If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 44 Misunderstanding! It's all misunderstanding! [Please read on! Please give me a month


"Master Su..."

Wan Chongfeng struggled to squeeze out a smile, slightly cupped his hands towards Su Chen, and said:

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

"It's all a misunderstanding! We accidentally broke into this place, not because we wanted to be enemies with Mr. Su. We hope that Mr. Su has a lot of people and can let us go..."

At this moment, Wan Chongfeng had already greeted the servant who informed him of the news a thousand times in his heart.

Is this a strong man who defeated the seventh level of Qi Sea Realm?

This is obviously an instant kill!

Defeat and instant kill are two different concepts!

If he had known that Su Chen had such strength, he would not have dared to chase him to death.

too strong!

It's ridiculously strong!

Is this really the combat power that a monk at the third level of Qi Sea Realm can exert?

"It seems that you are from the Lin family."

After hearing Wan Chongfeng's words, Su Chen slowly turned around, looked at him indifferently, and said:

"Now that you're here, let's stay!"


As Su Chen's words faded, a terrifying killing intent instantly swept out of his body.

"Quickly retreat!"

Wan Cangfeng's expression suddenly changed and he shouted loudly.

Then he flew towards the crack without looking back.

"Do you think you can run?"

Su Chen sneered when he saw this scene, took a step forward, and was in front of Wan Chongfeng in an instant.

This is the power of the divine walking step that is only one step away from being completed!

Then, he clenched his fingers and punched suddenly.


The terrifying power exploded at this moment, slamming into Wan Chongfeng's back.

The heavy force hit Wan Chongfeng's body like a big mountain.


Wan Gongfeng suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The huge impact caused him to fly backwards instantly, and his life force quickly disappeared at this moment.

Su Chen reached out and made a move, and the long sword that was originally nailed to the tree flew over and fell into his hand.

Then, he threw the sword with all his strength.


The void trembles.


An arc-shaped blood splashed out, and the long sword hole penetrated Yang Chongfeng's body.

"If you don't run away, you might still have a chance to survive if you deal with me."

"It's a pity that you chose to run away. Little did you know that from the moment you chose to escape, you no longer had any way to survive!"

Su Chen took back his sword, glanced at the three of them lightly, and returned to the top of the mountain.

The movement just now has awakened Ye Ruxue who was practicing.

At this moment, she was standing at the end of the white jade steps, looking forward to Su Chen's appearance.

"Thank you, Mr. Su, for saving my life again!"

Seeing Su Chen appear, Ye Ruxue quickly spoke.

"Haha, with their strength they can't hurt you."

Su Chen chuckled lightly, and the corner of his eye fell on the place where Ye Ruxue was practicing.

The fight just now did not shatter the simple formation she established, it still exists.

Ye Ruxue smiled and said nothing.

She turned her head and glanced at the main hall behind her, then said with a smile:

"Congratulations to Mr. Su for making a further step in cultivation!"

"I've been wasting a lot of time here, so I'll take my leave now!"

When Su Chen heard this, he raised his brows slightly, stared at Ye Ruxue, and said, "Aren't you going back to Qingyang City?"

Ye Ruxue chuckled and shook her head, saying: "I still have some things to deal with, so I won't go back for the time being."

Part of the reason why she came here this time was for the Daoxuan Golden Pill.

Another part of the reason was to repay Su Chen for the Qi Sea Pill.

Now that the debt had been repaid, it was time for her to move forward with her plan.

Su Chen looked deeply at Ye Ruxue and said, "See you later!"

He knew that the woman in front of him was very special and contained a big secret!

But since the other party didn't want to say anything, he didn't bother to ask.

After saying this, Su Chen turned around and walked down the mountain.

Tomorrow is the day for the examination of the inner sect of Taixuan Sect, and he must rush back.

Ye Ruxue, who was standing there, looked at Su Chen's back and bit her red lips, her pretty face full of hesitation.

The experiences of the past few days flashed through her mind, and there seemed to be a voice in her heart that kept saying:

Let him be careful!

In the end, Ye Ruxue couldn't hold it back anymore, looked at Su Chen's retreating back, and shouted:

"Master Su, you must be careful about Taixuan Sect's inner sect assessment this time!"


"Inner sect assessment?"

Su Chen paused, turned around, looked at Ye Ruxue in confusion, and said:

"Miss Ye, why did you say this?"

The content of the inner sect examination is nothing more than letting many inner sect disciples enter the Taixuan Mountains to kill some monsters.

Then each disciple was ranked based on the number of monsters he killed.

The top three will generally receive some rare rewards of skills, elixirs, and magical weapons.

In the final analysis, it was just that the senior officials of Taixuan Sect wanted the inner disciples to gain some practical experience.

As far as Su Chen knew, the danger level of the inner sect examination was very low, and there would be no life-threatening danger at all.

Why would Ye Ruxue remind herself at this time?

What exactly does she mean?

Could there be an accident in the inner sect assessment this time?

Various thoughts flashed through Su Chen's mind.

"I don't know the specifics..."

Ye Ruxue shook her head gently and said.

In fact, she didn't hide it intentionally, she really didn't know.

When something went wrong in the Taixuan Sect's inner sect assessment in the previous life, she was only at the ninth level of the Qi Gathering Realm and had not yet risen.

Moreover, Su Chen did not participate in the inner sect assessment.

At this time in the previous life, Su Chen was only an outer sect disciple of Taixuan Sect and was not qualified to participate in the inner sect assessment.

But this life is different.

Su Chen not only became an inner sect disciple of Taixuan Sect, but also had extremely strong cultivation. It would only take one day to return to Taixuan Sect from here.

And the inner sect assessment of Taixuan Sect lasted for a total of three days.

Su Chen must participate in the inner sect assessment after returning.

So, she reminded Su Chen.

"Don't you know?"

Su Chen heard this, and a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes. He did not continue to ask, and bowed slightly, saying:

"No matter what happens, I would like to thank Miss Ye for reminding me!"

After thanking him, Su Chen turned and walked towards the crack.

At the moment he turned around, Su Chen showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and whispered in his heart:


That night at the small lakeside of the Ye family, when Ye Ruxue revealed her alchemy and array formation, Su Chen had already had some doubts.

But he was not sure at that time.

After all.

This is a fantasy world, it is normal to have more geniuses and evildoers.

There may be few people who can achieve success while multitasking, but they must exist!

After arriving at this secret realm, Ye Ruxue's familiarity made Su Chen more suspicious.

Until just now, Ye Ruxue reminded him to be careful about this inner sect assessment.

At this moment, Su Chen can finally be sure that Ye Ruxue must be a reborn person!

Otherwise, how could she be so well-informed?

Although the time of the inner sect assessment of Taixuan Sect is public every month, it is only limited to the inner sect disciples of Taixuan Sect.

And the Ye family has no disciples in the inner sect of Taixuan Sect.

How did Ye Ruxue get the news?

The only explanation is that she must have been exposed to the same thing before!

When he came to the outside of the secret realm, Su Chen took out the long sword and stepped on it.

After he stepped on the long sword, the long sword instantly turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared into the sky.


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