If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 14 A recognized genius, so terrifying!

"The outer sect trial has officially begun!"

“Enter one by one according to registration order!”

One of the elders looked at the many outer disciples and announced loudly.

His voice rippled with the waves of spiritual power, and the originally noisy crowd fell silent instantly.

Excitement appeared on the faces of many disciples.

There were no particularly impressive disciples in the outer sect trials in the past few months.

But this time there were Liu Yang, Lu Zhen, Mu Qingxue and Su Chen, and many disciples wanted to see how these outer sect legends performed.

"First place, Liu Yang!"

The elder in charge of the test looked at the registration form and called out the first name.

When the monitoring elder called out this name, many of the outer disciples who were watching fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, an uproar broke out.

"It's coming, it's finally coming!"

"The show has begun, Senior Brother Liu Yang finally appears!"

"Hahaha, guess how long Senior Brother Liu Yang can hold out under the siege of puppets?"

"How long will it last? You should ask him how long it will take to defeat those puppets!"

"No more than a quarter of an hour, I guess!"

"A quarter of an hour? No more than a cup of tea, I guess!"


With the appearance of Liu Yang, the atmosphere in the field suddenly reached its peak.

As one of the few recognized geniuses in the outer sect, Liu Yang is still very famous among the outer sect disciples.



The crystal ball emits rich light.

Liu Yang, who was standing in front of the stone pillar, slowly retracted his palm, and the rich light disappeared.

"He is indeed one of the great geniuses recognized by the outer sect. He is indeed so terrifying!"

"This light is stronger than anyone else before!"

"The stronger your cultivation level, the more intense the light emitted by the crystal ball will naturally be."

"Senior Brother Liu Yang should be able to break into the Qi Sea Realm at any time, right? I guess the reason why he participated in the outer sect trial is for the skills and martial arts on the mysterious stone tablet."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Among the recognized geniuses of the outer sect, which one of them is participating in the outer sect trial this time, is it not for the martial arts and martial arts on the mysterious stone tablet?"

"When will I be qualified to participate in the outer sect trial..."

The many outer disciples who were watching looked at Liu Yang below and started talking.

The crystal ball was refined by Taixuanzong through his special technique.

It is only aimed at monks at the ninth level of Qi Gathering. The stronger the cultivation level, the richer the light emitted by the crystal ball will be.

Judging from the light released by Liu Yang when he activated the crystal ball, his cultivation level surpassed that of many disciples tested before!

"It is indeed very powerful, but compared with senior brother Su Chen, it is still far behind."

Watching the light of the crystal ball disappear, He Jing said silently in her heart.

She had been listening to the discussions in the crowd and found that although everyone was marveling at Liu Yang's strong cultivation, they all said that he had not entered the forbidden realm in the Qi Gathering Realm.

Liu Yang, who had not entered the forbidden realm, activated the crystal ball and the light emitted was so intense.

Then how much richer will the light emitted by Senior Brother Su Chen when he activates the crystal ball be?

He Jing was very curious and excited at the same time, wanting to see Su Chen play soon.

There are many people who think the same as her.

Everyone is looking forward to Su Chen's appearance.

Liu Yang quickly defeated the puppet in the second level and reached the third level.

His talent and qualifications were of the highest quality, which caused a stir.

But he could only comprehend one yellow-level high-grade martial arts, which seemed a bit sparse and ordinary.


It's Lu Zhen's turn!

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