly voice sounded from a large rock behind him.

A very beautiful young Angel Race woman stuck her head out.

This is the real Angels, not the imitations of ShadowClan.

It stands to reason that demons and angels are somewhat antagonistic.

I don't know why the two came together to form a team, maybe this fkgb number does have a unique charm, otherwise it would not be sought after by fans.

"Just watch from behind."

No. fkgb did not look back at the same time, because he had seen a few figures of running poison appear in his sight.

This is what he was waiting for.

The opposite combination is two orcs, and two half-orcs.

The relationship between the two races has always been very good, and it is not surprising that they have formed an alliance in the current situation.

"Good dog out of the way! Ouch!"

Seeing the fkgb blocking the way, one of the orcs growled from a distance.

Right now, he is still outside the safe zone, and the Fahrenheit poison circle behind him is chasing after him.

When the first wave of poison circles shrank, the collection of equipment for basically everyone had just started.

In this situation, I believe no one would dare to 1v4.

"That's it, frighten him first."

"If you don't know each other and leave, as soon as you enter the safe area, you will kill him directly."

The two orcs next to them were whispering.

Obviously, in the face of the interception of the fkgb, they did not want to detour.

As long as this guy doesn't block his progress, he will naturally be cleaned up later.

The contraction of the poison circle is getting faster and faster, but the speed of this small group is not slow.

Finally, taking a step into the poison circle, they safely entered the safe zone.

"Fuck him!"

But just as he stepped in, one of the big orcs raised the axe in his hand and rushed up.



As a result, the half mechanical body of the fkgb suddenly burst out with a burst of white light, forming an energy protective film covering the entire body, completely blocking the attack.

"Let's go together!"

The orcs who saw this scene did not panic~www.readwn.com~ loudly called for their companions to attack together.

No matter how powerful your protective film is, there is always a limit. Can it be more powerful than the Quartet?

For a time, two beasts and two half orcs immediately surrounded the target in an encirclement and suppression situation.

"I'm waiting, not you."

Faced with such a situation, the fkgb number just muttered indifferently.

The dark blue-skinned demon raised his right arm and turned his palm toward one of the largest orcs.

As a powerful god, dealing with these guys is just a small fight.

After 30 seconds, the two orcs and two half-orcs were completely wiped out without any resistance.



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