If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 36 Mr. Su, are you willing to help me?

Su Chen stopped when he heard this, turned around and asked with some confusion:

"Miss Ye, what else can I do?"

Ye Ruxue seemed to have summoned up great courage, came to Su Chen, bit her silver teeth and said:

"Master Su, would you like to do me a favor?"

Su Chen frowned slightly and said, "What are you busy with?"

Ye Ruxue did not answer his question immediately, but raised her jade hand slightly.


In an instant, pieces of spiritual stone flew out and landed around the lake.

The moment the spirit stone fell, the entire world in the pavilion immediately became distorted.

An invisible barrier slowly rose, blocking outside prying eyes.

"This is……"


Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this moment, he was becoming more and more curious about his fiancée.

Ye Ruxue's qualifications are very good, comparable to Lu Zhen, and better than Su Chen before.

If Su Chen had not traveled through time, his predecessor's cultivation level would now only be at the eighth level of the Qi Gathering Realm.

But Ye Ruxue was already at the ninth level of Qi Gathering Realm.

Looking at the entire Qingyang City, he is the only one who can achieve such results at the age of less than twenty.

But while Ye Ruxue achieved such achievements, she was also an alchemist, a very extraordinary alchemist!

This is a bit incredible.

You know, what she just took out was the recipe for Huahai Dan!

The preciousness of this elixir is self-evident. In Taixuan Sect, only those who rank among the top five in the outer sect trials can obtain a sea-changing elixir!

He has good strength and can also make elixirs.

To a certain extent, these two achievements can be regarded as the ultimate genius.

However, what is unexpected is...

She can also set up formations!

Formation. Alchemy is extremely time-consuming and requires a lot of thought and research.

Go to the extreme, and your future achievements will be no less than those of some peerless giants.

Even, their status will be higher than some peerless giants!

But even if Ye Ruxue started practicing from her mother's womb, it would be impossible for her to master these three paths of cultivation at the same time, right?

"I would like to ask Mr. Su to help me get a chance to become a saint!"

Ye Ruxue said with a very serious expression.

What she and Xiaoyu said before were all insignificant things, and it didn't matter even if they were heard by others.

But now this matter involves the chance of being a saint, so she has to be cautious.

Even if it exposes oneself to the formation, he will not hesitate!

Because, even if you look at the entire Taixuan Sect, you can't find a saint like this!

In fact, there was only one saint-level expert in the entire Chu Dynasty!

It can be said that once the news of the saint's fate is exposed, the entire Qingyang City will suffer disaster!

Therefore, she had to be cautious.


Su Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, he glanced deeply at Ye Ruxue in front of him, and said thoughtfully:

"Why choose me?"

Because of that sea-changing pill just now!


I couldn't help you in my last life, so I feel guilty...

In an instant, two thoughts flashed through Ye Ruxue's mind, but she did not say them out.

Ye Ruxue took a deep breath, looked at Su Chen firmly, and said:

"Because, I believe Mr. Su!"

She originally planned to wait until her cultivation reached a certain level before going there.

But Su Chen's appearance made her realize that some changes might have occurred in the future.

If she didn't take action, she couldn't guarantee whether this opportunity would still exist.

at the moment.

The relationship between the Ye family and the Lin family is very tense.

It was impossible for Ye Canghai to follow her to inherit the opportunity of being a saint, and she could not trust some of the elders who worshiped the Ye family.

After thinking about it, only the Su Chen in front of her made her feel at ease the most.

In addition to the two reasons just now, she made this request.


Su Chen nodded without any hesitation and asked, "When will we set off?"

"Tomorrow morning!"

"Okay, I'll pick you up then."

Su Chen left behind a word and left directly.

"Master Su!"

Ye Ruxue looked at Su Chen's leaving figure and shouted loudly:

"Aren't you worried about the dangers of being a saint? Aren't you worried that I will lie to you?"

"I'm not afraid."

"Because I believe you too."

Su Chen stopped, turned to look at Ye Ruxue, shook his head slightly.


As soon as these words came out, Ye Ruxue's heart was shocked.

She stood quietly, looking at Su Chen's disappearing back, with an extremely complicated expression.

Countless thoughts flashed through my mind.

After a long time, she slowly turned around, rubbed the Sea Transformation Pill in her hand, looked at it for a moment, sighed softly, and murmured in a low voice:

"Did I really see it wrong in my last life?"

"He...seems to be different from what I thought in my last life. His performance today is as good as some of the most talented ones!"

"I hope the technique in Saint Chance can help him reach a higher level!"

The sage's opportunity she mentioned had the skills in it that she had obtained once, and the formulas were naturally remembered in her mind.

But she didn't give it directly to Su Chen.

Because his ability to make pills and set up formations has aroused Su Chen's curiosity.

If you haven't gone to the location of the saint's opportunity yet, take out a saint's technique.

Not to mention someone as smart as Su Chen, even a fool could see that she had a big problem.

the other side.

Su Chen returned to his room and began to practice the Purple Glory Heavenly Compass.

After a few days of practice, his cultivation has become extremely strong and he can break through the second level of the Qi Sea Realm at any time!

At this moment, he is already impatient to break through the second level of the Qi Sea Realm.

After all.

Tomorrow he will go to the place where the saint's opportunity is, who knows if there is any danger inside.

So now if he improves his strength a little more, he will have more life.


The next moment.

The divine mist in his body rushed up, his blood boiled, and he made a sound like a tsunami.

A powerful spiritual power like the ocean spread in his body.

The spiritual power in the Qi Sea boiled, and endless spiritual energy swarmed in from all directions.

I don't know how long it has been.

An unparalleled brilliant light burst out in Su Chen's room.

This is the vision when the Purple Glory Heavenly Compass breaks through.

The dazzling purple light instantly enveloped half of the Ye Mansion, and countless people woke up in the middle of the night and looked in the direction of Su Chen.

"That is..."

Ye Canghai woke up from his training, staring at the courtyard where Su Chen was, his eyes full of shock.

"The courtyard where my nephew Su Chen lives!"

"Could this nephew of mine be the legendary person with great luck? He was still in the first level of Qi Hai Realm during the day, but he is about to break through the second level of Qi Hai Realm in just half a day!"

Ye Canghai smacked his lips, thinking of some characteristics of a person with great luck.


In Ye Ruxue's boudoir.

She and Xiaoyu had just returned and were preparing to wash up and go to sleep.

But at this moment, Xiaoyu suddenly broke into the room and shouted breathlessly:

"Little...Miss, look!"

"The place where my son-in-law lives is glowing! Purple light!"


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