If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 722: This opens the fourth-level entry?

How Han Yu got along with Lao Hu Lao Cai to learn this peeping skill, no one knows.

Or maybe someone knew, but because his behavior was fairly regular and not malicious, he wasn't caught.

But not long ago, he was barely able to fully learn the skill, and Han Yu was not yet able to use it fully.

Everyone watched him mess around, but it turned out that Li Pu had already come out of the copy.

"Huh? So fast?"

Jin Shiyan was the first to respond, which was faster than he thought.

If he were to know that this speed was created by a straw man, he would be surprised.

And those of you who rely on Team Park don't have any special ideas.

They had long been accustomed to the outrageous Li Pu in the Qiyuan Canyon, but they were more interested in the mysterious cold rain.


But Han Yu himself was a little depressed.

The fingers that were beating so fast were now stopped in mid-air.

I haven't finished the operation yet, others have passed the test!

If you still want to peek at the screen, you have to wait for Li Pu to enter the dungeon again and do it all over again.

"Wait for me a little longer."

Li Pu didn't know the situation in the control room. He just regretted that he had completed the first level 1 entry and did not get any reward.

It seems that only the first pass level 4 entry is available.

Following the customs clearance just now, there were 5 more Level 2 entries on the screen this time.

[Excessive Fat]: Monster Life +20%

[Sharp Minions]: Monster damage +20%

[Rough Meat and Skin]: Warcraft Armor +20%

[Coated with film]: Magic resistance of Warcraft +20%

[Strengthened]: Monster Speed ​​+20%

After clicking on these 5 entries, Li Pu walked into the copy again.

"Look at me hurry up!"

At this time, Han Yu became nervous.

crackling crackling crackling!

I saw his fingers tap on the steering wheel again, and this time the speed seemed to be faster than last time.

Everyone only saw that the code programs on the screen were started and activated, but they did not understand the meaning at all.


As a result, only a few minutes later, Li Pu's figure came out of the copy door again.

"What are you doing?"

Jin Shiyan looked at his watch and was stunned again. This time zuQIuxIaoSHuom Zhang Si

Is he really hitting a level 2 full entry?

How did you spend the time, the same as the last time?

"It's coming soon, just wait."

Li Pu thought that the other party was urging him to eat.

On the touch screen at this time, a level 3 entry has already appeared.

Slightly different from [Diaotiao Ruins] and [Water Field], [Stone Tool Homestead] has a total of 6 level 3 entries, one more than them.

[Hungry for a long time]: All projections in the dungeon are upgraded by one grade

[Punchino]: Instance adds an additional BOSS

[Bruton]: Instance adds an additional BOSS

[Lize Norton]: Instance adds an additional BOSS

[Bumplos]: Instance adds an additional BOSS

[Yanchilos]: Instance adds an additional BOSS

The five extra bosses were exactly the five-colored dragons he had dealt with at that time.

"It seems that this time we have to move a little bit more seriously."

Li Pu stretched his muscles and bones and twisted his waist.

According to the urine quality of the previous trial copies, these human dragons are not as simple as the original elite level.

Under the blessing of the entry [Hungry for a long time], it should be a rare elite level.

Let the grass man deal with it, and it is estimated that it will be torn into shreds in a few rounds.

So after the level 3 entry was filled, he stepped into the door of light.

"This time I'm going to be real!"

Han Yu once again expressed dissatisfaction.

"..." xN

The crowd could only respond in silence.

Although they still don't understand what this guy wants to fix, from the state of the exposed blue veins on his forehead just now, it is obvious that he has already moved for real.

crackling crackling crackling!


Li Pu: "It's one more time, I'm ready to get it done."

Han Yu: "..."

"The situation...it seems a little wrong."

Jin Shiyan stood there dumbfounded.

Several other people may not know the market situation very well, but as the future president of Xidu College, it is impossible for him not to know the situation in advance.

By the way... is the level 3 full entry completed like this? !

Didn't it say that the trial copies of various colleges, level 3 full entries are very difficult?

In this situation...how should I speak to my superiors?

He reached into his trouser pocket and wanted to touch the phone, but he was a little lost.

He took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

After taking a few deep breaths and making sure that what just happened wasn't a hallucination...

Jin Shiyan continued to be dumbfounded.

Brother, I just asked you to come here to test the water!

You knocked out the full entry of level 3 for me, what's the situation?

And...you play super fast!

From the first instance of the dungeon to the present, it was at most the time of two cigarettes!

Logically speaking, this is definitely a political achievement, but Jin Shiyan is 10,000 people who dare not take it on himself.

What a joke, even if he really wants to take it, he has nothing to take credit for.

What did you do from start to finish.

Isn't it just to call that kid, isn't it enough to have a mouth?

For the concept of level 3 full entry and level 4 entry, other people present didn't care that much.

Because this has little to do with them, and because they have been together for a long time, Li Pu also inadvertently mentioned that he had completed Level 3 full entries twice.

In this case, isn't it normal to have a 1st and 2nd time, and then a 3rd time?

As for Lin Zixun, there was no response.

She is just a student who hasn't even awakened, how can she know too much about the trial copy. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

"It's going crazy, I'll go out and make a phone call."

Jin Shiyan finally recovered his strength~www.readwn.com~ After greeting everyone, he shook his head and walked out.

It is impossible not to report such a major event.

The academy has not been formally established yet, and the trial copy has been opened by people, which is outrageous.

Don't care what the reaction will be, anyway, I just report it.

Back in the control room, Li Pu, who was **** at this moment, looked a little dignified, not as relaxed as before.

Because the level 4 entry is in front of you.

[NONO Machine Violence]: An additional rare elite is added to the instance

This BOSS, he still has a fresh memory.

Honestly, it's hard to deal with.

The blood is high, the defense is thick, the body is huge and the attack is high.

The most important thing is that its action behavior is difficult to predict and basically random.

However, the reward will only be obtained if the level 4 entry is cleared, so of course Li Pu cannot back down.

So, he stepped into the copy light door again.

After cleaning up the waves of stone turtles and the five-colored dragons, the boss finally appeared.

【NONO! 】


The violent roar of NONO was accompanied by the roar of stepping on the ground.

As in memory, its size is still so huge.

【Grass! 】

However, the grass figurine with the super-giant form has not lost to it at all this time.

It's just that the main force this time is still not a straw man.

Li Pu has already thought of a good way to solve the boss.

That was learned from the **** of balance.

It is called making NO with NO.

So after shaking his head for a while, he made the same cry.

【NONO! 】



If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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