If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 35 Didn’t he say he couldn’t make pills?


Ye Ruxue was startled when she heard this and turned to look.

I saw.

There is a man in white robe by the small lake, slowly walking towards the small pavilion.

He has a slender figure, his clothes are fluttering, and every move he makes implies the charm of heaven and earth, like a banished immortal descending from the nine heavens to the mortal world.

"I've met Miss Ye, Miss Xiaoyu."

Su Chen said elegantly and easy-going.

The gentle voice makes people feel like a spring breeze.

When he was not far away, he heard the two people talking and he already knew their identities.

"Aunt...Uncle, you are too polite!"

"I...I'm just a little maid..."

Xiaoyu stood there, lowering his head at a loss and replied in a panic.

Although she could say whatever she wanted in front of her own lady, she was still very reserved in front of Su Chen.

After all, the identity gap between the two lies here.

"Master Su, it's so late, why don't you rest in your room?"

At this moment, Ye Ruxue stood up with a strange look on his face.

"I had nothing to do, just walking around, and I ended up here without even thinking about it."

As Su Chen spoke, he stepped into the small pavilion and said with a smile: "Ms. Ye, don't you welcome me?"

"how could be?"

Ye Ruxue smiled like a hundred flowers in bloom.

She stood in the small pavilion, with three thousand green hairs dancing lightly, and a pair of lavender eyes covered with mist, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

At this time, she and Su Chen stood opposite each other, like a couple walking out of a painting, they were a perfect match.

"Master Su, please sit down!"

Ye Ruxue pointed to the seat in the pavilion and wanted to invite someone.

It just so happened that she still had a lot of confusion about Su Chen that she had not yet solved.

I originally wanted to find an opportunity to get in touch with Su Chen, but I didn't expect that she herself came to visit.

I just took this opportunity to ask him how he managed to make such a huge change compared to his previous life.

"Thank you, Miss Ye."

Su Chen leaned over and sat down.

Xiaoyu, who was originally going to go to the medicine store to get medicinal materials, also put down what she was doing and went to make a pot of tea for the two of them.

Su Chen thanked him, took the tea cup, and took a leisurely sip.

And Ye Ruxue, who was sitting opposite him, was thinking in her heart at the moment, how should she talk about it?

Wouldn't it be too abrupt to directly ask him about his cultivation level?

After all, cultivation is related to everyone's fundamentals. If you ask rashly, even your closest relatives may not be able to tell the truth about some things.

Not to mention that the two are not married yet.

But if you don’t ask about your cultivation, how should you ask?

Just when Ye Ruxue was hesitant, Su Chen slowly put down the teacup in his hand and spoke first:

"Miss Ye can also make elixirs?"


Ye Ruxue raised her head in surprise and asked with astonishment on her face: "Why did Mr. Su say this?"

Su Chen lightly glanced at Xiaoyu next to him, smiled slightly and said, "I happened to see the pill recipe in Miss Xiaoyu's hand, so I asked out of curiosity."

"I see."

Hearing this, Ye Ruxue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then a flash of curiosity flashed across her pretty face, and she asked, "Does Mr. Su also know how to make alchemy?"

"don't know."

Su Chen shook his head.

Refining alchemy takes too much time and energy, and generally people who are proficient in alchemy and weapon refining are not very strong.

Even though such people are very valuable to the cultivation world, their ability to protect themselves is still too poor.

If someone brags that he can make alchemy in the future, he will happily accept it.

But if he is asked to spend time studying, it is absolutely impossible!

"Miss Ye, as the number one genius in Qingyang City, can actually find time to learn alchemy. Su admires her!"

Su Chen said with a smile.

"I just understand it a little bit."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Ye Ruxue did not show any joy, but instead looked at Su Chen suspiciously.

Her intuition told her that Su Chen in front of her might have seen something, but she didn't point it out.

after all.

She, Ye Ruxue, was only known to have a talent for cultivation in Qingyang City, but no one had ever said that she could make alchemy.

It turns out that she really doesn't know how to make elixirs.

This is a skill brought from the previous life after rebirth.

He never thought that because of his messy list of medicinal ingredients, Su Chen could so easily see that it was a prescription for elixirs.

However, fortunately, with just one pill recipe, he would never have thought that he was a reborn person.


Su Chen's next words made Ye Ruxue's heart skip a beat.

"If I read it correctly, this pill recipe should be for refining the sea pill, right?"

Su Chen said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Ruxue's expression suddenly changed, and a hint of disbelief flashed deep in his eyes.

How did he figure it out?

Didn't he say that he didn't know how to make alchemy?

How come you can tell right away that this is Danfang?

How can he know the recipe of the elixir with such accuracy?

You know, the method of alchemy is very complicated.

Many elixirs are only missing one elixir, and when they are refined, they are two completely different elixirs.

The most important thing is that many people have eaten the Huahai Dan, but how many people have seen the Danfang?

This is top secret!

Many alchemists will hide it, for fear that others will know their elixir recipe and then refine their own unique elixir.

But now, Su Chen was able to accurately tell after a casual glance that this was the recipe for Huahai Dan.

If word of this spreads, countless alchemists will rush to accept him as their disciple.

This is simply a genius who was born to refine alchemy!

Ye Ruxue's beautiful eyes moved, staring at Su Chen in front of her.

At this moment, Su Chen seemed to be covered in a layer of fog in her eyes.

No matter how she looked, she couldn't see through it.

"Nothing can be hidden from Mr. Su's discerning eyes. This is indeed a recipe for the Sea Transformation Pill."

Ye Ruxue suppressed the shock in her heart and spoke slowly with a calm expression.

"What a coincidence."

Su Chen turned his palm, and a jade bottle suddenly appeared in his palm.

There was an elixir the size of a dragon's eye lying in the jade bottle. Su Chen handed it to Ye Ruxue:

"I happen to have a sea-changing elixir here, and I will give it to Miss Ye today!"

Just now, he just felt that the medicinal materials on that piece of paper looked familiar.

It just so happened that Ye Ruxue was also at the ninth level of the Qi Gathering Realm. She probably wanted to use the Sea Transformation Pill to break through the Qi Sea Realm, so she made a casual guess.

Unexpectedly, I actually guessed it right!


Ye Ruxue froze on the spot.

She never expected that after Su Chen saw through her prescription, he would casually take out another Sea Transformation Pill.

It was as if this Sea Transformation Pill was secretly prepared by Su Chen for himself.

This feeling is so absurd that it is almost unbelievable.

"Master Su, this... is too expensive."

Ye Ruxue instinctively wanted to refuse.

But Su Chen stood up directly, smiled slightly and said:

"This is my intention, and I hope Miss Ye will accept it."

"It's getting late now, so I'll take my leave first."

Say it.

Su Chen turned around and walked away.

Ye Ruxue looked at Su Chen's back and couldn't recover for a long time.

It seems that Su Chen came here specifically to give him the Sea Transformation Pill. Could it be that he already knew that he needed the Sea Transformation Pill?

Thinking of this, Ye Ruxue felt mixed emotions in her heart.

In his last life, he left everything behind for the sake of cultivation.

But in this life, before he had time to do anything, Su Chen gave him a Sea Transformation Pill first.

Suddenly, Ye Ruxue stood up, looked at Su Chen's back and shouted:

"Master Su, please wait a moment!"

ps: The first chapter has been delivered! The remaining four chapters will be updated in the afternoon!

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