If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 13: Brain-filling maniac, the trial begins!

On the third day, Su Chen didn't know how many people had become his fans.

His top charm made it easy for him to gain the favor and trust of others.

Especially those junior brothers and sisters who had been instructed by him. Their favor and trust in him had completely turned into admiration!

Among them, He Jing, the junior sister that Su Chen instructed for the first time, became his number one fan.

She later asked Su Chen about two problems in cultivation, both of which were perfectly solved by Su Chen.

Her gratitude and admiration for Su Chen seemed to have developed into a fanatical believer.

And Cao Yun became Su Chen's brain fan.

In the past few days, Su Chen finally confirmed that the person who boasted about his entry into the forbidden realm was Cao Yun.

Moreover, Su Chen also discovered that Cao Yun was a brain-filled monster!

An extremely crazy brain-filled monster!

Just yesterday.

Su Chen instructed a junior brother in front of a large group of fans.

Cao Yun happened to pass by and asked Su Chen frantically if he wanted to participate in the outer sect trial after seeing him.

Su Chen nodded in affirmation.


Cao Yun began to brag wildly in his mind.

"Since Senior Brother Su Chen has decided to participate in the outer sect trial, he must be 100% sure."

"Then this outer sect trial is not difficult at all for Senior Brother Su Chen!"

In Cao Yun's mind, Su Chen has already entered the forbidden realm in the Qi Condensation Realm, and his strength is comparable to that of a Qi Sea Realm expert. This outer sect trial is simply a piece of cake.


The next day, early in the morning.

The outer sect of Taixuan Sect is particularly lively today.

The outer sect trial, which is held once a month, starts today.

Every time the outer sect trial starts, it attracts many people to watch.

In addition to the large number of outer sect disciples, sometimes you can even see several outer sect elders and inner sect disciples.

Su Chen woke up from his practice, washed up simply, and walked out of the thatched hut.

In the past three days, he has planted the seeds of goodwill and trust in the hearts of many outer sect disciples.

Now it is finally time to harvest!

"I don't know how much I can harvest this time."

Looking at the sun that had just risen in the sky, Su Chen murmured to himself in a low voice.

He was not sure how much he could gain this time, but as long as there were people like Cao Yun and He Jing, he would definitely be able to improve.

Especially Cao Yun, who was a crazy brain, might be able to give him some surprises.

Thinking of this, Su Chen's mood suddenly improved.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, Su Chen walked towards the Trial Peak in the outer gate area.

In fact, the Trial Peak is not a mountain, but rather a large-scale artificial martial arts field.

Rumor has it that the Trial Peak was flattened by the founder of the Taixuan Sect with a sword, and then the mountain was punched into a depression.

In the center of the bottom of the mountain, there are three formations.

The formation covers the three levels of cultivation, actual combat and talent in the outer gate trial.

The inner wall of the mountain is a series of stairs cut out by a long sword, which can easily accommodate tens of thousands of people!

A straight and steep bluestone staircase extends from the foot of the Trial Peak to the top of the mountain, leading directly to the inside of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain.

The mountain gate that was usually closed has also been opened, and the dense crowd extends up along the stairs.

The outer gate trial has not yet started, but the top of the mountain is already crowded.

"I heard that there are several tough guys among those participating in the outer gate trial this time!"

"I heard that Senior Brother Liu Yang, Senior Brother Lu Zhen and Senior Sister Mu Qingxue will all participate in this outer gate trial."

"What? Senior Brother Liu Yang is also going to participate in the outer gate trial today? This outer gate trial is probably the most exciting one in recent years!"

"Don't forget Senior Brother Su Chen!"

"Senior Brother Su Chen? Which Senior Brother Su Chen?"

"Of course it's the Senior Brother Su Chen that everyone likes!"

"Him? He is participating in a lonely outer gate trial with his seventh-level strength!"

"Hehe, that's because you haven't been in the sect these days, and you didn't know that Senior Brother Su Chen has entered the forbidden realm."

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