"Boss, take it easy!"


Opposite the net, the female angel couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when she missed a ball.

"Sorry, I'll be gentler."

FKINGB raised its hand to apologize, but soon found the bystanders: "Huh?"

"Hey hey~!"

Following the boss's gaze, the female angel also found a few people and greeted them enthusiastically.


Yi Li also responded immediately.

This is the peculiar greeting of the horse-headed people, the horse calls.

As for Li Pu, he nodded.

For the appearance of the FKINGB, he was neither surprised nor unexpected.

The unsurprising reason is that this guy has a high points ranking and has fully entered the top ten of the duo circuit.

Because of the unique repulsion ability, combined with the local enlargement of the female angel, it can effectively eliminate competitors.

Therefore, even if they are targeted by the anti-S alliance, this duo can obtain high points relatively easily.

In the subsequent round-robin matches, Li Pu also encountered this duo again.

At that time, on the Void Ray, the three immediately reached a tacit cooperation, and it can be said that they are half acquaintances.

And his surprise, of course, is why these two guys are playing volleyball here.

"This is God for the adults, right?"

The female angel came over and said hello to Mao Mao.

"Sir, the accommodation is over there, we can just lead the way."

FKINGB also came over with a gentle tone.

He was not an indifferent person before, and now he is in a good mood to be able to attend the dinner party.

This time 17BxW Zhang Si. "In that case..."

Mao Mao looked at Li Pu and the two who had no objection, then nodded and said, "Then I'll trouble you."

After saying this, she turned and left.

"Brother Li, come with me."

FKINGB greeted Li Pu, then looked at Yi Li and said, "This...what's your name?"

He met Li Pu twice on the field, but he had no impression of Yi Li.

No way, Yi Li had already died when he first encountered it.

The second time, I originally wanted to ask for the name after the jumping ray rendezvous, but Yi Li landed and hung up.

However, Yi Li was not embarrassed, and it was natural to inform the other party of his name.

So under their leadership, the two came to the accommodation area.

This area is specially prepared for these players.

Even according to the different living habits of each race, a certain degree of transformation has been carried out in advance.

For example, there are caves that the orcs like, floating clouds that the half-immortals like, and even a small volcano, which seems to be prepared for the fire elemental clan.

After reporting their names, under the guidance of the staff, several people walked towards the depths of the dormitory area.

On the way, Li Pu also secretly sensed the appearance of the staff member.

The body is like a cobra, the head is replaced by a huge eyeball, and there are no hands or feet.

If I remember correctly, it seems to be called the big-eyed clan.

Like the staff members encountered along the way, most of them are big-eyed.

It's hard to imagine how a group of big-eyed people without hands and feet play basketball and football.

"Dear two guests, your residence is here."

"If there is anything to be ordered, just ring the bell in the house, and I will arrive as quickly as possible."

Before coming to a villa, the big-eyed clan left after leaving a few words.

"I didn't expect it to be quite close to us."

FKINB looked around and smiled.

The same type of people, their residences are in the same area, and they are indeed very close, and it is not an exaggeration to even call them neighbors.

"Go in and sit?"

Li Pu thought for a while and sent an invitation.

Others lead the way enthusiastically, so you have to be polite.

What's more, he didn't say anything about some questions on the way.

Although he could see that FKINB was in a good mood, but based on the character of the other party he learned from the two encounters, he always felt that he would not be the master of playing volleyball in a leisurely manner.

"it is good."

FKINGB also seemed to have a premonition, smiled and followed into the house.

"Brother, are there too many sports facilities here?"

After sitting down, Yi Li was the first to ask questions uncontrollably.

"Well... In fact, we only found out after we came."

After the FKINGB and the female angel looked at each other, they both showed wry smiles.

In fact, even if they didn't say it, Li Pu and the two would soon know.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. But since it's fate, it's just right to chat casually.

"Actually, you may not know that passing the trials just means that we are qualified to enter the eyes of the gods."

"The dinner party is just a process of getting to know each other."

"This process can be said to be a double-choice process."

"Since you want to see a certain god, that **** will also recognize you."

"But thinking about it, you should also know that the theory of gods has an infinite lifespan."

"So most of the gods have lived a long time to see a lot, and their eyes will naturally be very high."

"Especially some popular gods, it is not easy to get their recognition."

"So if we want to truly gain the favor of some powerful gods, we still need to prove ourselves further."

"As for the method of proof, you may have seen it along the way just now."

"That is - the Gods Games."

FKINGB throws out a new concept.


When Li Pu heard this, he fell silent.

He knew that things shouldn't be that simple.

Although the trials were relatively long, I always felt that it was a bit too monotonous, and with so many abilities of the gods, it was not necessarily all related to combat power.

The selection of the Qiyuan battlefield is more like a test of basic survivability. After all, I believe that no **** wants his **** to be a short-lived ghost with poor survivability.

It turns out that the so-called dinner is just a ticket.

"The significance of the Shenming Games is not actually to compete for a place."

"The main purpose is to allow the gods to further understand the players from various aspects~www.readwn.com~ and obtain more basis for judgment."

"So even if you are the first in the field, there is no reward for hearing that, and it does not mean that you will definitely be recognized by the gods."

"There are many sports in the Games, and the degree of freedom is also very high."

"You can choose the project you are good at, or you can choose not to participate."

"Anyway, being a god's replacement is a matter of consensuality, and no one will force anyone."

"You can leave the sky garden at any time as long as you don't want to."

The FKINB number is equivalent to telling the reason why he played volleyball just now, and then asks which **** can catch the ball that he shoots.

Eh, maybe this eccentric human race boy in front of him has to be excluded.

"That's not right..."

But hearing this, Yi Li wanted to refute.

At the beginning, he was the godly substitute at the dinner party, and he didn't stay in the sky garden for more than two hours in total.

But by chance, the FKINGB number gave an explanation at the right time.

"Of course, some of the cheaper gods don't require as much."

"They will finalize the candidates for the gods before the dinner party or even the dinner party."

Yi Li: "..."

As soon as these words came out, the horse head people were a little dissatisfied.

My former boss was worth one billion, but you said it was cheap?

The most important thing is that all of a sudden, he himself has been degraded.

Li Pu nodded after listening. He wanted to ask a few more questions, but suddenly heard the voice of the big-eyed clan outside the house.

Make a big tyrant. "Respected god, that human race boy is in this room."

Good guy, there are cheap gods approaching your door so soon?



If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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