"You old idiot!"

"I'll give you face and call you uncle. If I don't, my Lin family will make your Ye family disappear from Qingyang in a minute!"

Lin Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, with a cold and gloomy light in his eyes. He stared coldly at Ye Canghai who was showing his joy and said secretly in his heart.

"Young Master, what should we do now?"

At this moment, the elder in black robe behind Lin Hao asked in a voice transmission.

"Don't worry for now, let's stay here and watch the show."

"As long as I am here today, the Ye family and the Su family will not be able to get engaged!"

Lin Hao said with a very firm tone.

His cultivation is already the first level of Qi Hai Realm. Although it is accumulated by pills, he is still a master of Qi Hai Realm.

In a moment, he just needs to make the kid of the Su family embarrassed in public, and then publicize it.

At that time, even if his Ye family is rich and powerful, can he really be shameless?

Even if Ye Canghai is determined to form an alliance with the Su family, he doesn't have to worry.

Because this is Qingyang City!

Qingyang City is not only the base camp of their Ye family, but also the base camp of their Lin family!

As long as the eldest son of the Su family enters Qingyang City, it will not be so easy to get out alive!

After all, this is Qingyang City, the territory of their Lin family!

Once the eldest son of the Su family dies suddenly, who can Ye Canghai marry his daughter to?

Only him, Lin Hao!

Maybe the Su family will blame it, and then...


Lin Hao's mouth curled up with a sneer.

At that time, their Lin family will be the only lifeline of the Ye family!

Thinking of this, Lin Hao was in a good mood. He reached out and picked up the tea next to him, took a sip, and sneered at the corner of his mouth, ready to watch the show.

However, at this moment,

Ye Canghai, who was originally pacing back and forth in the hall, suddenly thought of something and shouted to the outside:

"Come here, bring me the best tea!"


Hearing this, Lin Hao, who was originally holding a teacup, froze instantly.

He looked at the tea in his hand, his mouth twitched slightly, his face suddenly sank, and he looked constipated.


After a while.

Led by the servants, two figures, one old and one young, appeared in the reception room.

The leader was a young man in a white robe.

He had an upright figure, his hair was like a waterfall, hanging down naturally, his eyes were as bright as stars, and there was a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of everyone in the reception room.

The first thought in the minds of everyone present was:

This young man is so handsome, it feels like he exudes endless charm all over his body.

The young man in white robe bowed gently to Ye Canghai, who was sitting at the top, and said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner:

"Junior Su Chen, meet Uncle Ye!"


"Good! Good!"

On hearing this, Ye Canghai came back to his senses, praised repeatedly, stood up and walked towards the center of the reception room, saying as he walked:

"My nephew is indeed as your father said, a man of talent and handsome appearance!"

"Uncle Ye is too kind..."

Su Chen smiled slightly and nodded gently.

"My nephew has been traveling all the way, please take a seat and rest quickly. I just prepared the best spiritual tea for you, please taste it quickly."

"If you are used to it, take more when you go back, uncle has plenty here."

The voice fell.

Ye Canghai came to Su Chen, grabbed Su Chen's arm and walked towards the first seat on the right.

Su Chen glanced casually, and after seeing Lin Hao, he just kept a little attention and did not pay too much attention.

In his opinion, this person should be the younger generation of the Ye family.

Ye Canghai had no intention of introducing him, so he ignored him.

Several people sat down.

As soon as they sat down, a servant brought a cup of spiritual tea.

Su Chen took it casually, took a sip, and then put it aside.

Ye Canghai looked Su Chen up and down, and said after a long time:

"Nephew Su, I wonder how your father is doing recently?"

"Thank you for your concern, Uncle Ye. My father is doing well. I will definitely say hello to my father on behalf of my uncle when I go home next time."

Su Chen said with a gentle and elegant smile.

"Good, good, good!"

Ye Canghai stroked his beard and shouted three good words with a face full of satisfaction.

Compared with Lin Hao, the more he looked at Su Chen in front of him, the more satisfied he was.

Not only was he handsome and charming, but he was also very polite.

The most important thing was that Su Chen was very polite, and he knew how to act and act, which won his heart!

Such a good son-in-law is rare. If you miss this opportunity, you will miss it.

The first time he saw Su Chen, Ye Canghai felt that Su Chen was a trustworthy person.

It couldn't be better for his daughter to marry him!

Not to mention that Su Chen's cultivation was still at the first level of the Qi Hai realm!

With Ye Canghai's eyesight, it was not difficult to see that Su Chen's foundation was very solid and his cultivation was extremely strong.

He was not comparable to Lin Hao, who relied on pills to accumulate.

It is estimated that Lin Hao, a waste who relied on pills to accumulate, could not even take half a move in front of Su Chen!


It is possible that he could not even take half a move!

"My dear nephew, since you are here, stay in Qingyang City for a few more days, so that I, as your uncle, can do my best to be a good host!"

Su Chen frowned slightly when he heard this, but soon relaxed and nodded slightly:

"Then I'll trouble you, uncle."

He was just considering whether he could make it back for the inner sect assessment nine days later.

But then he thought that this place was not very far from Taixuan Sect, and one day was enough.

It was not impossible to stay here for a few days.

Thinking of this, Su Chen's eyes slightly signaled, and then he smiled and said:

"To be honest with you, uncle, I came here today to ask for something!"


Ye Canghai's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he looked up at Uncle Fu.

He knew that today's topic was coming!

But he couldn't act too anxious.

After all, he was marrying his daughter, and if he showed a hurried look, it would be a loss of face for their Ye family.

Ye Canghai retracted his gaze, slowly raised his hand, stroked his beard, pretended to be indifferent, looked at Su Chen, and said lightly:

"I don't know what nephew wants to ask for?"

"I came here today to..."

Su Chen bowed slightly to Ye Canghai and told him his purpose.

But before he could finish his words, a cold snort suddenly came from the side:


Lin Hao had been left alone by Su Chen and Ye Canghai for most of the day. At this moment, he finally got the chance to show his presence, so he quickly opened his mouth and snorted.

If I don't say anything, you two really think I don't exist?


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