Following the FKINGB to the waiting room for the training match, Li Pu first met his teammates.

Including the FKINGB number, there are nine people in total.

The team's name is Mechanical Devil.

Most of them are from the mechanical race and the demon race, with one exception.

That was his attendant at the God Substitute Conference, the female angel.

"Wow, boss, you are amazing!"

"Did you actually bring the Great God to watch the battle?"

When the female angel saw Li Pu, her eyes lit up immediately.

As someone who could easily defeat her own boss 1v1 in the Qiyuan battlefield, she had seen Li Pu alone, so she was very impressed.

You must know that it can't even be called 1V1, but she also helped at that time.

"It's not as simple as just watching the game."

"Today he also played in training."

As soon as FKINGB's remarks came out, the players and the head coach and assistant coach were stunned on the spot.

They know the style of the team captain very well, not someone who makes promises or messes around.

So it must be meaningful to let this human race teenager participate in their training match.

Trial, the word immediately popped into their minds.

However, the general trial training is only the team's own internal trial training.

It was the first time I heard about trying out in a scrimmage with another team.

"This... I'm afraid it's not right."

In the end, it was the team's head coach who questioned.

The head coach is a skeleton-like robot known as the Skeleton Coach.

Once in the D League as a professional player, he also made some achievements, but it is a pity that the body is not as good as the brain.

After retiring, he transformed into a coach, and his results were even better.

The best result is to lead the team to win the championship of the regional race.

Later, he was poached by the owner of their team, in charge of the head coach position, and gave him a considerable right to speak.

It's not that Coach Skeleton doesn't believe in FKINGB's vision, but this decision is a bit ill-considered.

Not to mention whether the trial training effect is good or bad, it is a little rude to the opponents of this training match.

You must know that the opponent this time is the top three winning generals in the region.

People came to the training match because of the name of the mechanical demon and even the FKINGB.

But you haven't heard of it last time, and you're not even a newcomer to this team. What do you mean?

"It's okay, those dog things, I'll just tell them."

FKINGB waved his hand in a big way, indicating that it was okay.

He is quite familiar with the main players of the opposing team, so the opponent should not mind.

Mainly because he and Li Pu 1V1 were too high-level, or he was too high-level, in short, it wasted a lot of time.

There is not enough time to start another round to prove his level to everyone, so he can only see the true chapter directly in the training game.

As an outsider, Li Pu couldn't say anything about it, not to mention that it was normal for others to question him.

It seems that in order to keep FKINGB from losing face, he still has to be a little more serious.

Soon, the people on the opposite side also entered the lounge.

Anyway, it's just a training game, there's no need to be so strict, it's normal to share a lounge.

"I should have known..."

Just opened his eyes and looked, Li Pu couldn't help but secretly complained.

The dog things in the mouth of FKINGB are really dog ​​things.

The opposing team is full of dogs, none of them are human.

There are all kinds of ferocious devil dogs and different types of mechanical dogs. It can be seen that they are indeed from the same region.

"Hello everyone, Wang~"

The demon dog in the lead had a very ugly face, but his voice turned a little glutinous.

"Long time no see, dog thing."

FKINGB greeted them with a smile and gave them a hug.

"Long time no see, little bastard."

The other party stood upright and greeted the hug.

Whether it is the picture or the lines, it looks extremely discordant.

But the atmosphere is so friendly.

FKINGB is a half-mechanical, half-demon hybrid. If you want to say that he is a hybrid, there is nothing wrong with it.

Both sides are actually very familiar with each other. Although Li Pu, a pure human race, is very eye-catching, the vicious dog team doesn't care much.

I thought it was just a newly recruited staff member. After all, there are a huge number of human races, and they basically have activities in various regions, so it is not a novel species.

And FKINGB deliberately didn't introduce him to the other side in order to hold the cup better later.

"Not much to say, let's open a few first, Wang~?"

"And then slowly review the summary? Wang~?"

The captain of the vicious dog team is nicknamed the vicious dog king.

In fact, there is nothing to do with the good nature of the heart and the evil words, but the words "dog king" are enough to prove the outside world's recognition of it.

"no problem."

FKINGB glanced at Coach Skeleton, then nodded.

In the first few games of this kind of scrims, Coach Skeleton would not interfere too much, and today he intends to focus on reviewing and observing opponents.

The meaning of double-opening is to fight for more rounds in order to save efficiency.

Anyway, it's a 1V4 game, and the numbers of the two teams are fully capable.

On the one hand, there are 4 escapees from the mechanical demon, and 1 chaser from the vicious dog team.

On the other side, back again.

A total of 5 players from each team will be played in two lines at the same time.

And this kind of competition system sometimes appears in the league.

It's called a race, and it's mainly about which side of the fugitive lasts longer and which side of the chaser solves the task faster.

So the vicious dog team quickly selected 5 players.

Those responsible for the escape were four dog team members of different sizes.

Two demon dogs, one of which is short and nimble, can move quickly through various obstacles.

The other has three heads, can use three different types of magic, and is good at launching obstructive interference attacks on pursuers, and then delaying time.

There are also two mechanical dogs, one with an unusually large iron head, good at deciphering cipher machines secretly but very quickly.

The last one has a strong and fast appearance, and at first glance, it is a type with strong ability in continuous running.

This configuration is known as the 3-protect 1 tactic.

Three players with strong procrastination ability and a player who is good at deciphering cipher machines belong to a relatively conventional lineup.

As for the dog team member in charge of the hunter, it was a ferocious-looking demon dog with horns on its head, its skin like lava, and a liquid that looked like lava flow could be seen from the crevices.

Its reputation in the D League is not small, and it belongs to the star players who are often selected for the first three teams.

He is the best candidate for the position of the chaser in the team.

However, the mechanical demon did not immediately select the personnel, but the FKINGB turned to look at Li Pu.

"Do you want to be a fugitive or a chaser first?"

he asked.

"Wang~? Who is he?"

The Evil Dog King was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that this man was not a staff member.

"Secret weapon."

FKINGB showed a mysterious smile and did not answer directly.

"Let's try the fugitive first."

Li Pu thought for a while and answered.


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