If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 472 Anyone who stands in my way will die!

Blue Dragon Sword!

At this moment, this famous weapon of Su Chen seemed to have turned into an endless black mountain range, rolling and rolling, with an extremely strong evil spirit, and it was mighty.

Anyone who faced it would feel insignificant.

Even the white-haired old man of the Long family, who had extraordinary magical powers and an extremely strong body.


At this moment, he was still severely injured by a move, and blood instantly rushed out tens of meters high, which was shocking.

Even the three holy weapons sacrificed by the white-haired old man of the Long family, at this moment, under this sword, were turned into dust, ashes, and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The two strong men in the Holy King Realm were defeated one after another.

The entire battlefield was dead silent, and everyone's heart was violently shaken.

Su Chen of the human race...

This is really going to be invincible!

He wants to step on their ten thousand races and be invincible in one fell swoop.

Among the same level, no one is his opponent at all.


To be precise.

No one is qualified to be his opponent.

Even in the ancient times, the Saint King Realm strongmen who were domineering and invincible in the same level have become losers in Su Chen's hands at this moment.

Whether it is the Golden Winged Dapeng or the white-haired old man of the Long family, they are not weak in the same level.

In the ancient times, each of them was very powerful in the same level and had few rivals.

But even such existences, after facing Su Chen, all of them were beaten to pieces.

Especially the Golden Winged Dapeng.

At this moment, he almost began to doubt his life and did not dare to continue to provoke.


"We only need to stop him for a moment, just a moment!"

"The strong men of our tribe are on the way. In a moment, they will come here. By then, Su Chen will have no way to survive!"

Not far away.

The Sky Devouring Beast stepped on the black sea of ​​fog.

His huge body was completely shrouded in black fog, flickering.

He spoke sinisterly, giving everyone a shot of confidence.

Among the same level, Su Chen is invincible.

But facing a quasi-emperor, no matter how powerful Su Chen is, he will have to suffer here!

No matter how amazing Su Chen's talent is, he can't do it. In the same level, he can't beat the quasi-emperor.

You know.

There is a qualitative gap between the quasi-emperor and the Saint King.

All those below the quasi-emperor are ants!

This sentence is not a joke.

At this point, there is no so-called cross-level challenge.

From ancient times to the present, although there are examples of Saint Kings escaping from the hands of Quasi-emperors.

But there has never been a record of Saint Kings and Quasi-emperors fighting to a draw.

And Su Chen...

Although he becomes stronger when facing a strong opponent.

But this is only limited to the scope of the Saint King.

If he were alone, he might be able to escape from the hands of the quasi-emperor realm strongman.

But if he adds the two burdens in the Chaos Sea Star Region, it would be tantamount to directly destroying all his escape routes.

"Well said."

"This person's potential is really shocking and rare in the history. In just less than fifty years, he has reached this point. If he is given another ten years, I am afraid he can even become a great emperor!"

"If he is allowed to leave today, then the ancient covenant we are talking about will really become a piece of waste paper!"

"By then!"

"Our Southern Region will become the laughing stock of the whole world! We, the Ten Thousand Races, will no longer have any dignity!"

The strong man of the Thunder Cloud Hound clan also spoke at this moment.

His voice was extremely solemn. He looked at Su Chen and said in a deep voice:

"There is a Saint King in my Leiyunhou clan. He is coming with an imperial weapon. When the quasi-emperor in the Tiantian Daoyou clan comes, Su Chen will be unable to escape!"

The support of a quasi-emperor and an imperial weapon made everyone feel at ease, but also made them start to worry.

That is.

Whether it is the quasi-emperor in the sky of Tiantian Beast or the imperial weapon in Leiyunhou's mouth, it will take some time to arrive.

And during this time, who will hold Su Chen back?

Su Chen's strength has deeply threatened the confidence of everyone present.

This made them have a bad premonition and became the inner demon of each of them!

They hoped that the situation would continue like this.

When the quasi-emperor and the imperial weapon arrived, it would be the death of Su Chen!

In this way.

During the waiting period, no one would be injured.

This is the best situation at present, and it is also what everyone wants to maintain the most.


Just when they were still fantasizing about this beautiful situation, Su Chen broke it all.


Just then.

Su Chen turned his head, his eyes fell on the Devouring Heaven Beast, and said softly:

"It's you!"

"I want to see whether the Quasi-Emperor you mentioned will arrive first, or you will die first!"

"I'm actually looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to whether the Quasi-Emperor in your clan can arrive on time!"

Hearing this, the Devouring Heaven Beast was horrified and exclaimed:

"What are you waiting for?!"

"Are you all sitting there waiting to die? Come on together and hold him back! Otherwise, we will all die!"

"As long as everyone works together, we can definitely hold him back until the Quasi-Emperor of our clan arrives!"

"Otherwise, he might really kill us all before the Quasi-Emperor arrives!"

The Sky-Swallowing Beast's expression was a little distorted.


At this moment, he was really scared!

As strong as the Golden-Winged Dapeng and the white-haired old man of the Long family were quickly defeated by Su Chen.

He didn't think that he would be stronger than the previous two.

He didn't think that he could survive a few rounds in the hands of Su Chen!



After the Sky-Swallowing Beast finished speaking, everyone still didn't make any moves.

But at this moment.

A bright blood flower bloomed in his brow.

His entire head was almost completely pierced at this moment.

This made him extremely terrified.

He didn't even have time to see clearly how Su Chen made his move, and a hole appeared on his head.

This is really terrible!

"Puff, puff, puff..."

Su Chen flicked his fingers, and divine light burst out, as if a series of fairy rainbows penetrated the sky and the ground.

The Sky Devouring Beast tried its best to resist, but there were still a few more blood marks on its body.


"Whoever stands in my way will die!"

Su Chen shouted coldly.

The next moment.

He flew into the air, and the Azure Dragon Sword in his hand swept out, dominating the world.

The few Saint King Realm strongmen who wanted to help the Sky Devouring Beast were forced to retreat in an instant.

Especially the strong man of the Thunder Cloud Hound Clan, who coughed up blood, and one of his arms exploded, revealing the white bones, which looked shocking and extremely scary. (End of this chapter)

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