If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 15 How can I be compared with Senior Brother Su Chen!

Soon, all the thirty puppets in the formation lost their combat effectiveness under Lu Zhen's attack.

It took less than a cup of tea, half the time of Liu Yang!

And his breath was only a little hurried, and his expression was very calm.

"Brother Lu Zhen is really strong!"

"It took half the time of Brother Liu Yang!"

"Haha, this is the strength of the current No. 1 in the outer sect!"

"Yes, the No. 1 in the outer sect!"

Soon someone shouted in the field, excited.

These people are all firm supporters of Lu Zhen.

The stronger Lu Zhen showed, the brighter their faces were.

Although Lu Zhen probably didn't know them.

"No. 1? Haha, it seems a bit too early to say that now, right?"

Looking at those extremely excited outer sect disciples, Cao Yun sneered and attacked.

"Where did you come from?"

"The No. 1 is not Brother Lu Zhen, is it you?"

A supporter of Lu Zhen heard the words, his face surged with anger, and he shouted.

"Brother Su hasn't even come on stage yet, and you dare to say that Lu Zhen is the number one in the outer sect?"

Cao Yun said calmly.

Lu Zhen was called the number one in the outer sect by other outer sect disciples, and Cao Yun was the first to disagree!

He dared to call himself the number one without even setting foot in the forbidden realm. Did he think that Brother Su Chen was a decoration? !

"Brother Su?"

"Hehe, are you talking about Su Chen?"

"I don't deny Su Chen's charm, but charm is charm after all, and it has nothing to do with strength!"

The outer sect disciple who supported Lu Zhen sneered.

"Brother Lu Zhen could have broken through the Qi Hai realm a long time ago, but he has been deliberately suppressing it in order to comprehend the mysterious stone tablet. As long as he wants, he can break through at any time!"

"That's right! Brother Lu Zhen has cultivated the upper-grade yellow-level Phantom Moon to the great success stage! There are also several yellow-level middle-grade martial arts that are also in the great success stage. If this strength is not the first, who is the first?"

Other outer sect disciples who supported Lu Zhen also spoke up to defend him.

"You don't think that only Lu Zhen participated in the outer sect trial for the mysterious stele?"

"Brother Su Chen can also break through the Qi Sea Realm at any time! The deliberate suppression now is just the restriction of the rules of the outer sect trial that can only maintain the ninth level of Qi Condensation!"

Face the many outer sect disciples who support Lu Zhen, Cao Yun is not afraid at all, and speaks back.

The probability of breaking through the Qi Sea Realm when entering the legendary forbidden realm in the Qi Condensation Realm is 100%!

Even people like Lu Zhen who have not entered the forbidden realm can break through the Qi Sea Realm at any time, so why can't Brother Su Chen who has entered the forbidden realm? !

[Break through the Qi Sea Realm at any time: 1/150]

[Break through the Qi Sea Realm at any time: 2/150]


Su Chen, who was originally watching Lu Zhen preparing to test his talent, suddenly had a virtual panel pop up.

Seeing the characters on the virtual panel, Su Chen couldn't help but smile.

He knew. From this moment on, his 'fans' will begin to show their true 'combat power';

"That's right!"

"It's just about breaking through the Qi Hai realm at any time. Do you think your Senior Brother Lu Zhen is the only one who can do it?"

Just then.

A girl with a slightly immature face came over here with a large group of outer disciples.

He Jing actually noticed the quarrel here from the beginning.

She was also very dissatisfied with others calling Lu Zhen the current number one in the outer sect.

If he hasn't even entered the forbidden realm, how can he be called the number one in the outer sect!

How can he be compared with Senior Brother Su Chen?

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