The police officer was very busy, and the police officer was very busy.


The program recording came to an end.

At this time, the reporter asked Captain Zhou, "Captain Zhou, as a criminal police officer, how do you identify whether a person is a criminal in a crowd?"

Captain Zhou smiled and replied, "Police officers with higher talents rely on their sixth sense. But the sixth sense is very mysterious. Therefore, the way we usually use is to judge a person's suspiciousness by observing his micro-expressions."

"You know, even a professional actor can't hide his true reaction 100% in micro-expressions."

"Because that is the instinct of the human body."

The reporter said, "Captain Zhou, can you show us?"

Captain Zhou nodded.

Looked around the people in the studio.

"Then I'll ask you a question." Captain Zhou said in a joking tone, "Have you ever killed anyone?"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

After a short moment of daze, bursts of laughter followed.

I understand that Captain Zhou is indeed joking.

But there is only one exception.

After hearing this question.

A trace of panic flashed across Fike's face.

Although the panic was only a flash.

But it was still captured by Captain Zhou, a professional criminal policeman.

Captain Zhou looked up and down beside Fike calmly.

Fike quickly noticed that Captain Zhou was looking at him.

He turned his head and looked.

Captain Zhou did not look away, but looked into Fike's eyes.

"Captain Zhou, I said I have never killed anyone, do you believe it?" Fike laughed dryly and said.

Captain Zhou smiled and did not reply.

Instead, he pointed at Jiang Shu, who looked a little confused, and said with a faint smile,

"Micro-expressions like Jiang Shu's. From our professional perspective, it is a normal reaction of a normal person, and there is no suspicion of murder."

Captain Zhou only commented on Jiang Shu.

He did not comment on Fei Ke.

His meaning was already very clear.


Captain Zhou tried Fei Ke again through a conversation of two or three sentences.

Fei Ke's reaction made Captain Zhou more certain.

There must be something wrong with Fei Ke, and it is a big problem!

Half an hour later.

The recording of the program ended.

Seeing that the audience at the recording site had left.

Captain Zhou, who had a smile on his face, suddenly looked serious, took out his police officer ID from his pocket, showed it in front of Fei Ke, and said coldly, "Fei Ke, I now suspect that you are a suspect of a crime, come with me to the police station."

Staff of the program group: "???"

Hey, no!

What's going on.

We were just recording a popular law program!

Why did they suddenly arrest criminals on the spot? !

Is this the script of this episode, to create a program effect?

Many people looked at the director of the program.

The director waved his hands repeatedly.

I am seriously ill, this is not a movie, why add such a plot in a serious legal education program? !

"Captain Zhou, what is this?" Jiang Shu asked in the same confusion.

"Didn't I just ask if you have killed anyone? All of you reacted normally, except for Fei Ke, whose reaction was very wrong." Captain Zhou said.

As he spoke, Captain Zhou walked in front of Fei Ke.

He put his hand on Fei Ke's shoulder, whose forehead was already covered with beads of sweat.

"Feike, come with me. If you are innocent, I will let you go and apologize to you."

"But if you really have a criminal record, you will have to wait for the punishment of the law."

"Of course, if you confess before we arrive at the police station, I will consider it as your voluntary surrender and reduce the sentence!"

After saying these words, Captain Zhou turned his head and looked at Jiang Shu, "By the way. Jiang Shu, you should also go back to the police station with us. We may need your help at that time."

From Feike's series of reactions just now.

Captain Zhou can be sure.

Even if he has not killed anyone, he must have done something shameful.

Let Jiang Shu go back with him.

What if there is no evidence of Feike's crime in the end.

You can use the ultimate weapon.

Let Jiang Shu hold a solo concert for Feike!

"Director, are we still editing this episode?" After seeing Jiang Shu and others leave, a person in charge of post-production

The editing staff asked the director.

The director slapped the man on the forehead with the script in his hand, "What the hell are you editing? Didn't you see that Fei Ke was arrested as a criminal suspect? Let's wait for the news from the police. If Fei Ke really killed someone, then we will probably have to re-record this episode."

"Really? If a murderer is recorded during the recording of the program, who can we complain to?"

"Hey, by the way, is tonight the last new song of Jiang Shu's new album released?"

"It seems, yes."

"Hiss, in that case, this Fei Ke is probably in danger..."


Under the night.

Fei Ke, who looked depressed, and Jiang Shu, who looked like he was eating melons, were all taken back to the Demon City Public Security Bureau by Captain Zhou.

"Officer Zhou, I..."

"What do you want to say?"

"Forget it, nothing."

On the way back, Fei Ke opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But he hesitated and thought for a while.

Still gave up.


Several people returned to the police station.

A policeman on duty came to greet them.

"Captain Zhou, you are back."

"Take this person to the Trace Inspection Department, collect fingerprints, blood and footprints, and then do a trace comparison."

"Got it, your name is Fei Ke, right? Come with me."

Captain Zhou was very resolute.

He directly asked people to take Fei Ke to collect fingerprints, blood and footprints, and compare them with the traces left by criminals in the public security system database.

Outside the interrogation room.

Looking at Fei Ke sitting on a chair with a nervous look and looking around, Jiang Shu asked Captain Zhou, "Why don't we go in and interrogate him?"

"Let him go for a while." Captain Zhou pulled a chair over and sat down, lighting a cigarette leisurely, "Although this guy is a professional actor, to be honest, his psychological quality is not strong at all."

"Let him go for a while and let him consume himself for a while, then the interrogation will be simple."

Jiang Shu was a little curious, "Are you so sure that this guy has committed a crime? Fei Ke is very popular in our circle. If he exposes you to the police station for no reason after he goes out, his fans will blast your police station crazily."

"It doesn't matter." Captain Zhou shrugged and exhaled a puff of smoke, "This guy can't get out!"

"Isn't your new song going to be released soon?"

"I have a hunch that the star whose reputation collapsed after you released your new song this time is this guy!"

Not long after Captain Zhou finished speaking.

A young police officer from the Trace Inspection Division walked in with several certificates in his hands.

"Captain Zhou, the comparison results are out!"

"This Fei Ke is actually involved in a case that has not yet been solved!"

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