If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 945: Make a pact with the **** of elixir

"Now that you agree to this, let's continue the discussion."

It has to be said that the God of Spirit Medicine does have his own set of ethics.

Not knowing that Li Pu was not lacking in divine power, it still followed a fair operation.

Explain all the pros and cons clearly, and then hand over the choice to Li Pu.

The reason is still the same as just mentioned, it really wants this name, but it needs the sincerity of the other party.

Li Pu could feel this kind of goodwill, and at this time, he couldn't help feeling good.

So he nodded and asked the God of Elixir to continue.

"First of all, you need to know clearly what abilities I can bestow."

"Perhaps about this, I believe you have heard from them."

"But I still need to tell you personally."

Speaking of this, Li Pu instead showed a curious look.

The God of Elixir thought that P-God would speak, and P-God also thought that the Elixir-God would speak, so the result was that Li Pu did not know the exact relevant content in advance.

He only roughly understood that the God of Spiritual Medicine will gain the ability to refine Spiritual Medicine, but he has no way of knowing.

"Become my substitute, and the ability obtained is to instantly grasp all the elixir formulas I know."

"And instantly get the 100% proficiency required for the recipe."

"That is to say, as long as you reach an agreement with me, you can change from a person who doesn't understand medicine at all to the most skilled person in this exotic realm in a blink of an eye."

"That's right, then even I'm not as good as you."

This made Li Pu feel that it sounded amazing, and he thought that the gods really deserved to be the substitutes of gods.

To be able to make a person who knows nothing to become an unparalleled master of alchemy in an instant.

I am afraid that no matter how much effort mortals put in, they will not be able to achieve this level.

"Then what's the price?"

But he also knows that there is always a price to be paid behind the glory of God.

This is the way it is in this world, there is no such thing as a free gift.

The ability that the God of Elixir can bestow is so powerful, the price to be paid is probably not small.

"That's exactly what I'm going to say next, the price."

"Actually, as my substitute, the price is relatively easy."

Following these words, the Spiritual Medicine God introduced.

"The price is that in the future, any spiritual medicine must be refined in two copies."

"One for yourself and one for me."

"If this condition cannot be fulfilled, the elixir you have refined will be automatically destroyed."

As the God of Elixir said, this price is indeed relatively easy to achieve.

At least Li Pu thinks so.

For the **** of elixir, the most important thing is to prepare an extra portion when preparing the medicinal materials, from doing one job to doing it twice.

However, there are still limitations.

For example, for some extremely rare materials that are unique in the world, the final amount of medicinal materials can only be refined into one spiritual medicine, so Li Pu is equivalent to having no way to complete the refining.

"In this case……"

Although the price was actually good, Li Pu hesitated.

"Don't worry, the awakening medicine you need is not that level of elixir."

The **** of elixir seemed to see through Li Pu's thoughts,

"And the medicinal materials are in my warehouse, so I will give you two copies later without any problem."

Not only did Li Pu relax, but he was even willing to provide materials directly.

This little thing, for its accumulation over the years, is completely a drop in the bucket.

"Thank you sir, if that's the case, then I have no problem at all."

"Contracts can be made at any time."

After understanding everything, Li Pu nodded.

Now that everything is clear, I am close to becoming a **** of elixir.

As long as he becomes a god, he can immediately start refining the awakening medicine for the ninth uncle.

"No hurry, there is one last request."

In the end, it was the side of the Spiritual Medicine God, who once again stated that there are still matters that have not been explained.

"My **** is not something ordinary people can do."

"I have already explained to you just now that you will obtain all my elixir formulas and experience in refining medicines at the moment of reaching the contract."

"For the average person, this momentary shock of huge information is deadly enough."

"According to the standards of your human race, it will cause brain death."

Unlike many gods, the process of becoming a **** for the **** of elixir is a huge test.

To tell the truth, Li Pu was somewhat unexpected.

But think about it, it makes sense.

It's like if you see too many branch pictures when you preview yourself, you will feel dizzy. The two situations should be similar.

Brain death doesn't sound like much difference from being dead.

This rhetoric is a bit scary, but he knows that since the God of Spirit Medicine said it, there must be a follow-up.

"So if you want to be my substitute, the physical and mental requirements will be very high, very high."

Sure enough, the **** of elixir said again.

"To put it in a more direct way, the physical and mental attributes must exceed 200."

"But don't worry, I can use medicine to temporarily strengthen your two attributes to 200."

"King Kong Is Not Bad Dazhai Master"

"It's just that you might be in more pain afterwards, because these drugs have strong side effects."

"How strong the specific side effects are, it depends on your actual physique and spirit, how far away from 200 points."

After listening to the Spiritual Medicine God saying these words, Li Pu hesitated a little.

He repeatedly looked at his attribute panel, his physique and spirit were not to mention 200.

Taking advantage of the blessings of [Blue Night Demon] and Shuang Tingfeng, it has now directly broken 300.


So he thought about it, and showed his panel to the God of Elixir.


The God of Elixir confirmed several times~www.readwn.com~ and felt that he had just said some nonsense.

Also, how can a person who can beat a bunch of competitors in obstacle racing have poor attributes in all aspects.

Looking back on it carefully now, it seems that 99% of today's players were eliminated by the human race boy in front of him.

"Good, good, good."

The **** of elixir, who found that he had no words, could only use three good voices to drive away the embarrassment.

Now that everything is OK, all that's left is to make the contract.

Even though choosing a **** is sometimes very grand, it is actually very easy for gods to establish a contract.

The Spiritual Medicine God just thought, and a translucent piece of paper appeared between it and Li Pu.

"Send your mind to touch the paper, and the contract can be reached."

Hearing this, Li Pu opened his eyes and looked.

It was found that there were only a few simple divine words on this piece of paper: the elixir contract.

Other than that, nothing.

"I'm ready, come on."

The **** of elixir here closed his eyes to drive his mind and urged Li Pu.

So Li Pu did not delay, and directly let out his mind and floated towards the contract paper.

However, at the moment when his mind touched the contract of the gods...


The God of Elixir suddenly spurted out a mouthful of slime.

It opened its eyes and fell silent for a while.

Faced with this situation, Li Pu was very puzzled.

But at least one thing he can be sure of is that he has not established a relationship with the **** of elixir.

I saw that the expression of the Spiritual Medicine God changed several times at this time, and finally settled on the doubts and anger before he spoke in a deep voice.

"You... have been replaced by God, why are you still trying to establish a contract with me?"



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