If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 34 Is this all an illusion?

"It's just the Lin family, nothing."

Su Chen smiled and waved his hand, as if he didn't care about what happened just now.

In fact, it was true.

Behind him stood the Taixuan Sect and the Su family!

Although the combined forces of the two parties were not enough for him to dominate the East Wilderness, his background was still unique within a radius of ten thousand miles.

"By the way, Uncle Ye!"

Su Chen seemed to remember what happened just now and spoke again:

"I heard that your daughter Ye Ruxue is virtuous, talented and beautiful. Today, I am here to present the betrothal gift on the orders of my parents!"

"I hope Uncle Ye will help!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Uncle Fu stepped forward, holding a tray with a red storage ring on it, and presented it to Ye Canghai.


Ye Canghai laughed loudly when he saw this scene, stroked his beard, and said with a smile:

"Why do you have to do this, nephew?"

"Your and my two families are old friends, there is no need for these false formalities."

Su Chen smiled slightly when he heard this, and said: "These are all as they should be."

"Well, since my nephew is so enthusiastic, I will accept it!"

Ye Canghai nodded and did not continue to be polite.

He also understood that these etiquettes were indispensable.

The betrothal gift was given, and the marriage was completely settled.

The next step is to exchange marriage certificates!

Of course.

Su Chen has no say in exchanging marriage certificates. The older generation of people on both sides must come forward to make it count.

In the previous life, the reason why Su Chen and Ye Ruxue's marriage did not succeed was because the marriage certificates of both parties were not exchanged, and the wedding naturally could not be held.

Over time, as Ye Ruxue's strength became stronger and stronger, this marriage was completely shelved.


The two exchanged a few more pleasantries, and Ye Canghai arranged for someone to take Su Chen and Uncle Fu away.

This was exactly what Su Chen wanted.

He planned to practice the Xuan-level upper-grade Shenxing Step to a small success before the inner gate assessment came.

Night fell.

After dinner, Su Chen wandered aimlessly in the back garden of the Ye family alone.

His steps seemed slow, but every step he took had a unique landing point.

After half an hour, Su Chen stopped and sighed.

It must be said that the Ye family is worthy of being the first family in Qingyang City, and the mansion is really big!

He used the Xuan-level upper-grade Shenxing Step to walk around for half an hour and didn't finish a circle.

And his Shenxing Step was officially entered at this moment.

"Huh? No!"

"Why did I hear my name?"

Su Chen moved forward again.

Suddenly, his steps paused and turned to look at a wall next to him.

He just heard his name coming from behind this wall.

Su Chen flew to the middle of the air, looking down at the scene in the courtyard wall.

I saw.

Two women, one sitting and one standing, talking by a small lake.

"Who are they? Why do they know my name?"

Su Chen looked at the scene in front of him, frowning slightly.

He immediately landed on the ground again, and then searched around, and soon found the road leading to the small lake.

Su Chen walked towards the small lake without hesitation.


At the same time.

In a small pavilion in the middle of the small lake.

Xiaoyu stood beside Ye Ruxue, chattering about something.

"Miss, Miss, did you notice how powerful Su Chen is today?"

"He injured the worshiper of the Lin family without even moving! I heard from Ah Da that the worshiper of the Lin family is a powerful man of the seventh level of Qi Hai Realm!"

"Miss, do you know what the seventh level of Qi Hai Realm is?!"

"I heard that he can be ranked in the top ten among the worshipers of the Lin family! But Su Chen defeated him without moving! How powerful do you think the uncle is?"

"Miss, what realm do you think the uncle is in?"

"Miss, are you listening to me?"


When Xiaoyu said the last sentence, her voice suddenly increased.

Ye Ruxue came back to her senses immediately and asked blankly: "Huh? What did you say just now?"

Xiaoyu; "..."

"Miss, what's wrong with you? You have been absent-minded since you came back at noon today."

"Tell the truth, are you thinking about the uncle?"

Xiaoyu smiled and came over, staring at Ye Ruxue and asked.


Ye Ruxue nodded perfunctorily.

During this time, she was distracted again and didn't hear what Xiaoyu said clearly.

However, Xiaoyu's words just now did guess the key.

She did think about Su Chen this afternoon.

It was not because of anything else, but mainly because of great doubts and curiosity...

According to her memory of the previous life.

Everything about Su Chen today was too abnormal, as if he had changed into a different person!

Except for the unchanged figure, there was almost no other place that was the same!

Even his temperament was completely different.

Although Su Chen in the previous life was also gentle and elegant, Su Chen in this life felt that he exuded an irresistible charm all over his body, attracting her every moment.

This was something that Su Chen did not have in the previous life.

The most important thing was Su Chen's cultivation!

In theory, he should have just entered the eighth level of the Qi Condensation Realm!

How could he defeat a seventh-level Qi Sea Realm expert in an instant?

"Are all my memories of my last life hallucinations?"

Ye Ruxue has begun to doubt her life at this moment.

She has just been reborn for only one day, but everything she has experienced is different from her previous life.

This makes her doubt that everything in her previous life was a dream.

But the memories of ten thousand years in her mind have been reminding her that everything in her previous life was real, not a dream.

"No matter whether everything that happened today is caused by my rebirth, at least one thing is certain, the direction of my previous life has begun to be completely distorted!"

"In other words, those opportunities in my previous life are likely to come out in advance, and the opportunities that originally belonged to me may no longer belong to me!"

When Ye Ruxue thought of this, her heart was extremely anxious.

The reason why she was able to soar into the sky in her previous life is inseparable from the opportunities she got along the way.

Although some opportunities in this life have become dispensable to her.

Because some opportunities are memory inheritance, and those opportunity inheritances are all in her mind, it doesn't matter whether she goes or not.

But there are also some opportunities that have treasures that can change physique and enhance strength!

What she needs most now is these.

In her eyes, the qualifications of this body are too poor, and the foundation is fragile, and it is simply unable to withstand the cultivation techniques in her memory.

Therefore, she must get those opportunities!


Ye Ruxue came back to her senses, and a piece of paper with dense words suddenly appeared in her palm.

She handed it to Xiaoyu and ordered: "Go to the medicine store now to see if you can find these herbs. If you can't find them, go to the market to buy them!"

"Remember, be quick!"


"Okay, Miss."

Although Xiaoyu was confused, she nodded and took the paper.

She knew many of the herbs on it, but she couldn't understand them when they were put together.

Without thinking too much, Xiaoyu turned around and walked towards the Ye family's medicine store.

But before she took two steps, she suddenly stood still and shouted in surprise:

"Son-in-law! How did you find this place?!"


ps: Ask for votes!

Sorry, the store is a bit busy today, and I was pulled in to help out, so I can't update three times...

Five updates tomorrow! Three to four updates the day after tomorrow, to make up for it!

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