If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 33 You Su family are so brave!


A crisp sound rang out.

The next moment.

Lin Hao screamed, and the whole person flew out of the reception room like a cannonball.


A loud noise.

Lin Hao hit the wall and fell heavily to the ground, smashing a human-shaped pit on the bluestone floor.

The pit was full of cracks and spread to the nearby area.

Everyone present saw this scene and their eyes jumped.

Isn't this too cruel? !

The old man who looked kind almost slapped Lin Hao to death.

Fortunately, Lin Hao himself was a cultivator in the Qi Hai realm, and he was also wearing a defensive magic weapon.

If his cultivation was weaker, or if he lacked a defensive magic weapon, I'm afraid he would die now.

But even so, Lin Hao's future was hopeless.

Because Uncle Fu's palm had already hurt his foundation. If there was no spiritual medicine of the heaven-defying level, he probably wouldn't have the hope of recovery in this life.

This indirectly ruined Lin Hao's future.

"You Su family, you are so brave!"

The old man in black robe shouted angrily.

Everyone present could see that Lin Hao was ruined, how could he not see it?

As the elder of the Lin family, he received the salary of the Lin family, but he failed to protect Lin Hao at the critical moment.

He could already imagine the situation after he returned to the Lin family.

"You Lin family are also qualified to slander Taixuan Sect?"

Su Chen was indifferent, indifferent, without any panic, and slowly said:

"Just based on what Lin Hao said just now, it is enough to destroy your Lin family thousands of times!"


"You dare to speak nonsense like a child? You can go back alive first!"

The old man in black robe had a cold face, staring at Su Chen in front of him, without any hesitation, and decisively shot.

Lin Hao was severely injured in the reception room of the Ye family today. If he, as the elder of the Lin family, did not do something, it would be difficult to explain when he went back.

At the moment, he couldn't beat Ye Canghai and the hunchbacked old man.

So he could only set his target on Su Chen.

In his opinion, Su Chen was only at the first level of Qi Hai Realm, while he was already at the seventh level of Qi Hai Realm!

There were six small realms between them.

If he couldn't deal with the other two, could he not deal with a junior at the first level of Qi Hai Realm?

As long as he could severely injure Su Chen, he would have an explanation when he took Lin Hao back.


The black-robed old man took a step forward and came in front of Su Chen.

He stretched out his big hand, and a brilliant light suddenly bloomed in his palm, causing the surrounding void to tremble slightly.

Although he looked very old, his aura at this moment was extremely powerful and frightening.

The big hand quickly enlarged in Su Chen's pupils and smashed down heavily on him.

"My dear nephew, be careful!"

"Young Master!"

Ye Canghai and Uncle Fu's faces changed slightly, and they spoke at the same time.

They were a little surprised. They didn't expect that the Lin family's worshiper would actually attack Su Chen at this time.

And they fought in the reception room of the Ye family.

This simply did not take the Ye family and Uncle Fu seriously.

Uncle Fu and Ye Canghai attacked at the same time, trying to block the attack of the old man in black robe.

But the timing of their attack was too late, and they had never expected this to happen beforehand.

They could only watch the big hand fall completely.


At this critical moment, Su Chen slowly raised his head, looked at the palm that was rapidly enlarged in his pupils, and sat quietly in his original position.

But a white shadow suddenly stood up and attacked in mid-air.

The white shadow put his fingers together to form a sword, and the spiritual power surged. A ray of white light shot out, and it was the last one to arrive.

With a "puff", the ray of white light fell on the chest of the old man in black robe.

"This is..."

The old man in black robe was horrified.

Before he could react, a sharp pain came instantly.

Then, his body flew backwards uncontrollably, smashing several sets of tables and chairs before he came to a stop.

"What kind of body movement is this?"

The black-robed old man's chest rose and fell violently, blood flowed out, and there was a deep wound on his chest that could be seen to the bone.

The edge of the wound was still lingering with extremely strong and yang spiritual power, which made his injury worse every moment.

But the old man didn't care about his injuries at this time, staring at Su Chen who seemed to have not moved from beginning to end, his eyes full of disbelief.

He couldn't imagine it, and didn't dare to believe it.

A young man in the first level of Qi Hai Realm could actually injure himself in an instant!


Uncle Fu and Ye Canghai looked at the scene in front of them and looked at each other.

They didn't react for a while.

A strong man in the seventh level of Qi Hai Realm, who was also the worship elder of the Lin family, couldn't even beat Su Chen?

Is this worship elder too weak?

But this idea was rejected by the two as soon as it appeared.

If the old man in black robe was too weak, he would never become the elder of the Lin family.

Since he was not too weak, there was only one possibility:

Su Chen was too strong!

Although the attack just now was simple, the speed was extremely fast.

It was so fast that the old man in black robe did not catch when Su Chen made the move.

But Uncle Fu and Ye Canghai caught it, and they could see that it was an extremely fast performance.

"This must be at least a yellow-level middle-grade or above body movement martial arts!"

"Besides, this wise nephew Su Chen has probably perfected this body technique!"

Ye Canghai murmured in shock.

Needless to say, a young prodigy has outstanding strength. He can also perfect a body and martial arts skill above the middle level of the yellow rank, and he can even challenge higher ranks.

No matter how you look at it, the Ye family has found a treasure!

"Uncle Ye, these two people were acting wild in the living room of the Ye family and I have subdued them. I wonder what Uncle Ye plans to do with them?"

At this moment, Su Chen's voice brought Ye Canghai back to reality.

Ye Canghai reacted immediately, looked at Lin Hao and the old man in black robe, and said in a deep voice:

"Somebody come!"

The words just fell.

Several servants rushed in outside the living room and said respectfully: "Here you are!"

"Destroy the cultivation of both of them, and then send them to the dungeon!"

"I will go to the Lin family in person someday to see what they have to say. They actually dare to let people act recklessly in my Ye family!"

No matter what happened before, Ye Canghai must first stand on this moral high ground.

As the head of the Ye family, Ye Canghai was naturally not a fool, and it was impossible for others to catch him first.

at the moment.

As long as Lin Hao and the old man in black robe were the first to bite him to death, then even if the Lin family wanted to cause trouble, they would have to swallow this loss first!

Seeing the old man in black robe and Lin Hao being dragged down, Ye Canghai showed an apology on his face and said in an awkward tone:

"What happened today made Nephew Su Xian laugh."

"But please rest assured Nephew Su, I will definitely handle this matter properly and won't make it difficult for Nephew Su."

Lin Hao was crippled by Uncle Fu, and the old man in black robe was severely injured by Su Chen.

If nothing else happens, Lin Hao will definitely make trouble for the Su family.

He might even intercept Su Chen when he leaves!

And what Ye Canghai has to do is to stop all of this!

ps: Please vote!

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