If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 473 You can give it a try, the plan of the Southern Region!

"Su Chen!"

"You will never get off easy if you kill me!"

The Sky Devouring Beast roared in fear.


"Really? Then you can try!"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows and responded.

When the Sky Devouring Beast heard Su Chen's words, his face became extremely ugly, and his heart was filled with resentment and anger.

He just said that his Quasi-Emperor was on the way, but he was targeted by Su Chen, a killer, who was determined not to stop until he killed him.

If God could give him a chance to start over, he would definitely not speak so rashly.

At least.

It is impossible to shout like this in front of Su Chen.

If he had waited for his Quasi-Emperor to come quietly, what happened today would not have happened.

It's a pity that he didn't have another chance.

When the Sky Devouring Beast thought of this, he roared:

"In another quarter of an hour, my Quasi-Emperor will arrive!"


His roar shook the sky and the earth, and the surrounding void was shattered by his roar, and chaotic mist flowed out.

Behind him.

Thirty thousand Heavenly Dao runes appeared, and one after another, the phantoms of gods and demons, suppressed in the void, lined up together, like a dark mountain, attacking Su Chen together.

This scene can be called terrifying.

With such a terrifying vision, it is hard to imagine how powerful he can be.



The Sky Devouring Beast was completely silent before it finished roaring.

I saw.

Su Chen in front of him seemed to have turned into an invincible god of war at this moment, with the chaotic energy around him emanating, and he walked slowly.

His steps were slow, but every step he took was a long distance.

At this moment, the Canglong Sword in his hand also slashed out obliquely, and every blow could create the world, beating the Sky Devouring Beast, retreating step by step, and vomiting blood.

The phantom of the gods and demons behind him lasted less than a blink of an eye before they completely turned into wisps of green smoke and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Today, let alone the Quasi-Emperor, the Great Emperor is here in person!"

"Even if the True Immortal comes, I can't stop him from killing you!"

At this moment.

Su Chen's body was shining with unparalleled divine light, dazzling and dazzling, as if he was an almighty Heavenly Emperor descending to the mortal world, dominating the heavens and the earth, marching forward, overlooking all living things.


A loud sound rang out, and the Sky Devouring Beast was instantly knocked out.

Blood spurted from the opponent's mouth, and his huge body was almost broken into pieces, with countless wounds, each of which was shocking, and you could see the white bones.

Seeing this scene in front of them, the other people who originally wanted to help silently stepped back at this moment.

Their original intention was to keep Su Chen.

But judging from the current situation, their goal has been achieved.

Didn't Su Chen run away?

As long as Su Chen doesn't run away, as long as the inheritance of the Sword Master and the coffin of the Quasi-Emperor are with Su Chen, it will be fine.

Those present are all old monsters among the myriad races, and each of them is a shrewd man.

For them, Su Chen himself and the opportunity are the most important.


As long as Su Chen can be kept and they don't have to make any effort, then sacrificing a Heaven-Swallowing Beast is completely acceptable.


The Heaven-Swallowing Beast itself is a Saint King Realm powerhouse.

As a Saint King Realm powerhouse, it should not fall into Su Chen's hands in a short time.

When he holds on until the Quasi-Emperor Realm powerhouse arrives, everything will be easy.

At that time.

The Quasi-Emperor Realm powerhouses of their Heaven-Swallowing Clan will naturally save him, and will also kill Su Chen directly.


After only a dozen rounds.

Su Chen swept out with a sword, unparalleled power, crushing the void, and the sharp sword intent filled every space in this world.

The dazzling sword light was like the sun in the sky.

When the Sky Devouring Beast saw this scene, it quickly used its claws to block Su Chen's sword.

But the huge force caused his claws to begin to break.

Then came his arms.

Then his whole body shook violently, breaking into pieces, and the bright red blood covered thousands of miles in an instant, dyeing the entire sky a shocking blood red.


The Sky Devouring Beast screamed, his tone full of unwillingness.

His soul retreated from his body and quickly repaired his body. When he looked at Su Chen, he had already taken on a deep fear.

The shadow left by this battle was too big.

If Su Chen didn't die today, he might become his inner demon in the future, preventing him from practicing in the future.

Thinking of this,

The eyes of the Sky Devouring Beast gradually became feminine, and his eyes moved, finally looking at Mu Qingxue and Ye Ruxue hiding in the Chaos Sea Star Region.


He planned to capture the two women directly to threaten Su Chen.

But this idea was quickly dispelled by him.

Su Chen is very likely to have become the Master of the World-crossing Sword.

At this time, no matter who dares to enter the Chaos Sea Star Region and find trouble with Mu Qingxue and Ye Ruxue, they may end up seeking their own death.

After all.

A place like the Chaos Sea Star Region may be a slightly dangerous place when it has no owner.

But once it has an owner.

The danger level of the Chaos Sea Star Domain will increase step by step, becoming a restricted area, or even more terrifying than a restricted area.

Not to mention a mere Saint King cultivator, even if a Great Emperor enters it, there is a risk of falling.

Because the formation in the Chaos Sea Star Domain is too terrifying.

Immortal-level formation!

Even a True Immortal Realm powerhouse may not be able to get out smoothly.

Not to mention a Great Emperor powerhouse.

There is a qualitative gap between the Great Emperor and the True Immortal Realm.

It can be said that there is only one powerhouse who can cultivate to the Great Emperor Realm, but if you want to cultivate to the True Immortal Realm, you need more than just qualifications.

It can be said that.

Among the one hundred Great Emperors, it is impossible for even one True Immortal Realm powerhouse to appear.

Those Great Emperors in the long river of history entered the Immortal Realm in order to seek a chance to become an Immortal.


"I didn't expect you to refine the black blood stone!"

"It seems that your plan in the South Region is not small!"

"I am now a little interested in your ancient covenant."

"But what I am more interested in is where these black blood stones come from?"

Su Chen glanced at the Sky Devouring Beast and spoke in a cold tone.

As far as he knew.

In the South Region, there was no direct confrontation between dark creatures.

You know.

In the East Wilderness, the dark creatures and the human race were almost in a mess.

But the South Region has always been calm.

Whether in this era or in ancient times, the South Region has always been like this. (End of this chapter)

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