In front of the last steel gate, everyone stopped.

"According to the relevant regulations, everyone can enter in turn after swiping their cards."

Jin Shiyan gestured to the crowd.

"Then I'll come first."

Lin Zixun felt that she had the lowest status here, so she took the initiative to step forward.

【drop! 】

[One-time temporary card, Lin Zixun]

There was a mechanical sound, and the gate opened.


Lin Zixun nodded towards the crowd, then stepped in.


As soon as her hind feet left, the floodgates closed again.

When the eldest nephew and others saw this, they also swiped their cards in turn.

【drop! 】

[Focus on the target and combatant, Duo Kai]

【drop! 】

[Focus on the target and combatant, Duo Xin]

【drop! 】

[Reservation idlers, etc., Kumamotomoto]

【drop! 】

[Transfer student, Li Jie]

【drop! 】

【pet, thick eyebrows】

Except for Lin Zixun, everyone's titles seem to be unusual.

"it's your turn."

Under the watchful eyes of Jin Shiyan, it was finally Li Pu's turn.


Li Pu stepped forward and took out his card.

【DiDi Duludu! 】

However, this time the sound effect is actually different, a short piece of music is played.

[The great founder, Li Pu]

【A warm and sincere drink to you! 】


Jin Shiyan was stunned on the spot, what happened to the system today.

It wasn't like this when I came here.

And what did it just say?

What's the big deal?

"Is this how the honorary principal is treated?"

Li Pu pouted.

I don't know who set this program, I'll have to talk about it next time.

A little too flamboyant, to be low-key, low-key.

After walking in, the operation room inside is no different from that in the imperial capital.

Various operating instruments, a long glass observation window.

Many complex instruments are running, providing stable energy for the flickering copy light gate on the iron stand.

The only difference is that there is neither Lao Hu nor Lao Cai on the main seat.

Instead, it was a newspaper suspended in mid-air.

"No... Brother Hanyu."

Li Pu explained the mystery in one sentence.

Jin Shiyan: "What, I'm not surprised."

He never mentioned it before, just to surprise everyone.

The person in charge of this trial copy is Han Yu.

"Brother Hanyu? When did you come here?"

The eldest nephew finally reacted, no wonder it felt weird from the beginning, as if someone was missing.

"It's been a while, what, didn't you find out?"

Putting down the newspaper, the cold rain appeared.

"I really didn't find it!" xN

The eldest nephews who were in Hanyu's room every day spoke in unison.


Li Pu felt that these guys were ridiculous, fooling around in other people's houses every day, and as a result, they didn't even know that the owner of the house was gone.

But this time, the truth is revealed, why there is expired tea in the virtuous Hanyu room.

It's just... But is it really reliable to let Han Yu be the person in charge of the trial copy?

In this regard, he expressed some doubts.

But just in terms of fishing, it seems to be quite appropriate.

Because Lao Hu and Lao Cai often fish, he knows it all.

"Okay, but don't forget the purpose of this time."

Jin Shiyan's words reminded everyone.

In fact, this trip back, only Li Pu, and at most Lin Zixun, are really in trouble.

Others are just looking for an excuse to go along.

"Okay, wait for me here."

"It won't be long, we'll have dinner together later."

Li Pu waved his hand and walked into the closed room of the copy.

He opened his eyes when he came to the vertical touch screen where the entry was selected.

Jin Shiyan is really right, this trial copy has just been debugged.

There are only 7 level 1 entries, which means that no one has touched it at all.

Different from other people who tried the dungeon, Li Pu was very familiar with this dungeon.

So he didn't hesitate at all, he clicked all the level 1 entries, respectively.

[Weakness and fatigue]: Constitution -10%

[Muscle soreness]: Strength -10%

[Action sluggish]: Agility -10%

[Deserved Bad luck]: Luck -10%

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. [Wooden Fish Head]: Mystery -10%

[Sage Mode]: Spirit -10%

[Six Senses Disorders]: Perception -10%

All seven basic attributes have been reduced by 10%, which is similar to the trial copy of the Imperial Capital, except that the entry name is not so friendly.

This time Zhang Si. So after choosing seven derogatory words for himself, Li Pu walked into the door of light.


The first thing that came to me was a strong sense of weakness.

He knew that this feeling of weakness did not come from the entry, but the suppressing power of the LV20 copy.

Now that he is at LV40, his attributes are halved due to the restriction of the power of suppression.

This kind of feeling is very bad. Under the restrictions, his physique/strength/perception attributes are not even as good as when he was at LV20.

However, the agility and mysterious attributes are much higher than at that time, because the [primary sense of god] and [source of agility] have not been obtained at LV20.

This also made Li Pu know firsthand why seniors with high levels are not necessarily so good at dealing with trial copies.

But overall, the weakening is still within an acceptable range.

Aside from its own changes, that's the case with this copy.

As the scene changed, Li Pu smelled a special fresh smell of plants.

This smell was only smelled in that secret dungeon before, and it was thought to be a plant unique to the Stone Age.

I opened my eyes and looked at the surrounding environment. At this time, I was in a tropical rain forest.

However, the time back of the dungeon should be close to the plus there is a dense forest, the light is not very sufficient.

This invisibly increases the difficulty of the Raiders copy.

But fortunately, Li Pu's perception is high enough even if it is limited, and it is not in the way.

Moreover, he also has the talent [Bat Moth Eyes], so even if he wants to preview the situation, it will not be affected.

The area of ​​this [Stone Age] is much larger than [Tiaotiao Site] and [Water Field].

But it is not boundless, and in the distance, you can see the boundaries of the void on all sides.

Behind Li Pu is a blue light gate that needs to be guarded, and at the end of the opposite map is a strange red light stronghold.

【Turtle! ]xN

Along with the strange cry, the stone turtles climbed out of the jungle and began to slowly approach the blue light door.

Li Pu remembered that their attacks were accompanied by petrification effects, so he thought.

【Grass! 】

The grass man appeared in response, and he also shared a talent.

[Stone Turtle Will]: Immune to the effect of [Petrification] and reflect back to the caster

He is no longer who he used to be, so I'll leave all this little trouble to the younger brother to solve.


"Everyone, do you think it's boring to wait here?"

After Li Pu entered the dungeon, Han Yu in the control room showed a mysterious expression.

"Tell you, I actually learned one thing secretly during this time."

Under the suspicious gaze of everyone, he began to tap the console again and again.

Make a big tyrant. If Lao Hu and Lao Cai were at the scene, they would definitely be surprised to see this scene.

Because their secret of not passing on voyeurism seems to have been learned by a third person.



If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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