If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 46 Senior Brother Su Chen is truly a role model for our generation! [Please read on! Please

"Junior brother, wait a moment!"

Su Chen shouted, and then took out a bottle of elixir from the storage ring.

"Junior brothers, I see that your injuries are all serious. You should divide these pills!"

"Everyone should take it, everyone has a share."

Su Chen delivered the elixirs to several people one by one, and said while dividing the elixirs.

His actions instantly moved several people to tears.

"Thank you so much, Senior Brother Su Chen!"

Several inner disciples thanked him with tears in their eyes.

"We are all fellow disciples, so there is no need to be so polite."

Su Chen waved his hands grandly and asked again:

"Oh, by the way, where did you meet the dark creature?!"

"Just five hundred miles due west!"

One of the inner disciples raised his finger and pointed to the west and responded.

"Well, I understand. Go and notify the elders to come to the rescue."

Su Chen nodded lightly, and then took a step forward. The long sword also appeared at this moment. He stepped on it and flew quickly towards the west.

"Senior Brother Su Chen is truly a role model for our generation!"

"I didn't expect that there would be someone like Senior Brother Su Chen in our Taixuan Sect. I swear, whoever dares to go against Senior Brother Su Chen in the future must get through me first!"

"Let alone Taixuan Sect, even if we look at the entire Eastern Wasteland, it would be difficult to find someone like Senior Brother Su Chen."

"Compared with Senior Brother Su Chen, I am simply a speck of dust!"

Several disciples of Taixuan Sect looked at Su Chen's leaving figure with deep emotion in their hearts.

A senior brother who had never met them gave each of them a healing elixir when he met them for the first time.

Then after hearing the direction of the dark creature, he rushed towards it with dignity.

This pattern of knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and preferring tigers to the mountains, they asked themselves that they couldn't do it.

You know, those are dark creatures!

At the same level, the human race is no match at all.

Even if it is one big realm ahead of the opponent, it can only be defeated but cannot be completely destroyed.

But Senior Brother Su Chen knew this and still went resolutely.

"Let's go and inform the elders quickly, don't let Senior Brother Su Chen fight alone!"

Duan Cheng struggled to get up, waved his bandaged hand, and said quickly.

The other disciples may not be aware of Su Chen's strength, but he has a clear background.

A few days ago, Su Chen's performance in the outer sect trial was still vivid in his mind.

Taixuan Mountains.

This is a huge mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles.

The mountains are towering, with myriads of phenomena, and countless monsters and beasts are dormant among them.

Because they were too close to Taixuanzong, some of the powerful monsters in this mountain range had long been killed by Taixuanzong elders.

Most of them are Qi Gathering Realm or Qi Sea Realm monster beasts.

Occasionally, there will be a few monster beasts in the Shentai realm, but their numbers are extremely rare and they usually rarely appear.

Every time a monster in the Shentai realm appears, it will almost always be killed by the elders of Taixuan Sect immediately.

Precisely because there are no overly powerful monsters, the Taixuan Mountains have always been a dedicated place for inner sect assessments.

Almost every inner sect examination involves thousands of inner sect disciples.

Even if you can't get a good ranking, you can still hunt a few monsters.

And for every monster beast, as long as it can be brought back to Taixuan Sect, it can be exchanged for a lot of sect contribution points or spiritual stones.

But what everyone expected this year was that on their way to the assessment venue, a black magic circle suddenly appeared, rising from all directions.

Before their Sanskrit voices came over, the whole world suddenly became dark, with dark clouds rolling in, covering the sky and the sun.

Accompanied by the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling, it makes people's scalp numb.

Soon after, in full view of thousands of inner disciples, a crack appeared in the sky!

A crack hundreds of meters long appeared in the sky, breathing out a cold, violent, and murderous atmosphere.

Then tens of thousands of dark creatures rushed out of the cracks.

These dark creatures were diverse in appearance and huge in number, and they soon took over the surrounding land.

Looking around, there are figures of dark creatures everywhere.

Seeing this scene, every inner disciple felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave and trembled all over.

At this moment, many people understand in their hearts that the situation has been completely reversed!

They changed from hunters to prey!

Prey for these dark creatures!


In the dark fog that filled the sky, a sound of clashing gold and silver swords sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a figure flew out and hit a big tree.

Due to the excessive force of the impact, the entire tree was shaken by the impact.

Countless leaves fell from the trees.


Lu Zhen was half kneeling on the ground, his face extremely pale.

He stood still with his sword, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, staining the ground red.

"Am I going to die here today?"

Lu Zhen raised his head and looked at the countless dark creatures in front of him, as well as the Taixuan Sect disciples who kept falling, with endless unwillingness on his face.

Not long ago, he had just passed the outer sect trial and became an inner sect disciple.

I heard that the evildoer Su Chen, who ranked first in the outer sect's trial, did not appear in the team for this inner sect's assessment.

Lu Zhen knew his chance had come!

He originally thought that he could shine in this inner sect assessment and have his own place in the inner sect.

What I didn't expect was...

I encountered the invasion of dark creatures the first time I participated in the inner sect assessment.

It has been less than half a day since the dark creatures came.

The original more than a thousand inner sect disciples have been damaged.

Most of them were captured by the dark creatures, and the remaining small number of them were also huddled together, looking for a way out in this area of ​​less than a hundred miles.

Just now, there were several senior brothers and sisters around him.

But after encountering a team of dark creatures, they were completely separated.

At the moment.

It is impossible for him to break out of this magic circle alone.

Not to mention, there is a powerful dark creature blocking his way in front of him.

"The taste of humans is really wonderful!"

A cold murmur sounded.

Not far away.

A dark creature with a height of ten feet and covered in a black robe strode over.

He was holding a man in a white robe in his hand.

After arriving in front of Lu Zhen, he threw him to the ground with a bang.

After seeing the white-robed figure thrown to the ground, Lu Zhen's pupils shrank suddenly.

That was Senior Brother Zhou!

Senior Brother Zhou's strength has reached the sixth level of Qi Hai Realm.

In this inner sect assessment, he is considered to be in the upper middle level, and is a popular candidate for the top ten.

But even such a powerful senior brother has suffered at this moment!

"Don't struggle in vain, I won't kill you!"

The dark creature under the black robe spit out a scarlet and slender tongue, licked his lips, and walked towards Lu Zhen step by step, saying as he walked:

"Other dark creatures like to treat humans as food, like to steam, boil, and fry them..."

"But I'm different, I prefer..."

"Eat raw!"


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