If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 32 Is it because of the obsession in the previous life?

Outside the reception room.

In the illusion array set up by Ye Ruxue.

The maid Xiaoyu pinched the corner of Ye Ruxue's clothes and shouted excitedly:

"Miss, look! The son-in-law is so handsome, so handsome!"

"I feel that Lin Hao is not even worthy of carrying the shoes for the son-in-law!"

At the first sight of Su Chen, countless little stars appeared in Xiaoyu's eyes, and she wanted to stick to Su Chen.

Ye Ruxue supported her smooth forehead helplessly, sighed lightly, and said:

"Xiaoyu, do you want to be a maid for Mr. Su?"


Xiaoyu immediately reacted after hearing this, pursed her lips, and muttered in a low voice:

"Actually... it's not impossible."


Ye Ruxue frowned slightly and glanced at her.

Xiaoyu lowered her head and said, "Miss, I mean, you haven't married yet, how can a maid follow the son-in-law in advance?"


Xiaoyu stared at the reception room and said hurriedly, "The master seems to be very satisfied with the son-in-law. It is estimated that it will not be long before you and Mr. Su are married! Then I can serve Mr. Su!"

Ye Ruxue's lavender eyes stared at Ye Canghai, who was at the head of the reception room, and whispered softly:

"Father is indeed very satisfied with Mr. Su."

She did not deny this.

In the previous life, Su Chen arrived seven days later.

At that time, there was no Lin Hao in the hall, only Su Chen, the steward of the Su family, and his father.

And his father did not seem to be as excited as today.

The reason why Ye Canghai was so happy today did not seem to be because of Su Chen's arrival.

But because his arrival swept Lin Hao's face!

Ye Ruxue's beautiful eyes moved, looking at the white figure in the reception room, with a hint of exploration in her eyes.

Compared with the last life, Su Chen in this life seems to have an inexplicable temperament.

It always makes people want to get close to him.


Su Chen's strength doesn't seem to be the eighth level of the Qi Condensation Realm!

As for the specific strength of the other party, Ye Ruxue couldn't tell.

After all, she hasn't broken through the Qi Sea Realm yet, and can't see through Su Chen's cultivation.

She can only rely on her intuition to judge.

"Miss, look! The old man next to the son-in-law has stood up. Is he going to give a betrothal gift?"

Xiaoyu shouted excitedly.

In fact, everyone knows the purpose of Su Chen's visit to the Ye family today.

Now seeing Fu Bo behind Su Chen walk out, they can't think of a second possibility except for the betrothal gift.

"It should be..."

Ye Ruxue retracted her gaze from Su Chen and said softly.

Just as the two were staring at Fu Bo's every move.

Suddenly, a cold snort came out.

With the sound of this cold snort, the atmosphere in the living room instantly dropped to freezing point.

Even Ye Ruxue and Xiaoyu outside the hall could not help but be slightly stunned.

Xiaoyu quickly reacted. She was filled with righteous indignation, rolled up her sleeves, and wanted to rush out to drive Lin Hao out of the Ye family.

Fortunately, Ye Ruxue, who was standing by, was quick-witted and pulled her back, so that they did not expose the two of them.

Ye Ruxue, who was holding Xiaoyu, had a very cold expression.

For some reason, she felt a little unhappy about Lin Hao interrupting Su Chen.

Logically speaking, she had practiced for ten thousand years, and her state of mind should have been calm and would not be disturbed by these things.

But after seeing Su Chen, her originally calm state of mind suddenly wavered a little.

"Why is this happening?"

"Is it because of the obsession in the previous life?"

Ye Ruxue whispered in her heart.

The two had an engagement in the previous life, but she did not help the other party at the most critical moment.

Therefore, it became a regret of her previous life.

In her opinion, it is very likely that this regret has been infinitely magnified and has become an obsession in her heart.

Fortunately, she discovered this obsession in advance. As long as she can think clearly in the future, it will be fine.

In the living room.


Su Chen said with a light “huh?”, as if he had just discovered Lin Hao’s existence, and asked with a puzzled look on his face:

“Who is this?”

Now he has also seen that the young man sitting still and as steady as an old dog in the hall is not a disciple of the Ye family at all.

Instead, he seems to be here to mess things up!

With that cold snort just now, the other party has actually made his position clear.

"Alas, nephew, look at my memory..."

"It was my uncle's negligence that I forgot to introduce you."

Ye Canghai seemed to remember something, patted his head, glanced at Lin Hao, and introduced casually:

"This is Lin Hao, the young master of the Lin family in Qingyang City."

Then, he set his eyes on Su Chen, and a warm smile suddenly rose on his face, saying:

"The young hero next to me is the son of the head of the Su family in Tianyang City, Su Chen!"

"At the same time, he is also an inner disciple of Taixuan Sect!"

Speaking of this, Ye Canghai's eyes fell on Lin Hao vaguely, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Inner disciple?"

Before Su Chen spoke, Lin Hao had already spoken first.

"Has Taixuan Sect fallen to this extent?"

"Now anyone can become an inner disciple?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire reception room fell into a strange silence.


Su Chen looked calm, without any anger on his face. He looked up at Ye Canghai and said slowly:

"May I ask Uncle Ye, is this Young Master Lin your guest?"

Ye Canghai looked at Lin Hao, then at Su Chen, and finally shook his head and slowly uttered two words:


As soon as the words fell.

Lin Hao and the black-robed old man behind him suddenly changed their expressions.

Everyone present knew that when Ye Canghai said the two words "no", it meant that the Ye family and the Lin family had completely torn their faces.

After all.

In public, they are not even guests. Doesn't this mean that they are completely on the opposite side?

"Ye Canghai!"

"Do you know what kind of trouble your words just now will bring to your Ye family?!"

Lin Hao looked gloomy, slapped the table, stood up, stared at Ye Canghai with anger on his face, and said.

As soon as the words fell.

Su Chen glanced at him calmly, frowned slightly, and said:

"You are so uneducated!"

"Uncle Fu, slap your mouth!"

"Yes, young master!"

Uncle Fu took a big step forward, and an incomparable terrifying aura burst out from his old and thin body, like a prehistoric beast reviving, which made people shudder.


Uncle Fu slapped out with his palm, turning into a golden palm print.

The golden light filled the entire reception room in an instant.

"This is..."

"Ninth level of Qi Hai realm!"


The black-clothed old man standing behind Lin Hao suddenly changed his expression, and hurriedly stepped forward to block the blow.

But Uncle Fu's palm was too fast, so fast that no one could react in time.


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