"Finally done!"

In the control room, Han Yu completed the procedure.


As he tapped heavily on the keyboard, a picture finally appeared on the screen.

"What is this?"

Looking at the picture on the screen, the eldest nephew came over first.

At this time, I saw the grass man, fighting fiercely with a mechanical life form.

The form of that mechanical life form is like a tyrannosaurus beast.

The body of the steel base color, the circuit traces mixed with red and black, is a mechanical tyrannosaurus.

At first glance, this battle scene seems normal.

But in fact, if you use the trees at their feet as a reference, you will find that these two guys are very huge.

The space of the entire trial copy has basically been occupied by them, leaving less than 1/3 of the space.

"No, can you zoom in a bit?"

At this moment, Duo Kai suddenly spoke.

"Which way to pull?"

Han Yu was stunned when he heard the words.

"On the head of that big tin thing, zoom in on the camera."

Duo Kai narrowed his eyes and pointed to the location with his fingers.

So under Han Yu's operation, the camera quickly zoomed in.

"It's my uncle!"

As the camera zoomed in, the eldest nephew exclaimed.

It turns out that Li Pu is really too small compared to these two big guys, so if he doesn't get closer, he won't be able to find it at all.

"Uh, what is he doing?"

After Duo Xin saw it clearly from the side, she asked a question.

"It's like... rolling on the boss's head."

Kumamoto also found something wrong.

Someone's younger brother is fighting with the boss, why are you still lying on the boss's head and rolling around?

"Oh! He rolled off!"

Suddenly, Lin Zixun also exclaimed.

In the picture, after Li Pu shook his head for a while, he actually slid down along the big steel head of the boss.

However, when he reached the boss' cheek, he used his foot to grab the gap in the metal armor piece.

"He...is he slapping the boss, boo."

Thick eyebrows expressed confusion about the next behavior.

With his hands free, Li Pu began to fan wildly at the big-skinned boss.

It's just that the difference in size between the two sides is so huge that it doesn't look like a slap at all, it's more like a mosquito bite.

It turned out that this was Li Pu's [NONO Profound Truth], and he wanted to trigger his talent [Eating Your Palm].

It's just that the NONO machine violence is inherently chaotic, and even if the [chaos] effect takes effect, it means nothing happens.

"Ah! He climbed up again!"

"It seems to be about to stand upside down!"

"After standing upside down, I shot the floor! The grass was also chopped!"

"Starting to dig holes in the boss's head!"

"But that tin head, was he able to wear it..."

Seeing the series of strange actions, everyone was speechless.

The key is that although the grass figurine does not lose to the BOSS in size, there is still a gap in strength between the two. At this time, the blood volume has already suffered a big loss.

Of course, the main reason is that he also suffered a thunderbolt from his eldest brother.

Seeing that if Li Pu continued to make such a fool of himself, he would have no chance of winning later.

"No! He seems to be serious!"

But at this moment, the eldest nephew suddenly saw Li Pu stand up.

Although I can't hear the voice in the copy, I can see that its temperament has changed.

Carrying his hands on his back, he straightened his back, as if he had the demeanor of a master.

"Boo, this trick is..."

Nongmei remembered that she seemed to have been beaten by this trick, and Shui Lingling's big eyes couldn't help but light up.

Sometimes when I have nothing to do, I will make sandbags for everyone to practice hands.

Li Pu once released this trick to it. According to the witnesses at the time, he was whipped for a long time.

Of course, Mr. Shi didn't just treat people as sandbags.

Kill once, a marshmallow.

"It's that super qi blade!"

The witness, Kumamoto Ben, also recognized Li Pu's skills at this time.

Duo Xin listened to this man's tone, and felt that it should be some kind of sharp move.

However, when she took a closer look, she hesitated.

"But... he seems to have fired at the straw man."


In the copy, Li Pu looked at the broken iron that was gradually turning into blue light, and he couldn't help shaking the sweat from his forehead.

"Hush, it's really not easy."

With a bit of luck, he finally killed NONO Machine Violence.

As for the grass figurine, he was killed by himself long ago.

Of course, if he used other means, Li Pu would also have the will to kill the boss.

It's just that he recently discovered that the skill [NONO Profound Truth] is actually very useful, because it saves you worry.

Once you open it by yourself, then you don't have to worry about anything.

After the wreckage of the boss was completely dispersed, a red crystal surrounded by black lines was revealed.

The texture of the crystal is very thorough, and it can be clearly seen that there are circles of circular currents inside, forming a complex structure.

"I really didn't expect that the harvest this time was actually a material."

Li Pu held the crystal in his hand, somewhat surprised.

【NONO Core】

Grade: ★★★★★☆

Effect: Summon/Weapon/Inscription Enhancement, Weapon/Inscription Manufacture

Description: Materials with certain properties have special uses after refining.

This reminded him that he also obtained a material after he took control of the BOSS entity last time.

【Violence Element】

Grade: ★★★★★

Effect: Summon/Weapon/Inscription Enhancement, Weapon/Inscription Manufacture

Description: Materials with certain properties have special uses after refining.

The two seem to belong to the same category, but [NONO Core] needs more than half a star.

To be honest~www.readwn.com~ Li Pu is a little disappointed about this harvest.

The reason is very simple. It can be seen from the fact that the [Baobao Element] has been kept in his own hands.

You must know that five-star quality materials are simply not available on the market.

It is said that only individual high-level auctions will appear occasionally, and those auctions are usually only four-star, four-and-a-half-star materials at most.

With the five-star or even five-and-a-half-star quality of [Boom Element] or [NONO Core], it can definitely become the finale auction item.

To be honest, according to the price he speculated, it is not a problem to be able to fry up to 100W or even 200W.

But this is also the reason why Li Pu has never been willing to sell it.

Rare is precious, they are too rare.

But the current situation is a bit blind to such high quality, because until today, he has not found a suitable way to use it.

Even in casting inscriptions, there is no good answer.

"Forget it, I'm not afraid of one more."

Thinking of what happened to [Boom Element], Li Pu put away [NONO Core].

Anyway, it's a gain, so it's not worth the trip.


With a burst of light surging, he has returned to the outside of the copy.

"Good news, good news!"

It also happened to be at this time that Jin Shiyan, who had just hung up the phone, ran back excitedly.

I just listened to him calling out something Li Pu liked to hear very much through the observation window.

"You're going to get rich!"



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