If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 450 The power of the True Immortal-level formation!

The middle-aged man of the Golden Crow clan had never thought that he could see such a strange sight in his life.

This is incredible!

"Could this be..."


The middle-aged Golden Crow trembled all over, turned his head stiffly, suppressed the fear in his heart, and looked at Su Chen and Ye Ruxue not far away.

He couldn't believe it.

Even if he had the help of a supreme weapon like the Quasi-Emperor Soldier, it would be difficult for him to withstand such pressure.

But the two people in front of him were unscathed, as if they were not affected at all and felt nothing.

This is simply unbelievable!

Extremely incredible!


"You did this?"

The teeth of the middle-aged man from the Golden Crow clan were chattering at this moment.

Although he was extremely reluctant to believe what he was thinking.

But the facts are here.


His intuition told him that all this was just going to happen with Su Chen...

In other words, the woman behind Su Chen has something to do with it!

after all.

It is already very strange for a woman in the quasi-sacred realm to be able to reach this point.

If she didn't have any trump cards, it would be absolutely impossible for her to get here.

To know.

Even though he, the white-haired old man, and Su Chen were all powerful men in the Great Saint Realm, it took a lot of effort to get here.

And for a quasi-sacred monk to come here safe and sound, this is a miracle in itself.

"Fellow Taoist, you should just worry about getting on the road. This is not what you care about."

Su Chen spoke calmly.

He gave her what the middle-aged man of the Golden Crow clan said to the white-haired old man just now.


"This is absolutely impossible!"

"How is this possible! This is the formation left by the World-Transcending Sword Master. You have not passed his test and obtained his inheritance. How can you control the formation here?!"

"Su Chen, what methods did you use?!"

The middle-aged man from the Golden Crow clan spoke.

He turned into streaks of divine light and rushed towards Su Chen and the other two, intending to capture Ye Ruxue and demand instructions on how to control the formation.

To know.

This is a true immortal level formation!

Mastering this formation is no less than mastering a powerful emperor!

If the Golden Crow clan can master the formation in front of them, it will only be a matter of time before they can return to their peak.

When they master this formation, they will become the royal family of demons again!


The result was a disappointment.


A strange sound came, as if something was crying, resounding from a very far away place, shaking the entire void, heaven and earth, and completely confining the middle-aged man of the Golden Crow clan in the void.

No matter how much he struggled, he couldn't move at all.

at this time.

His scalp was numb, and an icy chill spread out from his bones, quickly spreading throughout his body.

As powerful as he is, he also feels the fear of despair at this moment! !

This strange sound, although not loud and not very sharp, is extremely soul-stirring and terrifying.

I saw.

At the end of the sky, a black hurricane appeared, extremely vast, like a sky curtain, covering the entire sky in an instant.

This black hurricane swept across quickly, killing everything in its path.

Even the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was swallowed up by this black hurricane.

This scene is really too terrifying.

No one would believe it unless they saw it with their own eyes.


The middle-aged man of the Golden Crow clan wanted to beg for mercy, but he couldn't make a sound at all, and couldn't even say a word.

His golden eyes were full of pleading.

But it was of no use at all. He could only watch helplessly as the black hurricane gradually enveloped him completely.

In just a breath, the black hurricane swept past.

Where the Golden Crow was originally, the opponent's figure could no longer be seen, leaving only a treasure wheel, quietly suspended in mid-air.

On it, the divine light is dim, with traces of erosion over time.

It was as if after being eroded by the black hurricane, after an extremely long period of time, even the spirituality of the quasi-emperor soldiers had suffered a huge blow and became very dim.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

"It is truly an immortal-level formation!"

"It's just a black hurricane, and even the quasi-emperor soldiers can't compete with it..."

Su Chen looked at the scene in front of him and clicked his tongue.


He stretched out his hand to take the quasi-imperial weapon, put it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

Previously, I couldn't see clearly from a distance.

Now, taking a closer look, I realized that this quasi-imperial weapon was seriously damaged.

Not only was the spirituality greatly damaged, but even the materials were almost completely corroded. From the original divine gold, it was about to drop a level.

at the moment.

This quasi-imperial weapon in his hand...


Strictly speaking, this is no longer a quasi-imperial weapon, at most it can only be regarded as a divine weapon at the level of a holy king.


It's still a broken version, and may not be as powerful as a top holy weapon.

"It's so scary, it's really so scary!"

"If there are a few more black hurricanes like this, even if a quasi-emperor comes here in person, he will die with hatred!"

Su Chen looked at the scene in front of him and sighed.

The formation here has not yet been fully revived.

This is only part of the formation that has been revived under the guidance of Ye Ruxue.

It is hard to imagine what it would be like if the entire immortal formation started to operate at the same time!

I am afraid...

I am afraid that now, all the creatures in the formation will be completely wiped out in an instant.

Thinking of this.

Su Chen actually looked forward to the complete revival of the immortal formation.

"The power of the immortal formation is extraordinary, even if I was..."

Just then.

Ye Ruxue came to Su Chen and spoke slowly.

There was a sigh and sigh on her pretty face.

But before she finished her words, she suddenly realized something and quickly shut up.


Su Chen naturally heard the second half of her words, but he pretended not to hear it, looking at the other party with a smile, and said:

"At your age, even if you can only master and control part of the formation, it is precious."


He raised his foot and walked forward, and said as he walked:

"Let's go!"

"It's time for us to see what the inheritance left by the former Sword Master is like."

"I am still very interested in the inheritance left by this Sword Master. I wonder if there is anything I want in it."


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I was originally busy, but then I looked at the time and it seemed that I still had time to write a chapter, so I started typing like crazy and finally rushed out a chapter. (End of this chapter)

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