If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 45 If I were a woman, I would definitely give myself to you! [Please read! Please give me a

One day later.

Taixuan Sect was in sight and far away.

Su Chen stood on the long sword, looking in the direction of Taixuan Sect, but he was thinking about what Ye Ruxue had said before.

Is the inner sect assessment dangerous?

What exactly is the danger?

Ye Ruxue didn't say, Su Chen could only guess by himself.

"Wuji Sect invaded?"

Su Chen thought about it carefully.

The only sect that was close to Taixuan Sect was Wuji Sect.

The two forces were already like fire and water.

Wuji Sect had been thinking about how to suppress Taixuan Sect and wanted to destroy it.

But the Great Chu Dynasty had clear regulations that did not allow the major sects to fight each other.

If Wuji Sect really dared to kill Taixuan Sect's inner sect disciples at will, the Great Chu Royal Family would probably take the lead in attacking Wuji Sect.

"If it's not Wuji Sect, would it be a beast tide?"

There are still many monsters in the Taixuan Mountains.

There are not many monsters that can become powerful.

After all.

Taixuan Mountain Range is the base camp of Taixuan Sect, and the sect will not allow the existence of powerful monsters.

The elders of the sect usually kill one by one to avoid the appearance of high-level monsters.

After eliminating Wuji Sect and the beast tide, Su Chen really couldn't think of any other dangers.

When he arrived a hundred miles away from Taixuan Sect, Su Chen put away his sword and flew towards the mountain gate.

Before he arrived in front of the mountain gate, several pale, bloody white figures supporting each other instantly attracted Su Chen's attention.

The clothes on these people were the clothes of the inner disciples of Taixuan Sect.

Behind them, there was another disciple in an even more miserable state, lying straight on a stretcher, and his whole body was almost bandaged like a mummy.

Two inner disciples walked towards the mountain gate.

"Something really happened!"

Su Chen looked at the scene in front of him, his heart suddenly sank, and he came to the front of the inner disciples with a solemn face, and said in a deep voice:

"My fellow disciples, what happened, why did it become like this?"


"Brother Su Chen!"

The moment he saw Su Chen, the disciple who was wrapped like a mummy instantly shouted excitedly.

Then, he stretched out a hand and grabbed Su Chen.

"Junior brother, junior brother!"

"Let's talk slowly if there is anything, don't get excited!"

Su Chen was startled by this sudden scene, stepped back two steps without moving his expression, took out a healing pill from the storage ring, and said:

"Junior brother is seriously injured, I happen to have a healing pill here, I will give it to you."


Su Chen handed the pill in his hand to an inner disciple who was carrying him.

"Su... Senior Brother Su Chen, it's me!"

"I'm Duan Cheng!"

The disciple, who was wrapped up like a mummy, was excited, tears flashed in his eyes, and he choked:


"Senior Brother Su Chen, you are so good!"

"If I were a woman, I would definitely give myself to you!"


Su Chen's face darkened, and he looked at Duan Cheng with disdain.

Then he looked at the other party carefully.

No wonder the other party's voice sounded familiar just now. It turned out to be Junior Brother Duan Cheng who participated in the outer sect trial with him!

Su Chen still had some impression of him. He remembered that he seemed to be the first disciple to go on stage to participate in the trial, with a middle-grade and superior qualification.

However, the other party was wrapped in gauze, which prevented Su Chen from recognizing him at the first time.

"It turned out to be Junior Brother Duan!"

"Forget about giving yourself to me. You should pay more attention to your injuries when you have time."

After saying that.

Su Chen turned his head and looked at the other inner disciples, and said in a deep voice:

"Isn't today the day of the inner sect assessment? How come you are all injured like this?"

To be honest, there will be many inner disciples injured in every inner sect assessment.

There will even be one or two inner disciples with unlucky constitutions who are seriously injured.

But it is still relatively rare for everyone to be injured like today.

You know.

The number of participants in each inner sect assessment of Taixuan Sect will not be less than a thousand!

Now, there are seven or eight disciples in front of the mountain gate alone!

And now it is only one or two hours away from the start of the assessment.

Su Chen suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Could the others be dead?

If so, then what Ye Ruxue told him was not only successfully fulfilled.

And the severity has even completely exceeded his imagination!

"It's a dark creature!"

An inner disciple said solemnly.

"Dark creature?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows and repeated in a low voice.

He accidentally saw this race in an ancient book.

Dark creatures come from outside the domain, that is, outside this world. They are very powerful and extremely difficult to kill.

Tens of thousands of years ago, dark creatures invaded on a large scale.

In the end, they were suppressed by the terrifying existences of countless major forces and driven out of this world.

Unexpectedly, after thousands of years, dark creatures appeared near Taixuan Sect!

"Yes, it is the dark creatures!"

The inner disciple who spoke just now nodded solemnly and spoke again:

"On the way to the trial, a portal suddenly appeared, and countless dark creatures poured out of it, catching us off guard."

"Fortunately, Senior Brother Wang led the team this time and sent us out at the critical moment, so we survived."

"Senior Brother Wang?"

When Su Chen heard this, he looked reminiscing.

But he had no impression of this person.

If his guess is correct, the senior brother Wang mentioned by the other party should be the leading disciple of this inner sect examination!

He should be a core disciple!

This is the rule of every inner sect examination of Taixuan Sect!

The reason is that he is not an elder of the sect, but a core disciple.

Mainly because the location of the inner sect assessment is in the Taixuan Mountains, and the Taixuan Mountains are right in front of Taixuan Sect.

It is equivalent to an assessment at home, there is really no need to dispatch an elder.

after all.

Children can be seen at the door of the house, so why should parents follow them every step of the way?

What's more, the inner disciples are not children at all.

The inner sect assessment is mainly to train the actual combat abilities of the inner sect disciples. It is already very good to be able to dispatch a core disciple to follow.

"Senior Brother Su Chen, we still need to notify the sect elders for rescue, so we won't stay here any longer."

The inner disciple slightly cupped his hands and spoke quickly.

At this moment, there are many inner disciples in the Taixuan Mountains being besieged by dark creatures. If one second is wasted here, one of the inner disciples may die.

They really didn't dare waste time here.

When Su Chen heard this, his heart moved.

He knew his chance had come!

Isn’t the current situation the best time to build trust?

If Su Chen can seize this opportunity, he will definitely get a big improvement!

ps: Please vote for recommendation! Asking for a monthly ticket! Please read it!

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