Cao Meng came back to his senses and suddenly thought of something, so he came to Xia Yulan to massage her shoulders and said with a smile:

"Uncle Xia, we are so good friends, how about you teach me the Jiesheng Jin?"

Cao Meng had forgotten about the Jiesheng Jin because of the pain in his waist caused by Duanmu Fei these days, and he just remembered it.

The female devil master spoke highly of the Jiesheng Jin technique, so Cao Meng was also very interested in it.

So he played the emotional card with Xia Yulan, wanting her to teach him.

"Cao Meng, you are really direct in speaking, you don't hide it at all!"

Xia Yulan rolled her eyes at Cao Meng, she didn't know why he had the nerve to say it directly.

Even if the other party wanted to learn his Jiesheng Jin, he should be polite and polite!

"Uncle, we are so good friends, there is no need to beat around the bush!"

Cao Meng was thick-skinned, facing Xia Yulan's ridicule, he didn't care at all.

Given their friendship, if they beat around the bush, wouldn't it make them seem like they are not close friends?


Xia Yulan sneered, and said with a half-smile:

"Cao Meng, do you want to learn Jie Sheng Jin?

As long as you sever your master-disciple relationship with Senior Sister Duanmu, and then worship me as your master, I will teach you Jie Sheng Jin, how about that?"

I agreed to teach Cao Meng Jie Sheng Jin, but it depends on whether he wants to learn it and whether he wants to seize the opportunity.

"I'm afraid of death!"

Cao Meng felt that Xia Yulan wanted to harm him. If he really wanted to break off the master-disciple relationship with Concubine Duanmu for a set of skills.

With Concubine Duanmu's devilish temperament, she might slap him to death in anger.

Or maybe that devilish woman would directly treat him as a furnace to absorb yang and replenish yin.

At that time, the devilish woman's master would not only absorb a little yang from him, but his cultivation and blood essence would probably be absorbed, and he would be absorbed to death!

As for Xia Yulan's protection, Cao Meng didn't believe it at all.

If Xia Yulan's strength was really not afraid of Duanmu Fei, Xia Yulan would at least be a peak master, not a hall master!

"Forget it!"

"Since you don't want to worship me as your master, why should I sacrifice my cultivation for an outsider like you and teach you "Jie Sheng Jin"? "

Xia Yulan felt that she gave Cao Meng the opportunity to learn "Jie Sheng Jin" because he didn't want it, so she couldn't blame herself.

"Uncle, will you sacrifice your cultivation by teaching me "Jie Sheng Jin"?

In this case, I won't learn it!"

At this point, Cao Meng also understood that Xia Yulan's request was to make things difficult for him from the beginning, and she didn't want to teach him Jie Sheng Jin.

However, what Cao Meng didn't expect was that Xia Yulan would actually sacrifice her cultivation when she taught him Jie Sheng Jin.

Although he and Xia Yulan had a good relationship, it was not enough to let her, a Divine Transformation cultivator, sacrifice her cultivation to teach him his skills.

However, Cao Meng was a little curious about what kind of skills Jie Sheng Jin was, which was so weird.

"Cao Meng, you still have some conscience!"

Xia Yulan felt a little warm in her heart when she heard Cao Meng say that he gave up learning Jiesheng Jin.

"Cao Meng, Jiesheng Jin is not as simple as Senior Sister Duanmu and you think. Jiesheng Jin is a skill, but it is not a skill.

You can't master Jiesheng Jin now. When you reach the Nascent Soul stage, if you perform well, I, your uncle, will consider teaching you Jiesheng Jin."

Xia Yulan saw Cao Meng's curiosity about Jiesheng Jin, so she told him some secrets of Jiesheng Jin and also made a promise!

!!! !!!

After hearing what Xia Yulan said, Cao Meng was shocked.

Jiesheng Jin is a skill, but it is not a skill. So what is it?

Is it an object?

When Cao Meng was in a trance, Xia Yulan waved her sleeves lightly, and the scene of the hall in the cafeteria appeared in the private room.

In the canteen hall, disciples were coming and going, but 99% of the female disciples were not here to eat spiritual food, but to buy Zhiyang Pearls.

After buying the Zhiyang Pearls, they turned around and left without stopping, and never thought of buying spiritual food in the canteen.

"Cao Meng, you said that I have brought the Zhiyang Pearls to the canteen to sell, attracting a large number of people, why is the canteen's business not good?"

Xia Yulan was very tired. Since she contracted the sales rights of the Zhiyang Pearls, under her operation, the Zhiyang Pearls did bring traffic to the canteen.

But it only brought traffic, and did not drive the canteen's spiritual food turnover!

As a result, the canteen's spiritual food business is still the same as before.

Cao Meng listened to Xia Yulan's complaints and said unhappily:

"Uncle Master, look at the hands of those stewards who serve the dishes. They are shaking all the time. It takes decades of practice to master this skill!"

"Let's not talk about the taste. With this amount of food, the spiritual food business in the canteen must be bad!"

Why did Cao Meng have to scoop the dishes himself before? It was because the stewards' hands were shaking too much.

And Cao Meng felt that the spiritual food in the canteen tasted a bit ordinary, not as good as the taste of Bai Yuexuan.

If the canteen could eat and drink for free without paying spiritual stones, Cao Meng would not come to the canteen.

Xia Yulan punched Cao Meng's head directly. She asked him to help her come up with ideas, but she didn't ask him to stab her in the back.

After Xia Yulan gave Cao Meng a meal, she said helplessly:

"Cao Meng, you have never run a canteen, you don't know the pain!"

"There are more than a hundred spiritual food shops in the four cities that protect the sect, and they are all competing with the canteen for business.

And there are so many elders, deacons, and spiritual chefs to support in the cafeteria, so we can only..."

As the general person in charge of the canteen and the head of the canteen, Xia Yulan naturally knows the situation in the canteen.

The hands of the butler serving food in the cafeteria are shaking, and the use of special tableware can be said to be authorized by her.

Xia Yulan also knew that this was not good, but she had no choice but to do this.

The system that had not been online for many days suddenly came online:

"Dip, according to the special situation faced by the host, select the task rewards:

Option one, help Xia Yulan revitalize the canteen, task reward: a random mysterious reward!

Option two, don’t care about anything, it’s none of your business, just hang up! Mission reward: A random fourth-level low-grade spiritual weapon! "

Cao Meng looked at the two options given by the system, and he began to consider the pros and cons.

The rewards for option one are too random, there is no guarantee at all, and the probability of being cheated is very high.

Although the reward for option two is somewhat random, it is guaranteed to be at least a fourth-level low-grade spiritual weapon, but the type cannot be determined.

Now Cao Meng is a little hesitant. Should he take a big gamble or choose a guaranteed one?

"Tongzi, let me choose one!"

After thinking for a moment, Cao Meng chose option one.

Cao Meng wanted to make a big bet, and at the same time, for the sake of his friendship with Xia Yulan, he wanted to help this woman.

And then even if you lose the bet in the system, you won't get anything good.

As long as you help Xia Yulan break the situation, you can also ask this woman for some benefits.

"Hey, option rewards are distributed!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the second-level spiritual drink five-color glass pearl milk tea recipe, as well as the absolute authority for the five-color glass pearl milk tea!"

After Cao Meng checked the system rewards, he felt that the rewards were not bad.

The second-level spiritual drink colorful glass pearl milk tea formula has limited value, but the value of that absolute authority is unimaginable!

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