"I choose two!"

Cao Meng looked at the options given by the system and was speechless. In fact, he wanted to choose one.

But Cao Meng was afraid that Xia Yulan would get angry and turn himself into a dish!

In desperation, Cao Meng could only choose two.

After Cao Meng received the system reward, he said to Xia Yulan:

"Uncle Xia, Cao Meng has something you don't know whether to say or not?"

"Martial nephew, if you don't want to talk about it, don't talk about it!"

Xia Yulan didn't want to get angry in front of Cao Meng and reveal her true self, so she gave her nephew a reminder.


Cao Meng was suddenly embarrassed and a little speechless towards Xia Yulan.

With how thick-skinned this guy is, does he still need encouragement to regain his confidence?

"Uncle Xia, if a spiritual meal can be created so easily, is there still a need for the profession of spiritual meal master?"

"Uncle Xia, creating recipes is a huge difficulty for every spiritual chef.

If a difficulty can be easily overcome, is it still called a difficulty? "

After Cao Meng finished speaking, he glanced at Xia Yulan and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the other party had not gone crazy yet.

"Cao Meng, are you encouraging Uncle Master?"

Xia Yulan felt that Cao Meng seemed to be encouraging her, but his expression was not clear enough!

Since you want to encourage and support yourself, wouldn’t it be better to be more explicit about your encouragement?

After Cao Meng understood what Xia Yulan meant, he could only follow the other party's wishes and continue to encourage:

"Uncle Xia, there is a saying that failure is the mother of success.

Today's failure is just to accumulate experience for tomorrow's success! "

If only the victims of the Hehuan Sect knew that Cao Meng encouraged the devil Xia Yulan.

It is estimated that the victims will join forces to tear Cao Meng apart, and even the sect leader, Concubine Duanmu, will not be able to protect him!

Xia Yulan felt very useful when she listened to Cao Meng's words of encouragement.

It's true that failure is the mother of success. Xia Yulan's failure today is just to accumulate experience for tomorrow's success.

Xia Yulan thought Cao Meng's words sounded nice, and she wanted to hear this nephew continue to encourage her and cheer her up.

So Xia Yulan said:

"Cao Meng, but I have failed many times.

Over the past few decades, I have created countless Five-Pin Spiritual Meal recipes, but none of them have been finished! "

"Don't go against your will to comfort me, I know it myself!"

After Xia Yulan finished speaking, she looked at Cao Meng eagerly, the intention in her eyes was self-evident!

Cao Meng looked at Xia Yulan's expression and was speechless.

Uncle Xia, are you telling yourself not to encourage you?

All you need is the words "encourage me more" written on your face.

"Uncle Xia, I believe that one day, you will stand at the top of the spiritual chef.

Lay a foundation for the Lingshan lineage for eternity, and bless the Lingshan lineage for eternity! "

When Cao Meng finished saying this, he was a little afraid of thunder, and a thunder would strike him to death.

After all, what he just said was so unconscionable that he really deserved to be struck by lightning.

Cao Meng felt that anyone could stand at the top of the spiritual chef, but only those who could make dark dishes like looking up at the stars were not qualified!

"Senior Nephew Cao Meng!"

Xia Yulan was so moved that she didn't know what to say. After all, no one had ever comforted her like this before.

Although she knew that what Cao Meng said might be unconscionable, she was still very moved when she heard it.

Create a foundation for the Lingshan lineage for eternity, and bless the Lingshan lineage for eternity.

Such bold words are really exciting to think about!

From now on, this will be her goal!

"Uncle Xia, because of your perseverance, I have decided to become a spiritual chef in the future and follow your example, uncle.

I want to strive to be my uncle’s deputy in the future, help him with odd jobs, and cooperate with my uncle! "

When Cao Meng praised Xia Yulan, he also flattered her.

No, it’s a butt!


Xia Yulan nodded fiercely, then took out a few recipes, handed them to Cao Meng, and said:

"Uncle Master will give you these Yipin Lingshan recipes.

From now on, if you are short of ingredients, come to the cafeteria warehouse to get them.

Uncle Master, I believe you can become a spiritual chef! "

For a junior who speaks so nicely, Xia Yulan is still very generous.

"Uncle Xia, isn't it good to take the ingredients from the sect's cafeteria for free? After all, those are the sect's resources!"

Previously, Xia Yulan only said that Cao Meng could come to the sect cafeteria to get ingredients, but she didn't say whether he would pay.

Therefore, when Cao Meng asked, he deliberately emphasized the word "free".

"What's wrong? The sect cafeteria is my uncle's territory!"

A flash of light flashed in Xia Yulan's eyes, and she naturally understood the meaning of Cao Meng's words, but she didn't point it out!

How much food can Cao Meng, a newcomer, waste?

Moreover, none of the spiritual chefs in the sect’s canteen wouldn’t secretly take some ingredients back.

It's not that Xia Yulan doesn't know, it's just that she's too lazy to care.

Cao Meng then took out a scroll, handed it to Xia Yulan, and then said:

"Uncle Xia, this is a recipe for the fifth-grade spiritual meal that I picked up before - Spicy Soft Bone Rabbit Head!

I’m giving it to Master Uncle today, hoping it can help Master Xia become a fifth-level spiritual chef! "

This recipe was obtained as a reward from the system. Cao Meng felt that this recipe was of little use to him.

Because the ingredients inside are basically fifth-level elixirs, fifth-level spiritual fruits, and fifth-level monsters!

You must know that the strength of the fifth-level monster is comparable to that of a god-transforming monk.

Cao Meng felt that with his own financial resources and strength, he was not allowed to make a fifth-grade spiritual meal, so he simply gave the recipe to Xia Yulan.

Moreover, he had already memorized the recipe in his heart, so there was no loss in giving it to Xia Yulan.

"This is true!"

Xia Yulan looked at the recipe in her hand, and after thinking carefully for a while, she felt that there was a 90% probability that this recipe was true.

As for Cao Meng's saying that this fifth-grade recipe was picked up, Xia Yulan didn't believe it at all, after all, it was not a rotten cabbage that was rotting on the street!

But Xia Yulan didn't ask more, after all, everyone has their own secrets!

"Nephew Cao Meng, you are really great, you are really the lucky star of my uncle!"

Xia Yulan was so excited that she hugged Cao Meng into her arms.

Cao Meng was intoxicated for a while, and at the same time, he felt that this uncle was both rich and generous, and was really a qualified uncle.

After a while, Xia Yulan let go of Cao Meng and asked with a smile:

"Junior Brother Cao Meng, are you comfortable?"

When Xia Yulan asked this, Cao Meng came back to his senses, and was shocked. He quickly said:

"What do you mean by comfortable? Junior Brother doesn't understand!"

Although it was very comfortable, could he admit it?

Cao Meng was afraid that if he admitted it, the other party would slap him to death!

Xia Yulan smiled lightly and said:

"Junior Brother, do you really think that I, your uncle, am as easy to deal with as those little girls?"

Cao Meng was shocked. Did this woman do it on purpose?

This uncle is a goblin in a queen's skin!

She wouldn't be greedy for his body, right?

Just when Cao Meng was distracted, Xia Yulan had taken out a jade slip, and the scroll of the fifth-grade recipe was engraved on it, and then the original scroll was returned to Cao Meng.

It must be said that Xia Yulan really knew the rules.

She knew to return the original to Cao Meng, and she only left the engraved copy!

I just made a slight move and showed off my driving skills, but I was blocked and forced to make corrections. It’s so painful!

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