If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 944: Encounter with the God of Elixir

Although the God of Elixir is rarely on the empty island, this does not affect its actual status.

In a word, the staff immediately arranged the meeting room and brought Li Pu.

Li Pu was quite surprised to perceive the faint slime in front of him.

But he had heard that sometimes different gods fit in with different slimes.

Only suitable slimes can make them possessed.

So the ghostly slime in front of him, possessed by the **** of elixir, is not a strange phenomenon.

Even some possessive materials that are compatible with gods are not necessarily slimes, but may also be other simple-minded species.

But so far on the empty island, he has not seen other possessive materials, he has only heard about it from God P.

"We try to keep things short."

At this time, the **** of elixir has calmed down.


Li Pu nodded. At this time, he was unusually well-behaved, even with a hint of respect.

No way, to put it bluntly, I am also a drug seeker.

The stakes are very important, and the posture that should be lowered should be lowered.

"Well, if you want to be my stand-in, it means that you have plans for elixir."

"You will definitely have some questions, and now you can ask them first."

The **** of elixir wanted to see if there was anything that needed to be answered first.

Don't the two sides finally negotiate, only to find out that the other party wants to achieve the goal that the elixir can't do, then it's embarrassing.

So Li Pu told the situation of Jiu Shu, but he did not mention his own situation for the time being.

The fundamental reason why he wants to become a **** is to save the ninth uncle.

Therefore, Ninth Uncle's matter is the highest priority here, and his blindness can be treated slowly after becoming a god.

Even if it really doesn't work, he's already used to being blind. In fact, it's not much different from not being blind.

First of all, the only thing that needs to be determined is whether the God of Elixir has the ability to awaken Ninth Uncle.

"Let's put it that way."

After listening to Li Pu's introduction, the expression of the God of Elixir did not change.

"Based on what you describe, I feel 100% sure to wake it up."

"If it's as you guessed, the situation will be easier to handle."

"As a vegetative person, repeatedly shuttled between the native world and the foreign world, it means that he was not killed in the foreign world."

"It's easier to treat this situation than to die once in a foreign land."

The words of the Spiritual Medicine God made Li Pu's fist clench unconsciously.

This was the most hopeful moment in his experience of finding a way to wake up the ninth uncle.

Especially the wording of the **** of elixir, 100%, is particularly reassuring.

After all, this is a **** that even the **** of P and the **** of cubes respects very much.


However, just when Li Pu's hope was flourishing, the **** of elixir spoke again.

"Your guess is a guess after all, and my feeling is that it may not be accurate."

"So many years of experience have taught me that after all, I can't say enough."

"If it is an unexpected situation, such as some situations where even the elixir is helpless, then I really have nothing to do here."

"So, I have such a proposal."

At this moment, Li Pu waited with full attention and even held his breath, for fear of missing a word.

"You don't have to be so nervous, I just want to talk about an emergency situation first."

"To be honest, I'm still quite sure."

This **** of elixir seems to be a master of pushing and pulling, and his words make people go up and down.

"Because the elixir that I want to save your loved one is not something I can refine casually."

"If you want the best curative effect, it must be refined by my god."

"So you can become my substitute first, refining the medicine and using it to save people."

"If you really can't save it, then you can choose to break the contract with me directly."

It has to be said that the deity of the God of Elixir does match his status.

Even if he wanted Li Pu to be his substitute, after listening to the whole story, he still gave a very fair solution.

Just like you can buy it first, and if you are not satisfied after buying it, then I allow you to return it.

It's very atmospheric.

And this matter, only the God of Spirit Medicine can do it.

If Li Pu's side needs to break the contract and cut off the relationship between the two, it must suffer huge side effects or pay a lot of divine power to offset the side effects.

After the God of Elixir said this proposal, he actually felt that he was quite interesting.

After all, the amount of divine power that counteracts the side effects of breaking the contract, even ordinary gods will change color when they hear it. It cannot be afforded by a mere human teenager.

Plus, there are other reasons why it doesn't play tricks here.

That is, if Ninth Uncle can't be rescued in the end, and if it still binds Li Pu tightly, it won't necessarily get any good results.

The matter of refining medicine, even for it, which is the **** of spirit medicine, has a success rate.

It is impossible for every medicine to be successfully refined indefinitely every time.

If the gods were dishonest when refining the medicine, the failure rate would naturally be greatly increased.

Not to mention the personal dangers that may be encountered when it fails~www.readwn.com~ The waste of medicinal materials alone is enough to make it distressed.

However, the God of Elixir did not completely block his way.

It was very smart and gave Li Pu the right to choose.

Even if the other party can't save his relatives, when he sees the vast knowledge of refining medicine and various magical prescriptions, he is afraid that he will inevitably be moved.

Anyway, judging from the experience of the God of Spirit Medicine after he became a god, it has not seen any **** under him who can resist this temptation and wants to break the contract and cut off the relationship.

Changing the form, changing the race, these are all trivial things.

It even has special elixir prescriptions that can make people rich.

Furthermore, it is not impossible for a person to temporarily become a **** in a short period of time.

This is the elixir.

Therefore, don't underestimate the spiritual medicine as the path to becoming a god. In terms of attainments in medicine, there is no existence in the entire foreign realm that can compare to the **** of spiritual medicine.

"I agree."

After a short thought, Li Pu nodded and agreed.

In fact, about breaking the contract with the gods, he had also heard from God P.

Not only heard of it, but also seen it with my own eyes.

Yi Li, who owes one billion in debt, is the best example.

Afterwards, he learned from God P that in fact, at the moment of breaking the relationship, if Yi Li paid a sufficient amount of divine power immediately, he would not be affected by the debt.

The disconnection from any **** is the same, as long as the divine power is paid in time, there is no need to bear side effects.

Therefore, unlike the conjecture of the **** of elixir, Li Pu has no lack of divine power at all, and he doesn't even know where to spend it.

In other words, in the establishment of this relationship contract, he actually took the initiative from beginning to end.



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