If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 301: Encountered an accident and all died!

The stronger the practitioner, the keener his intuition.

Anyone who has cultivated to the level of the Great Emperor can threaten him, as long as he shows a little murderous intention, no matter how far apart they are.

As long as two people are in the same realm, they will feel connected.

As for the existence that is stronger than the Great Emperor Realm.

It is said.

The powerful ones in the True Fairy Realm can't even call them by their first names.

As long as they are called by their first names, even if they are separated by a boundary, the other party will be able to sense it.

Although he, Qin Ziteng, is not a strong man in the True Immortal Realm.

Not even a strong person in the Great Emperor realm.


He is not even a strong man in the saint realm now.

But he trusted his instincts immensely.

Because he knows that only his intuition will not lie to others.

Since they have this bad premonition, it means that there must be something wrong with them!


For a moment, he couldn't confirm exactly where the problem was.

"Although Su Chen is gifted by Heaven, he is only in the quasi-saint realm now..."

"No matter how powerful his combat power is, he should not be a threat to the two saints."

"But since it's not Su Chen, then..."

Think of this.

Qin Ziteng's eyes narrowed, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he looked a little frightened, and said:

"Could it be..."

"Did something happen inside the Demon Killing Platform?"

It was a very dangerous decision for them to ambush Su Chen in the Demon Killing Platform.

Because no one can guarantee whether Su Chen will come first or the great terror in the Demon-Slaying Platform will come first.

just in case……

If Su Chen hadn't come yet, those two saints would have provoked the great terror in the Demon-Slaying Platform...

The Qin family and the Ling clan would have suffered heavy losses.

Just when Qin Ziteng was hesitating whether to report this matter to the powerful quasi-emperor of the Qin family.

A figure broke through the void and flew over at great speed.

This is an elder of their Qin family, who is at the pinnacle of the quasi-saint realm and is in charge of the soul jade tablet of their Qin family.

Normally, he wouldn't be in such a hurry.

but now.

He looked horrified, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

Seeing him like this, Qin Ziteng felt more and more uneasy.


"Clan leader, something serious has happened!"

As soon as the Qin family elder came to the door of the hall, he spoke urgently, his tone full of panic.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Ziteng suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and asked in a deep voice.

"Clan... clan leader."

"Right in front of half a stick of incense, there are the soul jade tablets of a saint from my Qin family and several quasi-saint realm experts from the Qin family..."

"Broken... Broken!"

The elder of the Qin family said with a pale face.

He couldn't believe that the soul jade tablet of the Saint Realm would be broken...


It also shattered the soul jade tablets of several quasi-sacred realm experts.

Within a thousand years...

This rarely happens anymore.

Within a few thousand, there were very few quasi-saint realm experts who had fallen from the Qin family.

Even he himself couldn't even remember when the last strong man in the saint realm died outside.

In general.

The saint-level masters of their Qin family will only die while sitting and will not die outside.

This is the first time he has seen this situation in the thousands of years he has been guarding the Soul Jade Tablet.

The Qin family has a profound foundation, and no force dares to take action against a member of the Qin family, let alone a strong man in the saint realm.


A strong man in the saint realm and several strong men in the quasi-saint realm all had their soul jade tablets shattered at the same time.

This is a big deal.

This meant that someone was secretly killing them all in an instant.


Even the strong men in the saint realm have no way to escape.

"It's all broken..."

Qin Ziteng looked stunned and said with disbelief.

"They were all broken at the same time..."

The elder of the Qin family said with a bitter look on his face.

At first.

He didn't know about the Qin family and the Ling clan joining forces to deal with Su Chen.

Now that a strong man in the saint realm has fallen, he only feels that a powerful enemy is liquidating the Qin family.

And that saint...

His instinct told him that this was just the beginning.


Qin Ziteng looked complicated.

He had already guessed that the death of the saint of their Qin family might be related to the great terror in the Demon-Slaying Platform.

But I didn't expect that this thing really happened.

A saint and several quasi-saint realm experts all fell. Even if their Qin family had a great business, they could not afford such losses.

As for whether the fall of the Qin family saint had something to do with Su Chen, he had never thought about it.

In his opinion.

Su Chen should still be on his way to the Demon-Slaying Platform.

And even if Su Chen reaches the Demon-Slaying Platform, with his quasi-saint-level strength, how can he be a match for two strong men in the saint-level?

"Clan leader?"

The elder looked at the head of his family strangely.

His gut told him so.

The clan leader may know something.

But he didn't dare ask.


Qin Ziteng waved his hands, unwilling to say more.

after all.

The two powerful forces joined forces with several other powerful forces to deal with Su Chen, but they fell before they even saw Su Chen.

This kind of thing is not a glorious thing.

If word spreads, it will be a huge blow to the reputation of their Qin family and the reputations of other forces.

Qin Ziteng didn't want to reveal this kind of thing, even if the other person was an elder of his Qin family.

"Is there any news from the Elf clan?"

Qin Ziteng calmed down his emotions and asked.


When the elder heard this, he frowned slightly, with a suspicious look on his face, and said:

"It sounds weird."

"Just when our saint from the Qin family fell, it seems that a strong man from the saint realm also died from the Spiritual Clan."


Speaking of which.

The elder stopped and looked at Qin Ziteng with a complicated expression.

"Keep talking!"

When Qin Ziteng heard this, his heart suddenly trembled, and he asked with a hint of urgency in his tone.


"It seems that the leader of the Spirit Tribe has also encountered something unexpected!"

The elder said in a somewhat heavy voice.

The Qin family and the Ling clan are in a marriage relationship.

If the other party's clan leader dies, then the Qin family should be more or less concerned about it.

Not to mention.

The relationship between the patriarch of their Qin family and the patriarch of the Ling clan is very extraordinary.

"Head of the Spirit Clan..."

"Perished too?"

Qin Ziteng was startled, and his face suddenly turned pale.

After an unknown amount of time, he finally came to his senses, waved his hand, and said feebly:

"I understand, please step back first."

The elder looked at Qin Ziteng again with strange eyes.

He wanted to ask something, but in the end he didn't ask.

At this moment, he could already conclude that the clan leader must know something.

But the patriarch had no intention of saying anything, and it was hard for him to ask any more questions.

after all.

The status between the two of them lies here.

If he pressed the question rashly, he might even be punished.

Faced with such a thankless thing, he naturally didn't want to participate.

The second update is delivered!

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