If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 943: 5 lines of test successfully completed

"I don't believe it, he definitely doesn't have an earth attribute summoned beast."

The eldest nephew who was beaten in the face once again questioned Li Pu.

But this time, even Mao Mao paid no attention to him.

The demon man laughed along, but couldn't say anything.

And everyone is talking about it, and no one cares about the words of this human race boy on the periphery.

On the other hand, Li Pu's ears were very keen and he heard it.

Don't say that this is his nephew, even if it is not, he will choose to ignore it.

Because at this moment, he is actually a little bit excited.

As long as he completes the final transfer of the earth attribute, even if he has reached the condition of the **** of elixir, it is the only most critical condition, and other factors can be ignored directly.

That is to say, after opening the Five Elements Stone Gate by himself, as long as the Spiritual Medicine God doesn't deliberately find fault or think that he is very unpleasant, then he can become his substitute 100%.

Regarding the output of the last soil attribute, Li Pu himself had no confidence before.

Although God P told him the little secret of opening the five elements by one person in advance, he didn't know if he could complete it at the time.

Until I came to the Five Elements level, I got an accurate answer through the preview.

It is precisely because of this accurate answer that he chose to wipe out the players first to ensure that they would not be disturbed before opening the gate.

"Sometimes, fate is really amazing."

Standing in front of the earth attribute circle, Li Pu couldn't help sighing to himself.

For a long time, he wanted to collect the five summoned beasts of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

But at the beginning, this thought was just a small obsession similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Unexpectedly, the most critical step in the most critical things for him now actually uses five kinds of metal, wood, water, fire and soil.

"Devouring the Starry Sky: Sign In to God"

Maybe it's the inspirational intuition caused by the perception attribute being too high, I can't say for sure.

But just like what the eldest nephew said, he really does not have earth-type summoned beasts.

Regarding the five elements, he actually knows a little bit.

Among the five elements, there is a relationship of mutual restraint and a relationship of mutual growth.

Wood produces fire, fire produces earth, earth produces gold, metal produces water, and water produces wood.

But the answer doesn't lie in any fire.

According to Li Pu's understanding, fire to create soil is roughly the use of fire to burn objects to turn them into soil.

He has fire, fire man, and fuel, straw man, oh straw man.

But after the grass figurine or oh grass figurine is burnt, at most it is just a pile of ashes, and it cannot trigger the earth attribute organ, which he has already previewed.

In fact, before he tried it in the future picture, Li Pu could not have imagined that the answer would be in himself.

And the answer is...

I saw his feet jump slightly earlier and landed in the circle.


Although the action is very light, but the momentum is not small.

Everyone could see that the small rubble around Li Pu bounced straight up.

"He is this?"

"Isn't this trick just..."

"I'm going, look at you!"

"How could it be like this?!"

In their small exclamations, Li Pu's appearance has changed slightly.

A layer of gray-white stone shell completely wrapped his whole person.

The reason why everyone feels familiar is because this is the move that Li Pu used to attack before.

And that stone shell is the [Stone Human Skin].

The stone shell skin is not a simple stone shell, but a real skin that skills endow Li Pu, and his own vitality is also flowing on it.

So yes, the final attribute completion came from himself, the Stone Man.

"Bright, bright!"

"He really opened the Five Elements Stone Gate!"

"It's awesome, Boss Li!"


Under the gazes of everyone, a khaki light spread to the pattern of the gate.

And Mao Mao's first reaction was to look at Li Jie next to him.

"Look at what I do, I'm not wrong!"

"That's him, not a summoned beast!"

The slap in the face this time, the eldest nephew would not admit it.


Mao Mao think about it, let alone this is really the truth.

"I didn't expect that the last piece of the puzzle of gold, wood, water, fire and soil would be myself..."

Feeling the changes on the stone gate ahead, Li Pu was a little emotional.


With the gathering of the power of the five elements, the gate finally began to slowly open.


In the monitoring room, the **** of elixir finally could no longer sit still.

"Hahahahaha! Hahahaha!"

Its first reaction was ecstasy.

"How many years!"

"Finally, I finally got another one!"

There's a reason to be so happy, of course.

In the treasured prescriptions of the God of Spiritual Medicine, there are some parts that must be completed by a **** who possesses the vitality of the five elements.

Some of them can be replaced in other ways, and some can't.

The appearance of Li Pu undoubtedly helped it fill the gap for so many years.

To say what is the use of these medicines, in fact, only for it as a god, it has little effect.

After all, the **** of elixir is still a **** without his own entity.

But there is no way, it is the love of refining medicine, who makes it the **** of spirit medicine.

Constantly collecting medicinal materials, refining and matching medicinal materials to make medicines, and continuing to explore the medicinal path throughout the process is the meaning of its own existence for it.

And with the divine replacement of the vitality of the five elements, it can do so many things!

The appearance of this human race boy~www.readwn.com~ is a big surprise!

In joy, the **** of elixir even knocked over the container in front of Tiefang.

"Oh no!!!"

Tie Fang, who felt that his scalp was about to bleed from scratching, let out a piercing pain.

Just this amount of knocking over, it would take him several days to grow the square head again.

However, in the face of the joy of finding the replacement of the Five Elements, the God of Spirit Medicine no longer cares about the dandruff of Fangtouren.

"You go first, go back and go directly to the treasure house to get the medicine."

The **** of elixir didn't care, and made a promise directly.

"Yo Bo."

The God of Fairness raised his brows when he saw this, and could see that his old friend was really in a good mood at this time.

"Hurry up, I want to see him."

After calming down a little, the God of Elixir urged.


After receiving the broadcast notification, Li Pu walked back along the track.

When I came to the exit, I met my eldest nephew who was greeted here.


The eldest nephew took the initiative to greet him, and Mao Mao and the demon man also followed.

"How did you get here?"

Li Pu actually had doubts about the appearance of this guy.

Because generally speaking, it is not so easy for non-spiritual personnel who are not the winners of the gods to board the empty island.

"Forget it, let me take care of it first."

But since there are more important things now, he can only ask Mao Mao again.

"Just be honest, and I'll try to make a smart medicine for you later."

Before leaving, he patted his eldest nephew on the shoulder again.

【Grass! 】

【Piao Piao~】

【NONO! 】

【It's on fire! 】

As for the four summoned beasts behind him, Li Pu told them not to cause trouble, and then disbanded on the spot and moved freely.



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