If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 474: The first person under the Quasi-Emperor!

Since there are no traces of dark creatures in the South Region.

Then, the question is.

Where did this group of great saints and the powerful people of the Ten Thousand Races in the Saint King Realm get so many black blood stones?

These black blood stones can't be preserved from ancient times, right?

This is possible, but it is very unrealistic.

If they were really preserved from ancient times, Long Wu would definitely tell me.

But Long Wu didn't say a word about this.

That proves that these black blood stones were not preserved from ancient times.


Long Wu didn't refine the black blood stones of the Ten Thousand Races like these powerful people of the Ten Thousand Races.

You know.

Long Wu, that's a powerful person in the Saint King Realm!

In addition, she is a powerful person of the True Dragon Clan. No matter what, some resources among the Ten Thousand Races must be given priority to the powerful people of the powerful clans.

No matter how you look at this matter, it is very strange.

"Let me guess."

Su Chen looked up at the Sky Devouring Beast in front of him, then his eyes moved away from the other party, and swept across the many powerful people of the Ten Thousand Races present one by one, and said:

"No way?"

"Could it be that the ancient covenant you mentioned is related to the dark creatures?"


As soon as these words came out.

The faces of the many powerful people of the Ten Thousand Races present changed one after another, and their expressions became very unnatural.

Dark creatures are not creatures of this world.

Strictly speaking.

Whether it is the human race or the ancient Ten Thousand Races, when facing dark creatures, no matter how great the hatred is, they need to unite and face the outside world together.


"It's useless for you to know this before you die."

"You might as well rest assured and be buried in the ground!"

In the void, a strong man suddenly spoke.

As his voice fell, Su Chen made another move.

The Emperor of Heaven's Fist swept out, and the terrifying power covered thousands of miles around.

In just a moment, several great saints of the Ten Thousand Races were blown up by Su Chen.

The Saint King hidden in the dark coughed up blood and was beaten out of the void. He looked at Su Chen with an incredible look on his face.

"Did I let you interrupt me when I was talking?"

Su Chen glanced at the other party coldly and said softly.


The other party was stunned when he heard the words, and then he showed anger.

But he didn't dare to do anything to Su Chen.

"Su Chen!"

"You should be very clear about the effect of the black blood stone. With your strength, if you want to kill us, it may be very simple, but with the black blood stone, you want to completely kill us in a short time, that is impossible!"

"We may not be your opponents, but if we gather together, it is still no problem to hold on until the quasi-emperor strongman comes."

The strong man of the Leiyunhu clan also spoke leisurely at this moment.


"When did I say I would kill you?"

"I can't kill you in a short time, but I can suppress you!"

"After I kill the Quasi-Emperor, I will slowly kill you."

Su Chen said calmly.

He changed his mindset.

Since Su Chen realized that someone had refined the Black Blood Stone, he was thinking about how to break the situation today.

Thinking over and over again.

It seems that the only option for him at present is to completely suppress everyone present.


This group of people will always cause trouble for him.

This is very disadvantageous for him to fight against the Quasi-Emperor.



"Do you think you can challenge the Quasi-Emperor now?"

The strong man of the Leiyunhu clan spoke.

As his voice fell.

He offered a small black flag.

The moment the black flag fell, it began to grow in the wind, and instantly occupied a thousand miles, as if it was a mountain made of black refined iron, crushing towards Su Chen.

At this moment, the sky shook, the ground cracked, and the void collapsed.

If it weren't for the Chaos Sea Star Region not far away, I'm afraid this universe would be completely sunk by him.


Su Chen made a move.

He didn't say any nonsense, just punched out lightly.

The dazzling fist light hit the black flag, bursting out the most dazzling light.

At this moment.

It seemed that 100,000 mountains exploded at the same time, and magma flowed.

It was as if countless suns exploded together, ravaging the universe, a powerful breath swept in all directions, shaking the world, sweeping across the four seas and eight wastelands.

Everyone trembled and retreated.

This was an extremely powerful attack from two Saint King Realm powerhouses. Su Chen used some of his strength, and no one present knew it.

But the strong men of the Thunder Cloud Hound clan had already used all their strength without reservation at this moment.

For a while.

The entire battlefield was full of chaotic light, and it was impossible to see the scene clearly.

It seemed like a long time had passed, and it seemed like only a moment had passed.

When the light faded, everything on the spot disappeared, including the strong men of the Thunder Cloud Hound clan, and his life-saving magic weapon, the black flag.

Under the sky.

Chaos and mist lingered in it, and only a hazy figure stood alone between heaven and earth.

Su Chen had one hand behind his back and the other hand across his body, with symbols filling his palms, and roars coming from them from time to time.

This scene made everyone present feel numb.

What was going on?

The fellow Daoist of the Thunder Cloud Hound clan was suppressed by Su Chen just like that?

What happened just now?

"What other means do you have? Feel free to use them."

"If you don't have any, then I will suppress you together with this Thunder Cloud Hound!"

Su Chen clenched his fist with one hand, completely suppressed the Thunder Cloud Hound in his palm, raised his head slightly, and looked at other creatures not far away.

Just a glance made everyone present shudder uncontrollably.


The whole place fell into a deathly silence.

Everyone looked at Su Chen in horror, not daring to make any move.


It was really terrifying!

Su Chen's strength far exceeded their expectations.

First it was the Golden Winged Dapeng, then the white-haired old man of the Long family, and now it was the strong man of the Thunder Cloud Hound clan...

Three strong men in the Saint King realm were cut off in Su Chen's hands, two of them were completely suppressed...

In the past.

To achieve this kind of record, only a quasi-emperor can do it.

But Su Chen...

He is just a strong man who has just broken through the Saint King Realm!

He has just broken through and achieved such a heaven-defying record.

At this moment.

Many powerful people of the Ten Thousand Races in the Southern Region finally realized the fear of those hostile forces of Su Chen in the Eastern Wilderness.

If the Quasi-Emperor does not come out, no one in the world can suppress Su Chen!

The first person under the Quasi-Emperor!


At this moment.

Su Chen spoke again.

His eyes swept across the people present and said:

"It seems that you Ten Thousand Races are just like this."

"You don't even dare to attack me?" (End of this chapter)

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