Li Pu's idea is very simple. At present, he has only played a few 1v1s with FKINGB, and he doesn't know much about the strength level of other professional players.

To be on the safe side, it's better to try the fugitive first.

"OK, no problem."

And FKINGB's answer is also very straightforward.

Then he turned around and directly ordered the three players.

"Old F, are you right?"

But when he saw this lineup, Evil Dog King was a little dumbfounded.


Even Coach Skeleton was hesitant to say anything, but thinking that he had promised not to interfere just now, so he didn't speak.

The three players selected by FKINGB are all machines.

The first one is short because he has no feet.

The action relies on the track of the chassis.

It is similar to the low-profile version of Hanshu, but different from the rounded low-profile Korean number, its body is triangular, like a small pyramid.

Due to the tracked chassis, there is no jumping ability.

You can only rely on rocket thrusters to complete small obstacles, but there will be a limit on the number of times in Qiyuan Manor.

The second is even more exaggerated, not only without feet, but also without hands.

In other words, it should be hands and feet.

The whole is like a big spider, with thin and long mechanical limbs.

A weak look, it is obvious that he can't run fast.

The last one is a relatively normal humanoid machine, but there are electric sparks all over his body, as if there is a possibility of short-circuit paralysis anytime, anywhere.

The reason why everyone questioned the selection of the FKINGB is because the three of them are the same as the big iron-headed dog, who are good at deciphering and not good at escaping.

A team in the D-League is often equipped with many deciphering players, in order to prevent which one is in poor condition on the day of the game, or which one is in super good condition, and can be arranged as a substitute.

To know the survivability of deciphering players, it is often relatively worrying.

Double deciphering double delay, single deciphering three delay, is the most common tactic.

Otherwise, it is four delays, which is a last resort when the opposite chaser is too strong.

But it is a bit outrageous to arrange three decipherers to play at one time like now.

Maybe the game can be played without a decipherer.

But without a procrastination hand, there is basically no hope of winning.

Because the pursuers on the opposite side are also professional players, it is as easy as eating vegetables to catch four short-legged and clumsy decipherers.

In other words, although the vicious dog team did not know Li Pu's background.

But now the behavior of FKINGB is a clear card in their eyes, and this is a delaying hand.

And the delaying task that originally required two to three or even four players to complete, fell on him alone.

"That...Aren't you going to play? Wang~!"

After the evil dog king was stunned, he looked at the FKINGB number.

You must know that this half-mechanical, half-demon race is the soul pillar of the entire mechanical demon team, the ace player.

The star delayer who can also be selected into the top three teams in the region.

If he doesn't make it, the meaning of this training match for the Vicious Dog team will be greatly reduced.

"Cough, I'm not in a good state today."

As a result, FKINGB pretended to be coughing.

What a joke, if Li Pu was not in the training room but in the game when he was arrogant, how could he still hold a cup.

"Team F, you're not being kind. I came here specifically to play against you!"

After the big lava demon dog finished speaking, he also made a unique grievance sound of dogs: "Ugh..."

In fact, all the members of the Vicious Dog Team are good dogs, they are not evil at all, and they have a good temper.

This name is just to give himself a strong reputation.

"Don't worry, let me adjust and rest for a while, and I will play later."

FKINGB had no choice but to make a promise first.

I didn't see that Li Pu would not end until he escaped and killed both sides.

He can't just be abused by himself, he must also see others being abused, so that his mind can be balanced.

Everyone else has said this, and the players of the Vicious Dog Team have nothing to do.

After the lava demon dog and the vicious dog king looked at each other, they walked into the teleportation array angrily.

"Captain, then we..."

The three mechanic team members looked towards the FKINGB.

"You don't have to worry about anything after you go in, just do your best to decipher it as usual."

FKINGB smiled and patted Li Pu on the shoulder: "As for the delay in walking the dog, leave it all to him."


When Li Pu heard this, he was a little upset.

"Why, can I decipher the thief?"

He pointed to himself.

"Come on."

Hearing this, FKINGB rolled his eyes.

In the 1v1 just now, as the chaser, he didn't even make a lot of shots in the end.

Just watching Li Pu deciphering it himself, he couldn't figure it out for a long time.

The most absurd thing is that there were several bugs, and the deciphering machine blew up directly.

You must know that if this kind of thing happens in an official game, it will have to go back in time or restart.

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing that the three team members also entered the aperture, FKINGB pushed Li Pu.

"That's fine."

Li Pu nodded, and the figure quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

"Coach Skeleton, your secret weapon is unreliable, wang~"

After watching the players leave, the King of Dogs turned to Coach Skeleton.

"Hehe, since it's a secret weapon, please forgive me for not... I know."

Coach Skeleton smiled politely and awkwardly.

"Uh, shouldn't it be 'Excuse me for not being blunt'?"

The Evil Dog King was a little stunned.

It seems that this secret weapon is enough, so secret that even the head coach doesn't know it?

"Don't talk nonsense, you'll understand when you see it."

FKINGB swaggered down and sat and instructed the female angel to quickly turn on the monitoring.

This random map is an old steel factory.

There are several iron melting furnaces that are still in operation on the map. If the survivors use them properly, they can not only hinder the pursuers, but also change the terrain.

"High temperature map, good luck."

After seeing the map clearly, the vicious dog king couldn't help but comment: "For my fire dog, this can be regarded as the home court, Wang~"

The FKINGB, on the other hand, was paying attention to the positions of everyone on the map. When he saw that the Lava Dog was relatively close to Li Pu, he was immediately excited.

"Quick, tune into my friend's perspective."

Holding back his mood, he commanded the female angel again.

"Okay, boss."

The female angel acted obediently, and then the main monitor screen was adjusted to Li Pu's point of view.

Bobo~ Bobo~ Bobo~

As soon as they entered Li Pu's perspective, everyone heard the prompt sound of the pursuer approaching.

It's just that he set this sound effect because he felt the heartbeat was annoying.

After staying on the empty island for so long, no matter how annoying the sound is, it has long been immune.

In the picture, Li Pu walked slowly in one direction.

Because the location of the cipher machine is generated by random refresh, it is normal to explore the terrain at the beginning of the map.

But the key is that the prompt sound of the chasing killer is getting more and more urgent.

"Uh, that..."

Seeing this scene, Coach Skeleton was slightly hesitant: "Could he be actively looking for the pursuer?"


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