If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 300: Deep inside the Demon Slaying Platform, Qin Ziteng has a bad premonition!

Su Chen's words made these dark creatures feel a chill to their bones.

It is true that they covet the spiritual stones in this world and the creatures of all races.

But why don't the creatures in this world covet the black blood stone in their hands?

"Su Chen!"

"What are you going to do?!"

"Don't come over here!"

A dark creature spoke.

He already knew Su Chen's name during the conversation between Su Chen and everyone.


"I just want to know where the passage for you to cross the border is."

Su Chen looked calm and said.


He just finished speaking.

The dark creature then spoke in a deep voice:


"Even if you kill us, you will never know where the passage is!"


"Do you think I'm asking you?"

Su Chen sneered, his eyes full of mockery, he glanced at them casually and said:

"Dragon Dance, search for souls!"

"I would like to see where their passage comes from!"

have to say.

Dark creatures are too incomprehensible among creatures of the same level!

Not only are they physically strong, they can also rise from the dead.

What's even more incredible is that.

Their bodies can also resist the invasion of spirits.

Su Chen's current spiritual consciousness strength is not weak at the same level.

But it is still a bit difficult to deal with dark creatures.

Only by letting Long Wu take action can we ensure that nothing goes wrong!


"you dare!"

The dark creature headed by it suddenly shrank its pupils.

He couldn't help but take half a step back, his face full of fear.

in their eyes.

The creatures in this world have too many weird methods.

Soul Searching is one of them!


Long Wu snorted coldly.

The words fell.

She tapped her finger lightly, and a divine light flew out.

In an instant.

The body of the dark creature began to disintegrate, and the only remaining head was caught by Long Wu.


The majestic power of divine consciousness unfolds.

The sea of ​​consciousness of this dark creature was roughly browsed by Long Wu.

It didn't take long for her to know everything she wanted to know.


Long Wu's five fingers came together slightly.

The head of the dark creature in her hand was instantly crushed to pieces.

When the other party wanted to be reborn, Long Wu fired another divine fire into it.

The divine fire spread and enveloped all the remaining dark creatures.

They were instantly reduced to ashes.

Facing the methods of a strong person in the Saint King Realm, even if they have the means to resurrect, they are simply unable to resist.

The strength gap between the two sides is really too big!

It's like an ant facing the Nine Heavens Divine Dragon.

Just one breath from Shenlong is enough to kill the ants thousands of times.

"Master, found!"

Long Wu held several storage rings in his hand and brought them to Su Chen, and spoke respectfully.


When Su Chen heard this, he raised his eyebrows and took the storage ring into his hand.

Now he has so many storage rings that he can't even wear them anymore. He can only store them temporarily and check them later.

Even he doesn't know how many good things he gained from entering the Demon Killing Platform this time.

After putting away the storage ring, Su Chen asked:

"Where is the passage they used to cross the border?"

"Ten thousand miles west from where we are is the passage through which they cross the border..."

Long Wu looked solemn and said.

The place where they are now can only be regarded as the periphery of the Demon Killing Platform.

But even the dangers encountered here are not small, and they can even encounter the obsession of dark creatures that fell in the past.

If you continue to go deeper, you may encounter something terrifying!

after all.

To some extent.

The Demon-Slaying Platform is also a very terrifying forbidden place.

At its core, there is a powerful person who is no less powerful than a quasi-emperor or even a great emperor.

Only relying on a strong man in the Saint King realm to go deep into the Demon Slaying Platform...

That is no different from seeking death.

"Master, do we still want to go there?"

Long Wu said with worry on his face.


"Why not?"

Su Chen smiled slightly and asked rhetorically.

Although the Demon-Slaying Platform is extremely dangerous.

But now that you're here, there's no reason to leave.

Su Chen himself was also very curious.

What kind of existence is there in the depths of the Demon-Slaying Platform?

The key is.

There may be traces of black blood stones deep in the Demon Slaying Platform.

And he happened to be short of black blood stone in his hand.

There are almost low-grade black blood stones appearing on the periphery.

His gut told him so.

There may be middle-grade or even high-grade things deep within the Demon-Slaying Platform...

There is even the existence of the best black blood stone!

Think of this.

Su Chen couldn't help but feel a little excited.


"I will go with the master!"

Long Wu smiled when he heard this.

She didn't ask why.

Because she only knew that as long as Su Chen said it, it must be right.

The two of them went deep into the Demon Slaying Platform side by side.

Soon their figures disappeared into the black mist.


Donghuang, in the Qin family.

In a majestic hall, a man in a black robe stood with his hands behind his back, looking into the void.

A terrifying pressure emanated from him, causing the entire void around him to distort.

Endless divine light enveloped him, as if thousands of ways were added to him.

Although he was motionless, he was like an ancient sacred mountain suppressing the world.

His face was full of majesty without anger, and the laws of the great way appeared faintly between his black eyes.

"I don't know how the fellow Taoists of the Qin family have arranged it..."

The man in the black robe murmured in a low voice, with a flash of heat in his eyes.

This person was none other than the patriarch of the Qin family, Qin Ziteng!

The cold wind blew, blowing Qin Ziteng's robe.

Qin Ziteng's sleeves fluttered, and he had a little more solemnity on his body.

A dark force of extreme yin permeated from his body, chilling him to the bone.

This is an extremely dark force, the most original energy of darkness.

This energy comes from the legendary Shadowless Palace.

It is said that this is a technique practiced by the creatures in the fairyland, which is very terrifying.

In terms of power...

This technique can even be compared with the emperor realm!

In theory.

Qin Ziteng cannot practice this technique.

Because this technique is the secret of the Shadowless Palace, only the core disciples of the Shadowless Palace are qualified to practice it.

But there is no way, who made him have a good son named Qin Yuan?

Qin Yuan is the most brilliant genius of the Shadowless Palace, which is why he has such an honor.

Before he becomes a saint, he can practice the techniques of the Shadowless Palace at will.

With this technique, his foundation has reached an extremely terrifying level, and he can take the last step at any time and become a saint on the spot.

"With the saints of my clan and the saints of the spirit clan working together, this time it should be a foolproof situation."

Qin Ziteng looked at the sky and whispered to himself.

But his brows were still furrowed, and a feeling of uneasiness rose in his heart:

"But for some reason, I always have a bad feeling in my heart..."

The first update is here!

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