If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 449: They are all straw dogs!

After both sides retreated several hundred meters, they stood still again.

The attack just now had no effect on the two of them, and it was impossible for them to get hurt.

This was just a test for the two of them.


"What a Su Chen!"

"You really surprised me!"

The middle-aged man of the Jinwu clan had a cold look, and was surrounded by a terrifying murderous intent, like a demon from the underworld.

His eyes were almost able to spit out murderous intent, staring at Su Chen, and the anger in his chest could no longer be suppressed.

When they were in the East Wilderness, their Jinwu clan was at Su Chen's hands and suffered losses frequently.

But he didn't expect it.

After he came to the South Region, the Leiyunhu clan, who was friendly with their Jinwu clan, even had a great saint-level strongman who fell directly in Su Chen's hands.


The new and old hatreds added together almost made him lose his mind.

He wanted to kill Su Chen as soon as possible!

This Su Chen was so hateful!

It was a pity that he had called him "fellow Taoist" not long ago, showing the utmost respect for him.

Thinking about it now, the middle-aged man of the Golden Crow clan wanted to slap himself in the face.

But he still suppressed his anger and remained rational.

He flew to the sky, his long golden hair fluttering in the wind, his eyes like two small suns, and his robes rustling in the strong wind.

The treasure wheel behind him also bloomed with supreme divine power at this moment, as if it could suppress the world. The terrifying projection slowly emerged, as if an ancient quasi-emperor was resurrected and oppressed the world.

This scene in front of them was enough to scare the low-level cultivators to death.

"Su Chen!"

"I have to say, you are indeed very strong, but do you think that you can be my enemy with a woman of quasi-saint realm?"

"Unless you have an imperial weapon in your hand, otherwise, everything below the quasi-imperial weapon is nothing but straw dogs, and everything will cease to exist."

"Even if you, Su Chen, have great means and extraordinary talent, you can't escape the situation of hatred!"

At this moment, he was extremely arrogant.

To be honest.

In this situation today, if Su Chen didn't have an imperial weapon, it would be difficult for him to get out.

Unless, he has some other trump cards!

"Imperial weapon?"

"I don't have this."

Su Chen raised his eyes slightly, looked at the arrogant figure above the sky, shook his head slowly, and said.


Before the middle-aged man of the Jinwu clan showed his joy, Su Chen changed his tone and spoke again:

"I wonder if an immortal formation can match your quasi-imperial weapon?!"

After that.

Su Chen turned his head and looked at Ye Ruxue.

Seeing this, Ye Ruxue smiled and nodded.

The two of them had already understood each other.

There was no need for Su Chen to say anything, Ye Ruxue's white jade hand had already been slightly raised.

The next moment.

Countless divine patterns were introduced into the void.

The countless divine mountains around were all shocked at this moment.


A creepy breath slowly spread.

Even with the protection of the quasi-emperor soldiers, the middle-aged man of the Jinwu clan felt his scalp tingling at this moment.

At this moment, he wanted to escape from here immediately.

This is really weird!

Weird and scary!

He couldn't believe it. How could a human woman in the quasi-saint realm threaten him?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe it.

But the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't help but believe it.


"It's just a trick!"

The middle-aged man of the Jinwu clan snorted coldly, pretending to be calm in his heart.

He didn't intend to give the other party a chance.

The treasure wheel behind him swayed endless sword lights at this moment, cutting through the void, densely packed, boundless, like an ocean, spreading out.

Each sword light was accompanied by the sound of the avenue, containing boundless terror.

This blow.

Even if the strong man at the peak of the Great Saint Realm came in person, I'm afraid he would not be able to escape the situation of hatred!


Thousands of sword lights slashed down at this moment, and instantly pierced through the sky, as if crossing the limitations of time and space.

In just a blink of an eye, it came to Su Chen's eyebrows.

In an instant.

The sky and the earth collapsed, and the eternal blue sky seemed to collapse at this moment, which was extremely terrifying.

This blow.

Even the strong men in the Saint King Realm had to take it seriously.


Su Chen did not dodge or evade the scene in front of him, as if he was frightened, and stood there in a daze.

This scene in front of him made the middle-aged man of the Jinwu clan feel extremely strange.

But at this time, every minute and every second is extremely important, so he has no time to think about anything else.

As long as Su Chen can be killed, everything will be easy.

Not only can he get revenge, but even the inheritance left by the Sword Master will be in his pocket.

As for the human woman...

He already has a plan in mind.

From the previous things, it is not difficult to see that this human woman should be Su Chen's lover.

In this case, he could enjoy this woman, and thus comfort the spirit of the great saint of the Thunder Cloud Hound clan.


The most important thing is the inheritance of the Sword Master of the World-crossing Sword!

After all.

Under the leadership of Su Chen, they were a big step ahead of others.

During this period of time, others are probably still struggling on other roads.

It will take a long time to reach their location.


Just when the millions of sword lights were about to kill Su Chen.


A loud roar was heard.


A blood-red wolf smoke slowly rose and rushed into the sky.

Countless sword lights, at this moment, faced with the sudden appearance of the wolf smoke, had almost no resistance.

In the first time, these sword lights were shattered into nothingness and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"That is..."


The middle-aged man of the Golden Crow clan was shocked.

He looked up.

He saw.

One after another, thick and boundless, bright red smoke waves, smashed the sky and sank into the vast universe.

The entire inheritance land left by the Sword Master seemed to be boiling at this moment.

The scene in front of him was really too terrifying!

Such fluctuations are rare in the ages.

Even if they are separated by billions of miles, people are afraid and want to escape immediately.

Not to mention, these red smoke waves are right in front of them.

At this moment,

even the strong men in the Saint King Realm can't help but want to surrender, or even kowtow...

The middle-aged man of the Jinwu clan was shocked, his heart was full of turbulent waves, and his body couldn't help but tremble. (End of this chapter)

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