
Regarding Nangong Yan's excuse, Han Sijing sneered in her heart.

According to her knowledge, Nangong Yan is indeed majoring in formations, but her weapon refining skills are at least as good as a fifth-level weapon refiner!

"Uncle, it's okay. My refining furnace is resistant to explosions. You can fry it a few more times. The more you fry it, the more it will become rusty!"

Han Sijing did not expose Nangong Yan directly, because the facts would expose Nangong Yan.


"Master Nephew Han, I'm having a hard time using your refining furnace. It doesn't feel good at all!"

Sure enough, Nangong Yan exploded again. This time she found a new excuse to save her face.

At the same time, she also began to suspect that Cao Meng was playing some trick.

After all, under normal circumstances, she should not have failed in refining a first-class spiritual weapon, let alone failed so many times in a row.

Although Nangong Yan was already suspicious, she decided to try again.


But the result is still the same, it's still an explosion.

"Cao Meng, what trick did you play?"

This time when the furnace exploded, Nangong Yan stopped making excuses and immediately questioned Cao Meng.

She had blown up the furnace so many times in a row, and Han Sijing was also blowing up the furnace again and again. If Cao Meng hadn't played some trick, he wouldn't have believed it if he beat her to death.

"Master, Uncle Han, how about I refine it again and show it to you?"

After Cao Meng finished speaking, he began to refine the Immortal Questioning Machine himself. Nangong Yan and Han Sijing stared at Cao Meng.

But he found that the other party's actions were no different from before.

"The weapon comes out!"

With Cao Meng's voice, Wenxianji was born.

However, this piece of Wenxianji is four times the size of the ordinary Wenxianji.

"Uncle Han, I made this piece tailor-made for you!"

Cao Meng handed the enlarged version of the Wenxian Ji to Han Sijing. The normal size Wenxian Ji was too small for the opponent's eight-foot body.

Cao Meng felt that he had been teasing Han Sijing for so long even with food and drinks, so he should give her some compensation!

Han Sijing looked at the enlarged version of Wenxian Ji in her hand, her eyes suddenly turned red, and she asked with cold eyes:

"Cao Meng, what do you mean? Are you mocking and discriminating against me?"

Han Sijing hated it when others discriminated against her body. Now that Cao Meng gave her an enlarged version of the Immortal Questioning Machine, she felt that she was being treated differently and discriminated against.

At the moment when Han Sijing went crazy, Nangong Yan created a spiritual barrier to stop Han Sijing, and then directly carried Cao Meng and escaped from here.

The space in the main hall at the top of Suqin Peak was distorted, and Nangong Yan appeared carrying Cao Meng.

Nangong Yan threw Cao Meng to the ground and cursed:

"Little bastard, why are you deliberately provoking Han Sijing's Ni Lin for nothing? Are you tired of living?"

Nangong Yan felt that Cao Meng was just seeking death. He used to play tricks on Han Sijing when he was refining weapons, but now he deliberately touched the opponent's reverse scales. He was really a master at seeking death!


Cao Meng was confused. When did he go to tease Han Sijing? He just kindly gave her an enlarged version of the Immortal Questioning Machine!

Nangong Yan looked at Cao Meng's confused face, so she explained:

"Han Sijing hates people discussing her body size. If you gave her the enlarged version of Wenxianji, she felt that you were using things to describe people and mocking her body problems!"

After Nangong Yan explained clearly, she scolded:

"At the beginning, your master was also responsible for deliberately touching Han Sijing's reverse scales, and now you are touching her opponent's reverse scales again.

You two, master and disciple, can't be more at peace, less offending others, less intrusive in the nest! "

Nangong Yan felt that like a teacher, like a disciple, it turned out that the upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked!

Cao Meng felt that he was really wronged, and he really didn't mean it!

"Then what exactly is the Immortal Machine? Why does Han Sijing want the refining method so much?"

Nangong Yan only saw Cao Meng teaching Han Sijing how to refine the Immortal Asking Machine, but she didn't know the specific function of the Immortal Asking Machine.

She wanted to know the usefulness of a small first-class spiritual weapon that could be targeted by Han Sijing, a cultivator of spiritual transformation.

Cao Meng handed Nangong Yan a Wenxian machine, and then taught her how to use it.

It has to be said that the monk's understanding is higher than that of ordinary people, and he will be able to skillfully use the Immortal Questioning Machine in a short time.

After Nangong Yan was dragged into Su Qin Peak's group chat by Cao Meng, she quickly discovered a very important thing and said angrily:

"You little bastard, why are you the group leader of Suqin Peak?"

"You, the group leader, do I agree?"

Nangong Yan felt that she should be the right one. In terms of seniority and strength, Cao Meng was not qualified to be the leader of the group. Only she, Nangong Yan, was qualified to be the leader of the group.

This little bastard actually established the group behind his back as the master, and still became the leader of the group. He is really rebelling against Tiangang, and his intentions are to be punished!

Nangong Yan pushed Cao Meng to the ground and threatened fiercely:

"You are a rebel against Tiangang, please quickly transfer the position of group leader to me, otherwise don't blame me, the master, for beating you!"

Nangong Yan felt that today, with the reputation of being a big bully, she wanted to seize the position of group leader to defend the majesty of her master!

Under the threat of force from Nangong Yan, the fierce bandit master, Cao Meng had no choice but to transfer the position of group leader to the other party and become the administrator!

"You little bastard, why are there so many people in this group?"

Nangong Yan saw that there were six people in the group including herself, and she felt something was wrong. Shouldn't there be four?

"I picked up the master, the pink-furred fox was my mount and pet, and Qin Lin'er is the royal alchemy girl I kidnapped!"

Cao Meng felt that Nangong Yan had too much control, so he had no choice but to explain.

Nangong Yan found that her traitor, Concubine Duanmu, was not in the chat group, and cast a strange look at Cao Meng:

"You little bastard, you created this chat group behind the back of Concubine Duanmu's traitor. Are you thinking of seeking power and usurping the throne and replacing that traitor?"

Nangong Yan now doubts Cao Meng's original intention of establishing this chat group. After all, in the Demonic Sect, there are sometimes cases of bullying the master and destroying the ancestor!

"Master, don't spread rumors and slander me, or sow discord between me and Master!"

"I just developed this Immortal Machine in the past few days, and I haven't had time to send it to Master yet!"

Cao Meng felt that this matter must be explained clearly, otherwise if Nangong Yan continues to spread rumors, he will definitely be pinned down on the bed by the female devil and punished.

"Cao Meng, hand over the real refining method of this Wenxianji. The disrespect you showed me before, Master, I can treat as if it never happened!"

Others can see the huge market for Wenxianji, but why can't Nangong Yan see it?

The refining method of Wenxianji must be controlled by Hehuan Sect and controlled by Suqinfeng. As long as there is a refining method of Wenxianji, Suqinfeng may not be unable to remain the sect leader for a long time!

"Master, didn't I refine the Immortal Questioning Machine in front of you? Didn't you watch me successfully refine it with your own eyes?"

Cao Meng spread his hands and felt helpless. You must know that he has never hidden his clumsiness and has always been serious about acting - teaching them!

"How can this be?"

"If the refining method is true, why can't Han Sijing and I refine it and the furnace always explodes?"

"You little bastard, you will be lenient if you confess, but you will be lenient if you resist!"

Nangong Yan didn't believe Cao Meng's words at all. She firmly believed that Cao Meng must not have told the real refining method of Wenxianji! (End of chapter)

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