knock knock.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

Because Li Pu was closest to the door, he took the initiative to get up and open it.

Regardless of whether it is as cheap as the FKINGB number said, the other party is also a **** after all, so it should be given due respect.

Opening the door while opening his eyes, he saw only an orange slime at the door.

The big-eyed staff should have left after leading the way.

This slime does not have too many special features, that is, there are short hairs on the top of the head, which are combed into a flat head.

"Please come in."

Li Pu turned sideways and invited the other party in.

The FKINBG and the female angel looked at each other, both sitting in their original positions without speaking.


The orange slime was not polite, and bounced on the sofa for a while.

"My lord, please drink water."

Yi Li poured a glass of water at the right time, feeling his little heart beating fast.

Although he had seen quite a few **** slimes at the dinner party before, this was the first time he had encountered a **** visiting him.

With God as the background for the conference, it is not difficult to guess the purpose of the other party's visit.

For a time, the horse head man's mind became active.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. (Did it come to me?)

(Because I saw my heroic performance in the Qiyuan battlefield?)

(What kind of **** is this? Is it suitable for me?)

(If it doesn't fit, what should I do later to get a cup of rejection?)

Although he was thinking about it in his heart, Yi Li kept his expression so tight that no one could see it.

If Li Pu knew that this guy was mentally active at this time, he would definitely let him go to the God of Gardeners to establish a contract.

Fortunately, he planted some B-trees in his heart.

"Thank you, Boo."

Tachibana Slime thanked him and leaned closer to the water glass on the table.

Then swallow the full glass in one gulp and spit out the empty glass.

"I'll see what's right, boo."

But to Yi Li's disappointment, it turned its attention to Li Pu.

"I'm very optimistic about your performance, boo."

"I want you to be my stand-in, boo."

As soon as these words came out, FKINB and the female angel immediately showed an expression like this, and then their eyes became a little intriguing.

This time 17*Chapter Si. "let me consider it."

Since the other party was so direct, Li Pu did not turn around.

"May I ask what kind of **** you are, and what are the benefits and costs of becoming a god."

His appeal is very simple, he does not need to become stronger.

As long as it can solve the problem of blindness, or wake up the ninth uncle.

As for the mental injury of the eldest nephew that I had considered before, I felt that even God would not be able to save him, so forget it.

"Happy, boo."

The **** obviously liked Li Pu's straightforwardness, and looked at Yi Li and said, "One more cup, boo."

Yi Li: "???"

Does he look like the little boy waiter?

"Remember my name, Boo."

"God of flat head, boo."

"Currently looking for the 2130th double, boo."

Li Pu and Yi Li couldn't help raising their eyebrows at the words of the God of Flat Head.

The 2130th substitute, it seems that the one in front of him is a very ancient god.

Maybe it was so old that it was born with the foreign land, otherwise how could there be so many gods.

However, after hearing the next series of information, the two immediately fell silent.

Flat head god.

The price will never give way to any living body.

Ability, permanent BUFF and a transformation skill.

[Power of the Flat Head]: In the wild, you have unlimited power and immunity to all poison attribute damage, cannot be dispelled, cannot be sealed

[LV1 Flathead]: Transform into a half-honey badger, with +100% physical strength and agility, and recover 1% of maximum health per second

"Can I ask you, how did your last few stand-ins end up?"

After being stuck for a while, Yi Li finally asked.

"The 2127th stand-in, died of encountering the monster frenzy, boo."

"The 2128th stand-in, died of encountering a wild boss, boo."

"The 2129th substitute, died in the hands of the Lion God, Boo."

Dude, this is all about dying for not giving way.

Yi Li immediately realized that Dareqing was not what they had guessed. This **** God's stand-in was simply a high-risk occupation.

Not giving way is such a harsh condition.

Yi Li felt that if this god's stand-in encountered the strongest snail, it would definitely be a dead end.

On the contrary, Li Pu did not think so.

To be honest, the condition of not giving way is nothing to him.

After all, it is easy to walk upside down or upside down, which is an advantage that others cannot have.

He just doesn't look down on what the other party gives, it's too little.

The BUFF with infinite hegemony and immune to poison attribute is really not attractive at all.

Because he was originally immune to poison attributes, and he also had a tyrannical body, but it was not infinite.

The transformation skills also overlap a lot with [Super Saiyan] and [Sonic].

Of course, the root cause of not being interested at all was mentioned before.

He does not seek to become stronger, he is looking for healing gods.

"Sorry, I refuse."

So Li Pu didn't have any thoughts from the other party, so he simply refused.

From common sense, a **** who is so decisively rejected in person will definitely feel embarrassed and angry.

As a result, the response of the flat-headed **** was too bland.

"Oh, it's alright, boo."

I saw it turned around indifferently, facing Yi Li.

"I'll see what's right, boo."

"I'm very optimistic about your performance, boo."

"I want you to be my stand-in, boo."

"Remember my name, Boo."

"The God of Flat boo."

"Currently looking for the 2130th double, boo."

Yi Li: "???"

Horsehead, feeling insulted.

You just turned your head and came to me after being rejected by others?

And not even a single word was changed.

What about when I have a spare horseshoe?

The ending was a matter of course, and Yi Li also rejected the other party.

Then the flat-headed **** seemed to have nothing to do, so he just said goodbye and left.

But there is a noteworthy detail here, that is, it has not seen the FKINGB and the female angel at all.

"That... it must have already found you."

Yi Li thought of a great possibility.

"Yes, even the lines are exactly the same."

"I heard that every new player will be visited at the first time."

"It seems to be really lacking in God."

The female angel smiled awkwardly.

"Now, you should know why I say some gods are cheap."

FKINGB spread its hands.

In this regard, Li Pu shook his head helplessly.

Although this is the first time he has directly contacted a god, with the bald-headed Guangnan's unruly **** as a lesson, he can be considered to have a certain immunity.

The visit of the flat-headed **** disrupted the chat rhythm of the few people just now.

Li Pu was just about to continue, but he heard the voice of the big-eyed clan again.

"Respected God, that human race boy is in this room."

Make a big tyrant. This flat-headed **** only left with his forefoot, so why did someone come again?

And it sounds like it's specifically looking for himself.



If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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