If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 55 Which monk wouldn’t be jealous? [Please read on!]

"Master, what is black blood stone?"

Mu Qingxue asked curiously.

This was the first time she had heard these three words.

She was very curious about what this black blood stone was that could make her master so excited.

"Black blood stone is a unique specialty in the dark creature world. Like the spirit stone in our world, it is a universal currency."

"The only difference between the two is that the spirit stone in our world can improve cultivation and restore spiritual power."

"But the black blood stone in the dark creature world can enhance the body. They can regenerate broken limbs and even regenerate blood by dripping blood. They rely on this black blood stone."

"So that's it."

Mu Qingxue's lavender eyes trembled slightly.

When she looked at the black blood stone in Su Chen's hand, there was a hint of envy in her eyes.

Of course, it was just envy.

Su Chen saved her life today, and she couldn't be shameless enough to ask for it.

"In our world, if you want to regenerate a broken limb, you must at least be at the level of a saint, and if you want to regenerate with a drop of blood, you must at least be at the level of a great emperor!"

"In the world of dark creatures, even dark creatures at the Qi Hai realm can regenerate a broken limb, and as for the Shentai realm, it is even more terrifying!"

The old female voice slowly narrated.

The shock in Mu Qingxue's lavender eyes became more and more intense.

This is really terrifying!

The items produced under the rules of different worlds are simply abnormal!

"Our world needs black blood stones, and dark creatures need spiritual stones from our world."

"Ten thousand years ago, dark creatures had a great war with our world. In that war, we won and got a lot of black blood stones."

"But because we can't find the world of dark creatures, black blood stones are used one by one, and now it is almost impossible to see them in this era. Each piece is a priceless treasure!"


Mu Qingxue heard the words, glanced at the black blood stone in Su Chen's hand, and then looked down the mountain.

There are still tens of thousands of low-level dark creatures alive there.

These dark creatures are not too weak, and each of them has the cultivation of the Qi Condensation Realm.

It shouldn't be too much for each of them to carry a few black blood stones on their bodies, right?

"Don't look at it, storage magic weapons are extremely rare in the world of dark creatures, and low-level dark creatures can't carry storage magic weapons and black blood stones."

The old female voice said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Mu Qingxue's thoughts were instantly extinguished.


Mu Qingxue pondered for a moment, and asked in a low voice in her heart:

"Master, do you know when the dark creatures will cross the border again?"

The dark creatures that were still vicious in her eyes just now have become a little cute in Mu Qingxue's eyes.

Master Mu Qingxue: "..."

"It depends on when they want to invade again!"

"Before again, you should first awaken your physique for me!"

Mu Qingxue's master said unhappily.

"Even if they want to come, they may not appear in the same place. The next time they may appear thousands of miles away, or they may not appear in the East Wilderness. If you want to meet them, you have to rely on luck!"

"Moreover! Even if they come again, how can you be sure that they are still the three Qi Hai Realm minions? Maybe next time they will directly descend on the three Shen Tai Realm, Shen Hai Realm strongmen, even the Saint Realm strongmen are not impossible!"


Mu Qingxue nodded helplessly.

She glanced at Su Chen, who was holding the black blood stone and showing a thoughtful look, sorted out her thoughts, and slowly said:

"Do you know what this is?"

Su Chen heard this, raised his head, looked at her and smiled and shook his head, saying: "I don't know."

"Sister knows?"

"I happened to see this thing in an ancient book. If I remember correctly, this thing should be called black blood stone..."

Mu Qingxue pretended to be thoughtful.

Then she told Su Chen everything her master had said.

This was considered to repay Su Chen for saving her life.

After listening carefully, Su Chen showed a look of sudden realization.


It turns out that his biggest gain today is here!

Regeneration of broken limbs, regeneration by dripping blood...

Which cultivator would not envy such abilities? !

Everyone present saw those dark creatures just now.

As long as their origins are still there, even if they are beaten into meat paste or even blood mist, they can be revived again.

This ability is simply a super big bug below the Saint Realm!

It means that they are unlucky and met Su Chen, who is invincible at the same level.

If it were other Qi Hai Realm cultivators or even Shen Tai Realm cultivators today, I am afraid that the fate would be that as many as they come, as many as they die.

After all.

Dark creatures are said to be immortal and invincible at the same level!

What they are least afraid of is a war of attrition!

"Thank you, Senior Sister!"

Su Chen looked at Mu Qingxue deeply.

His intuition told him that the woman in front of him was definitely not simple!

Taixuan Sect had no record of such a divine object as the Black Blood Stone.

Thinking of this, his heart moved slightly, as if he had understood something.

"Don't thank me, I didn't do anything."

Mu Qingxue said lightly.

She really didn't do anything.

She just repeated her master's words.

They exchanged a few simple pleasantries.

Su Chen sent Mu Qingxue away and forced out a drop of blood to make the other bracelet recognize its owner.

The contents of this bracelet are actually similar to those of the previous one.

The only difference is that there is an extra black jade pendant.

The jade pendant is neither big nor small, only about three inches, with warm tentacles and a little bit of modesty shining on it, making it look very mysterious.

Unfortunately, there is a crack in the middle of the jade pendant.

"This is probably their trump card..."

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

He could sense the terrifying energy faintly emanating from this jade pendant.

If it is activated, it is estimated that it can kill a powerful person in the Shentai realm instantly.

Even a strong person in the Divine Sea Realm will be severely injured if he is not careful.

"Looking at the cracks on it, it should still be usable two or three times."

Su Chen put it away with great satisfaction.


I have one more trump card. If I encounter a strong enemy in the future, I can activate the jade pendant directly and I can definitely catch the opponent off guard.


Su Chen put away the jade pendant, his expression suddenly changed, as if he had thought of something, and murmured:

"I seem to have forgotten that there is a storage bracelet that I haven't collected yet!"

When he was rescuing Lu Zhen, he killed a dark creature in the Qi Sea Realm.

He was in a hurry to get here, so he didn't pay special attention.

Now thinking about it carefully, Su Chen suddenly felt that he had lost 100 million!

You know, these two storage bracelets contain thousands of black blood stones.

The dark creature is also not weak in strength, and it is estimated that there are several thousand black blood stones in it.

"I have to go back and take a look, and bring Lu Zhen here by the way. He is alone outside and has been seriously injured. It is really dangerous."

Su Chen thought so in his heart.

Then, he turned around and left.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

ps: Please read it! Please vote!

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