The story is about the same as Jiang Shu expected.

Many fans who were homeless after their idols’ scandals.

chose Jiang Shu.

as their new idol.

There are three main reasons.


Although Jiang Shu is a bit weird, his talent is beyond doubt.

Since his debut, there has not been a single song that is below the quality of a boutique.

Moreover, the types of songs are quite rich.

Basically, as long as you like to listen to songs, you can find your favorite songs in Jiang Shu’s playlist.


Since his debut, Jiang Shu has been doing things in a more upright style, and there are no rumors that there are messy things.

A good star with good character

Finally, the most crucial point.

Jiang Shu himself, as the creator of Jiang Shu's third law.

No matter how crazy he is.

He won't let his reputation fall.


They are very relieved to be fans of Jiang Shu.

At least they don't have to worry about when, when they wake up from bed, their idol is gone.

That's it.

With the personality of [hot search insulator].

Jiang Shu's popularity has not decreased because his new songs always encounter other stars' reputations falling.

Instead, both in terms of fame and the number of fans.

There has been an explosive growth.

That growth rate.

Even Boss Yang was surprised.

Yang Ruowei has been worried.

Every time a new song is released, it can't make it to the hot search list.

Over time.

Jiang Shu's popularity, along with the sales of his new album, will be affected.

But now it seems.

This worry is completely unnecessary.

Jiang Shu's popularity has increased instead of decreased.

Maybe, when Jiang Shu's new album is officially sold online, he will have a chance to achieve the achievement of a legendary record.

A legendary record with 20 million sales, how much profit will it bring to Tianxing Media.

But once it is really achieved.

Jiang Shu won the bet.

According to the content of the bet, Jiang Shu might bully me!

In the general manager's office.

Yang Ruowei held her chin and fell into a mixed state of joy and sorrow.

For a moment, she didn't know whether to cry or laugh.


Time passed quickly.

After Jiang Shu's 14th song was released.

The unlucky guy selected by the system is an old king who is in a semi-retired state.

He is obviously semi-retired and ready to retire.

Still, it was revealed that he had improper behavior with multiple men.

Superstar, multiple men, improper behavior.

These few words.

One more explosive than the other.

At the same time, countless netizens suddenly realized.

No wonder this superstar is still single at such an old age.

There are no rumors of illegitimate children and mistresses.


What he likes is not that at all!

"I really didn't expect that this old star would also be exposed. Sure enough, every time Jiang Shu releases a new song, he will give us a new surprise!"

"Something is wrong, brothers. My roommate has always been a fan of that star. After seeing the news of the king's exposure today, he is not only not disappointed, but even more excited!"

"Well, a kind reminder, when you go to bed tonight, cover yourself tightly with the quilt."

"I don't think you can deal with it passively. You have to take the initiative and climb onto your roommate's bed first to let him feel your strength!"

"A real man should do men! Brother, I support you spiritually!"

"Your dormitory must be famous for turning off the lights early, but sleeping late!"

"The art of fencing between men, you people who have not experienced it, don't understand the beauty of it."

It was revealed that his sexual orientation was abnormal.

Although this old star was exposed.

But the degree of exposure was not too serious.

Instead, after screening, a group of more loyal fans were produced.

Jiang Shu.

After completing the achievement of 14 kills.

He strode forward towards the road of 15 kills.

Three days later.

Jiang Shu's 15th new song.

It is also the last new song of the new album.

It was released online.

"It's finally over!"

Many stars breathed a sigh of relief and prayed.

Pray that the last star to collapse will not be him.

Who is the celebrity whose image was ruined?

The answer was revealed half an hour after Jiang Shu's new song was released.

And the reason for the ruin.

It made hundreds of millions of netizens on the Internet dumbfounded.

Called it terrifying!


Time goes back two hours ago.

Magic City.

In the building of Oriental Satellite TV in Magic City.

A program is being recorded.

The name of the program is "Legal Education Frontline".

Just from the name, we know that this is a legal education column.


It is different from other legal education columns.

This legal education column will not only invite police officers to popularize the law on the spot.

In order to increase the attention and fun of the program, some celebrities will be invited as guests on the spot.

Jiang Shu is one of the guests invited to today's program.

In addition to Jiang Shu.

There is another star named Fei Ke who was also invited as a guest to participate in the program recording.

Fei Ke, one of the artists under Xingchen Media.

He is a well-known actor and director in the circle.

A movie he directed and acted in is being released. In order to promote it, he participated in this well-known program.

In addition to the host and the two celebrity guests Jiang Shu and Fei Ke.

In each episode, the program team will also invite a police officer to do legal publicity.

The one who came today.

is Jiang Shu’s old acquaintance, Zhou Yang, the criminal police captain of the Demon City Public Security Bureau.

"Captain Zhou, I didn’t expect us to meet here again."

"Hahaha, Jiang Shu, I didn’t expect you to be one of the guests in today’s program!"

Seeing Jiang Shu and Captain Zhou very familiar with each other and greeting each other, Fei Ke’s eyes flashed with an inexplicable look.

Xingchen Media and Tianxing Media, where he is, are both headquartered in the Demon City.

There is competition between the artists under the two companies, both openly and secretly.

Fei Ke, who owns a portion of Xingchen Media, is the same.

Seeing Tianxing Media growing bigger and stronger, Fei Ke felt uncomfortable.

It felt like a poor neighbor suddenly became rich.

Fei Ke's eyes flickered, thinking about how to use his status as a senior in the industry to make things difficult for Jiang Shu when recording the program later.


The recording of the program began.

Since this program is recorded.

So the atmosphere on the scene was not so tense, it was relatively relaxed.

Captain Zhou used small cases to promote legal knowledge to the audience on the scene.

Jiang Shu and Fei Ke were on the side, mainly playing the role of a supporting role.

During this period.

Fei Ke did make things difficult for Jiang Shu a few times.

But Jiang Shu easily resolved them, and even retorted a few words, almost making Fei Ke, a senior in the industry, almost lose face.

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