If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 12 It’s not difficult at all!

[Top Charm: 1/99]

[Top Charm: 2/99]

[Top Charm: 3/99]

Soon after he left, a virtual panel popped up in front of Su Chen.

"Do all the junior sisters like to brag so much?"

Su Chen looked at the virtual panel in front of him and muttered to himself.

He knew without thinking that the one who boasted about her charm must be the junior sister and her several fellow junior sisters who had a good relationship with her.

Although she didn't brag about her strength.

But if she really had top charm, it would still be a little helpful for Su Chen, at least it would make it easier for him to gain the trust of others.

Su Chen retracted his gaze, hid the virtual panel, and began to wander around the outer disciples' area.

As soon as he appeared, many junior brothers and sisters came to him to ask him some questions about cultivation.

Su Chen's strength has reached the ninth level of Qi Gathering, and he has entered the forbidden realm. Looking at the entire outer sect, no one is his opponent.

If an outer sect disciple can break through the Qi Sea Realm before the age of 20, he can directly enter the inner sect and be promoted to an inner sect disciple.

Of course, you can also choose to take the outer sect test and be promoted to inner sect disciples.

If you fail to pass the outer sect test before the age of 25 and fail to break through to the Qi Sea Realm, you will be sent by the sect to some sect industries to help the sect manage the industry.

Most of those who come to ask Su Chen for advice are junior brothers and sisters in the third and fourth levels of the Qi Condensation Realm.

Su Chen's talent is good, and it is easy for him to guide these junior brothers and sisters.

The outer sect disciples of Taixuan Sect are all taught by the outer sect elders, and they are generally given only half an hour to answer their questions.


There are many outer sect disciples in Taixuan Sect, and the elders cannot take care of everyone.

Therefore, individual guidance is very precious to them.

Some junior brothers and sisters who have no chance to be guided by the outer sect elders will ask for help from some senior brothers and sisters.

But not every senior brother and sister is like Su Chen, willing to guide them.

Many times, they will return disappointed.

Even if they can meet enthusiastic senior brothers and sisters for guidance, the other party will secretly hide a hand.

For two consecutive days, Su Chen walked around the area where the outer disciples lived to help them solve their doubts.

Half a day passed, and more and more junior brothers and sisters came to see him.

There were even many junior sisters who came simply for Su Chen's appearance, and they had a great liking for him at the first sight of him.

After witnessing Su Chen's calmness, elegance and easy-goingness, these junior brothers and sisters felt that he was full of charm.

On the third day, Su Chen didn't know how many people had become his fans.

His top charm made it easy for him to gain others' favor and trust.

Especially those junior brothers and sisters who had been instructed by him. Their favor and trust in him had completely turned into worship!

Among them, He Jing, the little junior sister that Su Chen instructed for the first time, became his number one fan girl.

She later asked Su Chen two more questions about cultivation, both of which were perfectly solved by Su Chen.

Her gratitude and admiration for Su Chen in her heart seemed to have developed into a fanatical believer.

And Cao Yun became Su Chen's brain fan brother.

In the past few days, Su Chen finally confirmed that the person who boasted about his entry into the forbidden realm was Cao Yun.

Moreover, Su Chen also found that Cao Yun was a brain-stuffing freak!

The extremely crazy brain-stuffing freak!

Just yesterday.

Su Chen was instructing a junior brother in front of a large group of fans.

Cao Yun happened to pass by, and after seeing Su Chen, he frantically asked him if he wanted to participate in the outer sect trial.

Su Chen nodded, indicating affirmation.


Cao Yun began to brag wildly in his brain.

"Since Senior Brother Su Chen has decided to participate in the outer sect trial, he must be 100% sure."

"Then this outer sect trial is not difficult for Senior Brother Su Chen at all!"

In Cao Yun's brain, Su Chen has already entered the forbidden realm in the Qi Jue realm, and his strength is comparable to that of a Qi Hai realm strongman. This outer sect trial is simply a piece of cake.

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