After a few slaps in a row, the FKINGB did not gain anything.

Every time, Li Pu used the attitude that he would be hit by one more point than one point, so he could avoid it.

"That's the nasty feeling!"

For a time, the FKINGB was a little bit about to collapse.

Recalling that time when the two were due out in Fahrenheit, this was the situation!

But you know, now is not the same as then.

In Qiyuan Manor, his attributes as a hunter have advantages. It can be seen from Li Pu that he is not as easy as he was then.

But why can't it hit!

Damn it!

He even wondered if this guy could foresee his attack route.

But after thinking about it, the FKINGB number overturned itself again.

Although he knew that Li Pu was outrageous, at least it wouldn't be outrageous to that extent, right?

"have you had enough."

On the contrary, at this time, Li Pu asked leisurely, "Didn't you tell me to familiarize yourself with the model?"

"Shut up! Let me hit it once first!"

FKINGB is already a little embarrassed and angry.

But he didn't expect luck to come so quickly, and the next second he saw Li Pu's body suddenly stun.

【Grumbling! 】

"It's done! This time I'll hit it!"

It was only when his palm was only 0.0001 seconds away from hitting Li Pu's head that he dared to come up with the idea.

In the end, it was still empty.

Because the FKINGB number just watched Li Pu at that moment, suddenly burst...and became nine? !

Um? !

boom! ! !

The big palm slapped on the ground, and the nine spores avoided it in nine strange poses.

"What kind of skill do you have?!"

He couldn't take it anymore and shouted immediately.

"This is..."

Just before Li Pu wanted to answer, he found that the nine himself had only lasted for 2 seconds before reuniting.

It seems that due to restrictions, the duration of this skill has been greatly weakened.

"Anyway, I'll go shopping first."

As soon as he raised his hand, he shot out the mechanical hook of [Flying Light Crocodile Bite].


The hook claw grabbed a big tree in the distance and immediately took him away from the scene.


After landing again, Li Pu checked and found that it was indeed the case.

Not only has the cooldown of the Mechanical Grips been greatly increased, but the number of times has also been limited, shown as 1/2.

It seems that a game can only be used 2 times.

But it didn't matter, he quickly bypassed a path and found the so-called cipher machine.

According to the previous game experience, you should only need to stand in front of the cipher machine for enough time, even if you complete the "reading" and decipher it.

However, it should be noted that this reading process is not absolutely safe.

First of all, the chasers are different from the escapees who need to find and memorize the location. They can directly see all the cipher machines across the distance.

Therefore, the strategy of the vast majority of hunters is to patrol back and forth between the cipher machines.

If he is caught in the process of reading the article, there is no need to say more about the result.

Moreover, the survivor needs to pay full attention in the process of reading the article.

Because every time the article is read to a certain level, there will be an opportunity for "validation".

Failure to complete the "verification" opportunity will cause the progress of the reading bar to regress, and it will immediately reveal its current location to the hunter.

"Have you found the cipher machine?"

"Then try it."

At this time, the FKINGB number also followed.

But he didn't plan to attack Li Pu again, he had already given up.

This guy is not slippery, there is no need to fight him.

Moreover, his main focus is the escaper position, and he usually only pretends to be a chaser in the casino.

"it is good."

Li Pu nodded and stood at the designated position according to the guidance of FKINGB.

This cipher machine is a vertical touch screen, similar to the subway automatic ticketing or numbering machine, but it has screens on all sides.

On the edge of the cipher machine, there are four dark blue apertures.

Standing within the aperture is equivalent to reading a strip.

A cipher machine can be read by up to four people at the same time, and the speed will be increased to 4 times.

However, the "verification" opportunities encountered by each person are calculated separately.

"You must pay attention to passing the verification. Often a mistake in a professional game can determine the final direction."

"A qualified professional player can't make mistakes in verifying this level."

The FKINGB stood in the back, craning its neck and poking its head.

"Got it, but I'm not a professional player."

Li Pu stood in the aperture and pouted.

【jingle! Please start verification]

At this moment, a prompt sound that only he could hear suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Come to verify, hurry up!"

However, the FKINGB number could see the changes in the screen, so it was quickly reminded.

So Li Pu opened his eyes and looked, but was stunned on the spot.

Unlike what I played before, the verification opportunity here is to complete a small game level within 3 seconds.

What was placed in front of him at this moment... were two seemingly identical pictures.

In the picture, there is a famous and majestic shield guard who is bravely facing the dragon.

It doesn't really matter what's in the painting, what matters is...

【Please find 1 difference between the two pictures within 3 seconds】

It's actually "everyone come to find fault"!

"I'm blind..."

Li Pu felt that he was really going to be drunk. Isn't this a pure disgusting person.

3 seconds, it was over in a Slap!

A brilliant electric spark emerged from the aperture while he was standing, making him go numb from the soles of his feet to his forehead.

The progress bar that I had just read a little bit was also returned to the original point.

"You see, there is a penalty for failing validation."

"This game is also a test of xinxing a lot of times."

"In a crisis situation, the more you have to stay calm and calm."

FKINGB held his chin and stood beside him pointing.

To be honest, Li Pu thinks this guy is quite noisy.

The main point is not that he has been talking to interfere with himself.

It was because the heartbeat sound was annoying when the pursuer approached.

Bang bang bang bang!

He jumped so fast that he almost lost his voice.

After all, the self-perception attribute here is strongly weakened, and there is no way to clearly distinguish the words from the loud heartbeat prompts.

I don't know if this sound can be replaced.

Change to a more pleasing sound, or a sound you are used to.

In this way, the two changed maps several times, and Li Pu also tried a few pursuits.

After going back and forth, I was barely familiar with this game mode.

It's finally time for the scrims.



[Relying on Park Team-21]

An unknown LV50 area, in an unknown wilderness mountain.

Li Luo: "Team reserves?"

Li Luo: "It sounds interesting, I don't reject this identity."

Li Luo: "And here, it feels like a very good place."

Li Luo: "Then I'll go shopping first as a tribute." Click to download the APP of this site, a large number of novels, free to read!

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