If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 56: I am late for love? [Please read on! ]


A loud noise was heard, and the sky suddenly exploded.

To be precise, the formation that had been covering the sky was broken.

A terrifying aura fell, covering hundreds of miles in an instant.

Above the sky.

A scorching sun slowly emerged, its endless divine light shining on the nine heavens and ten earth.

That's not the real sun!

Rather, it was a huge creature. Because its momentum was too terrifying, it was just the overflow of Qi that caused such a terrifying scene.


The huge creature let out a huge roar.

The void shook, and the nearby mountains were shaken violently.

"Dark creature!"

"You are so brave! You dare to act wild within the confines of our Taixuan Sect. Today I will eliminate the demons, defend the law, and cleanse the world!"

An old but powerful voice came from the sky.

With an undisguised murderous intent, it made people shudder.

Until then.

Only then did the many disciples of Taixuan Sect who managed to survive clearly see the huge creature above the sky.

It was a golden-haired male lion, more than ten meters tall, standing like a hill in the sky, with a golden light flowing all over its body, as if it was poured out of gold.

And above the lion.

An old man with gray hair in purple robes stood with his hands behind his back.

The strong wind blew his robes and made a hunting sound, like a god looking down on the world.

As his eyes opened and closed, cold light overflowed.

He slowly raised his hand and pointed it at the sword. The strong energy was like a galaxy in the east of Xiong, flooding the heaven and earth, and it was terrifying.

The divine light covers the sky and the sun, making it difficult for people to look directly.


The old man tapped out gently.

Thousands of sword lights burst out in an instant, like a river hanging from the sky, falling from the sky at high speed.


There was a loud bang.

The whole area for hundreds of miles was submerged in the dazzling sword light.

Looking around, there was a vast expanse of white everywhere, and sword light filled every inch of space.

Good thing.

These sword lights only kill those dark creatures, and are deliberately avoided by the very spiritual disciples of Taixuan Sect.




Sounds came one after another.

However, these dark creatures have extremely strong vitality.

But under this endless sword light, it is impossible to support it.

in a blink.

Tens of thousands of dark creatures were all killed.


After killing these dark creatures, the old man seemed to be a little unsatisfied.

He frowned slightly, wanting to say something:

That's it?

Such a weak dark creature still needs help?


In the Taixuan Sect's main hall, several inner disciples cried bitterly, saying that dark creatures appeared in the inner sect's assessment site this time. They were all so powerful that even the core disciple Wang Ming could not resist them.

But now...

He killed tens of thousands of dark creatures, but he didn't find even one that exceeded the Qi Sea realm.

Could it be that.

Are the current inner disciples of Taixuan Sect already so miserable?

More than a thousand people!

Among them there is even a core disciple of the Shentai Realm and several inner disciples of the ninth level of the Qi Sea Realm.

So many people together can't defeat tens of thousands of dark creatures in the Qi Gathering Realm?

The old man shook his head and released his consciousness.

After scanning a mountain peak, his expression suddenly changed.


The old man took one step forward.

The next second it appeared directly on the mountain peak.

Seeing the old man appear, the inner disciples who survived by chance all saluted respectfully:

"Disciple pays homage to Elder Fan!"

"Disciple pays homage to Elder Fan!"

"Disciple pays homage to Elder Fan!"


The rising and falling sounds echoed throughout the mountain peaks.

"Get up."

Elder Fan raised his hand gently.

Looking at the few hundred remaining inner disciples, their expressions were extremely ugly.

When we came out, there were more than a thousand disciples, but now there are less than half!

Elder Fan's eyes slowly swept across the many disciples present, and said in a deep voice: "Where is Wang Ming?"

"Senior Brother Wang..."

An inner disciple looked up at Elder Fan and hesitated to speak.


Elder Fan's face darkened when he saw it, and he shouted softly.

"Senior Brother Wang Ming killed three dark creatures with all his strength, but was defeated in the end..."



Elder Fan felt something bad in his heart when he heard this.

"Three dark creatures? Where are they?"

Before many inner disciples could respond, his peripheral vision glanced at the corpses of two dark creatures not far away.

Although their corpses were in disgrace, it was not difficult to see that the strength of these two dark creatures should not be underestimated.

It is far from comparable to those low-level dark creatures at the foot of the mountain.


"The two dark creatures at the ninth level of the Qi Sea Realm, approaching the Divine Platform Realm, are they dead?"

Elder Fan looked at the two dark creatures on the ground and murmured.

this moment.

He felt his face burning with pain.

After working on it for a long time, I feel that I came too late? !

"Who killed this?"

Elder Fan asked again.

However, no one answered his question.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the white figure in the front.


Elder Fan followed everyone's gaze.

He looked Su Chen up and down and said in surprise: "You were the one who killed these two dark creatures?"

"It's the junior."

Su Chen nodded lightly and cupped his hands.

"Okay, okay!"

Elder Fan said three good things in a row.

There was a look of surprise on his face.

Although the two dark creatures on the ground are dead, their strength can still be seen.

after all.

The other party had killed a core disciple of the Shentai Realm.

Its horror is evident.

However, such a terrifying dark creature died at the hands of an inner disciple.

What does this mean?

This shows that the inner disciple in front of him has great potential and his strength is almost unrivaled at the same level!

Without such means, how could we kill two dark creatures?

"Well done, what's your name?"

Elder Fan looked at Su Chen with great appreciation and asked.

"The disciple's name is Su Chen!"

Su Chen said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Su Chen?"

"Not bad, not bad, it's a good name..."

Elder Fan said with great appreciation.

But before he finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, his expression suddenly changed, he looked at Su Chen in front of him, and said in a hurried tone:

"Wait! What did you say your name was?"

"The disciple's name is Su Chen."

Su Chen repeated lightly.

"Su Chen..."

"You are the one who showed transcendent talent in the outer sect trial, stepped into the taboo realm in the Qi Gathering Realm, and at the same time practiced a yellow-level high-grade martial arts to perfection, and mastered three earth-level martial arts martial arts in the talent level. Su Chen?"

Elder Fan stared at Su Chen solemnly, his eyes full of fire, and said.

Su Chen's expression remained unchanged, still calm, and he nodded gently.

"It turns out that it was you who killed these two dark creatures!"

"If it's you, it wouldn't be strange at all..."

Seeing Su Chen nodding in response, Elder Fan said softly.

ps: Please read and vote!

I will try my best to update the time in the future, and strive to update at 00:01, and the remaining two updates will be updated before 12 o'clock in the morning.

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