Although the two of them were in a state of panic, they still had a lot of problems.

Gu Nian may have forgotten that she didn't come here today to take care of these autistic children.

Instead, she wanted to show her face in front of the TV.

So as to regain the lost good impression from Wu Yuancheng and return to the Magic City Central Hospital.

Zhao Bo and Wang Dazhu looked at each other.

"Are you sick?" Wang Dazhu glared at Gu Nian fiercely,

"Look, you are also wearing a volunteer badge, why didn't we see you when we were busy? I think you are the one who wants to show up on TV!"

Zhao Bo was also very angry, "You said you are pretty, why are you so mean? Who do you think you are? Why are you asking us to get out?"

"We have been busy for more than two hours, what's wrong with chatting?!"

The two of them came to the lawn garden early.

When the autistic children came, the two of them were busy, handing over small gifts, playing games with these autistic children, and chatting.

They were sweating all over their bodies, and now Gu Nian appeared.

They started to blame and scold them, and the two of them felt very upset!


Gu Nian seemed to be stabbed in the lungs, especially Zhao Bo's words, which hit her heart directly, right to the point!

She really wanted to show her face on TV.

Ever since she said something that made Wu Yuancheng very angry in the hospital last time.

As the top professor of Magic City Central Hospital and Gu Nian's master, Wu Yuancheng asked Gu Nian to reflect at home indefinitely.

Of course, with the financial resources, connections and resources of the Gu family.

It is not difficult to let Gu Nian work in other hospitals.

It's just that the level is much lower than that of Magic City Central Hospital.

You know, a respected medical predecessor like Wu Yuancheng has been in touch with those big hospitals.

And those big hospitals don't care about the little benefits of the Gu family at all.

On the contrary, Wu Yuancheng has been practicing medicine for several years. Although he is not as good as Chen Guoping, he has treated many people and his connections are not worse than the Gu family!

Gu Nian knows that if Wu Yuancheng doesn't forgive her.

I'm afraid she will never be able to enter other big hospitals in the future!

"I didn't know you had been busy for so long."

Gu Nian suddenly felt like a thorn in his back.

Damn, these two guys are so loud that they attract the attention of the people around them!


"Apart from the facts, you two did nothing wrong?!"

"Wouldn't you two have explained it to me earlier?!"

Zhao Bo, Wang Dazhu; "???"

The two looked at each other, confused.

"Okay, it's just a little misunderstanding, everyone stop watching."

Gu Jiao had no choice but to wave to the people watching around;

"Sorry, sorry, please help comfort the children, I'm afraid I scared them just now."

The people watching, after hearing what Gu Jiao said, turned their attention back to the autistic children.

"Fifth sister, please pay attention to the impact, okay?"

Gu Jiaoxiao ran over, grabbed Gu Nian's arm and said; "You will cause trouble for my elder sister if you do this!"

"Didn't I lose control for a moment?"

Gu Nian felt wronged, "If it weren't for these two country folks who mentioned Gu Zike just now, I wouldn't bother to talk to them!"

As she said this, she deliberately covered her nose and looked at Zhao Bo and Wang Dazhu with disgust.

Now she felt sick when she heard Gu Zike's name!

It was the kind of sickness that came from the bones, making her sick...

Originally, she saw that Gu Zike's room was dark and cramped.

Mother Sun Liping had never asked about this phenomenon, and even from the beginning, she and father Gu Shanhe decided to let Gu Zike stay in that small room.

Even those boxes of figures, Gu Zike never got one!

But last night, she thought a lot.

Gu Zike deserved to be treated like this!

His father and mother are indeed farsighted people!

This is how you should treat someone with dirty hands and feet!

"Are you seriously ill? You have a few stinky money, right?!"

Zhao Bo wanted to punch Gu Nian for her attitude.

But when he thought that if he was blackmailed, his life would be over, he had to endure it and clenched his fists tightly.

Wang Dazhu was also furious

"Look at you, you look down on others!"

"You're still wearing makeup, look at your face, this... what's it called?"

"Yes, the powder! Look at the layer on your face, it's thicker than the brick wall in my hometown."

Gu Nian bit her little silver teeth, "You!"

"You're thick-skinned!"

"I don't think you two should stay in Jian'an City anymore!"

"Fifth sister, have you forgotten what I just said to you?" Gu Jiao pulled Gu Nian behind her, "I'm really sorry for you two."

"I apologize to you two on her behalf."

Zhao Bo and Wang Dazhu all looked at Gu Jiao.

Wang Dazhu: "You're still good at talking."

Zhao Bo: "Take care of your crazy sister!"

After that, the two didn't want to entangle anymore, so they turned around and left.

However, at this moment, Gu Jiao stopped them, "Wait a minute, I'd like to ask, do you two know Gu Zike?"

Now her own brother has a lot of opinions about her.

Gu Jiao still hoped that Gu Zike would forgive her.

From the current situation, Gu Zike's attitude has made it clear. If they break off the relationship, they will not go back to the past!


When Gu Jiao heard Gu Zike's name from Zhao Bo and Wang Dazhu, she couldn't help asking.

What if the Gu Zike they were talking about was her own brother?

It seems that these two people are not rich.

They both wore a pair of green rubber shoes, and one of them had a small hole in one of their rubber shoes.

Why not help them? Maybe I can get some impression points from Gu Zike.

The two stopped when they heard the voice.

Zhao Bo nodded, "I know him. We used to play hide-and-seek in the village."

Wang Dazhu echoed, "Not only that, the three of us have saved people before!"

"Fourth sister, why are you talking so much nonsense with them?" Gu Nian was still angry.

You two just wait, there will be no place for you two poor guys in Jian'an City in the future!

"Fourth sister, the TV station is coming soon, don't bother with people like them, even if they know Gu Zike, it can only prove one thing."

"They are all bad guys!"

"Birds of a feather flock together!"

Gu Jiao really can't stand her, "Can't you calm down?"

"What if the three of them saved you, what will you do then?!"



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