If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 67 Ancient Secret Realm, Four Holy Spirits [Please read on! ]

"The sect master means that you will lead the team to Huangji City this time, and I will accompany you to protect your safety."

Elder Fan said with a smile.

"after all……"

"Looking at the entire Taixuan Sect, you are the strongest under the age of twenty-three. Once you enter the battlefield of hundreds of demons, you can also take care of other disciples if you have free time."

At the end of his speech, Elder Fan's voice gradually became serious.

This time, an edict issued by the Emperor of Da Chu caused almost all the forces in the entire Da Chu Dynasty to take action.

At that time, the genius will be like a crucian carp crossing the river.

Countless geniuses gathered in Huangji City, Su Chen might be able to face them with ease.

But that may not be the case for others.

Taixuanzong had just experienced the invasion of dark creatures, suffered heavy losses, and could no longer withstand any blow.

If some of the disciples were to die at this juncture, then Taixuan Sect would really be in decline.

By then, these elders will be the eternal sinners of Taixuan Sect.

Moreover, Wuji Sect will also go to Huangji City this time.

When two major sects meet, what will happen if they don't keep it together?

"Elder Fan, please rest assured, this disciple will do his best not to let the elder and the sect down!"

Su Chen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.


Elder Fan nodded with satisfaction and said happily: "Your words are enough!"

He was still reassured about Su Chen's strength.

Looking at the entire Chu Dynasty, among all the forces combined, there are probably not a few geniuses who can rival him.

Even if it is...

The princes of the Great Chu Dynasty may not be Su Chen's opponents in the same realm.

If he takes action, Taixuan Sect may be able to reduce the number of disciples who die...

As for not killing anyone...

Neither Elder Fan nor the sect has ever thought about it, and neither dared to think so.

after all.

There is no free lunch in this world.

It is impossible to just take advantage of others without killing one or two people.

Once you enter the battlefield of hundreds of monsters, any worldly restraint will be ineffective.

By then.

Whether you can get the opportunity and come out alive depends entirely on your own luck.

"You have to practice well in the past two days. The sect still needs to finalize other candidates to go to the Hundred Demons Battlefield. I will let someone inform you before departure."

Elder Fan said with a smile.

"Then the disciple will leave first..."

Su Chen bowed his hands, then turned and left.

at the same time.

Thousands of miles away from Taixuanzong, in an ancient secret realm.

This place is covered with clouds and fog, and the aura is extremely rich.

Deep in the clouds and mist, Qionglou Yuyu is looming, like a fairyland on earth.

Logically speaking, there should be a terrifying force in such a supreme treasure land.

But the place was completely silent, without any sound, and the silence was eerie.

It seems that there is some huge terrorist crisis hidden under this quiet and peaceful surface.

At the same time, it also made this place a deserted place where no one dared to set foot.


At this moment, a mysterious fluctuation suddenly came.

Deep in the clouds and mist, thousands of divine lights burst out, and auspiciousness descended from the sky, turning this place into a sea of ​​brilliance.

The waves overlap, among them are real dragons soaring into the sky, white tigers trampling on them, and roaring to the sky.

I don’t know how long it lasted, but the brilliance gradually converged, and a hazy figure covered the body like moonlight, making the whole person seem real and illusory.

It's clearly right in front of you, but it feels like it's far away.

But even so, she still gives people a flawless feeling.

"Finally reached the eighth level of the Qi Sea Realm!"

A cold voice sounded.

Her body is graceful and graceful, and she seems to be sitting in the palace, shrouded in various divine lights, and is extremely sacred.

If Su Chen were here, he would definitely be able to recognize him at a glance.

This person is Ye Ruxue who separated from Su Chen from the Saint's Secret Realm!

At this moment, Ye Ruxue has undergone earth-shaking changes. In just one month, he rushed from the ninth level of Qi Gathering Realm to the eighth level of Qi Sea Realm.

Such a speed of cultivation can simply shock everyone's outlook.

"The blood essence of the true dragon and the blood of the white tiger have been obtained, but if you want to condense the Four Spirit Holy Body, you still need the blood essence of the Suzaku and the Xuanwu..."

Ye Ruxue frowned slightly, her crystal eyes revealing memories.

In the previous life, Ye Ruxue relied on the latecomers of the Four Spirits Holy Body to catch up, surpassing countless geniuses at once, and thus standing on top of the world.

It can be said that the Four Spirits Holy Body is the key to her rise.

But this constitution also has a fatal flaw.

If it is not present at birth, it will be difficult to form it the day after tomorrow.

Ye Ruxue also obtained a secret method by chance in her previous life. As long as the essence and blood of four divine beasts are used, the foundation of the Four Spirits Holy Body can be built!

In her last life, she didn't find the real essence and blood of the four divine beasts, so she could only use some demonic beast essence blood containing the blood of the divine beasts instead.

Although she still cultivated the Four Spirits Holy Body in the end, she also took many detours.

If she can avoid those detours, her rise will be even faster and more unstoppable!

Now that she had the experience of her previous life, she had a smooth start in this life.

In a short period of time, the essence and blood of two mythical beasts have been obtained.

Although it is not very strong, it is still stronger than the essence and blood of ordinary monsters.

"If I remember correctly, in one month's time, the Great Chu Dynasty's Battlefield of Hundred Demons will begin!"

"The battlefield of hundreds of monsters seems to contain the essence and blood of Suzaku..."

Ye Ruxue began to calculate in her mind according to the memory of her previous life.

At this moment, her strength has reached the eighth level of Qi Hai Realm. Although she does not have the blessing of the Four Spirit Saint Body, her physique has undergone earth-shaking changes after obtaining the True Dragon Blood Essence and White Tiger Blood Essence.

It is not an exaggeration to call her a top genius now.

Her talent should be not much different from Mu Qingxue who has not activated her physique.

With her eighth level of Qi Hai Realm cultivation, ordinary Shentai Realm Early Stage is not her opponent at all.

Not to mention...

She can also set up formations!

Once she successfully sets up a killing formation, she has absolute confidence that she can fight ten Shentai Realm Early Stage powerhouses alone!

"But if you want to enter the Hundred Demons Battlefield, it will be a lot of trouble..."

"Unfortunately, if there is a sect as a background, it may be easier, but if you want to appear in the Hundred Demons Battlefield as a casual cultivator..."

Ye Ruxue said here, her expression was a little dazed.

Now she can be regarded as a casual cultivator.

Although she has the Ye family behind her, the Ye family seems to be a little inferior to those sects.

It is of no help to Ye Ruxue at all.

Even if the Great Chu Emperor issues an edict, it will not be issued to the Ye family.


Their Ye family is far from qualified!

In this case, if you want to enter the Hundred Demons Battlefield, you can only rely on your own means.

Ye Ruxue narrowed her light blue eyes slightly, and murmured in a low voice:

"Perhaps, my only chance to enter the Hundred Demons Battlefield lies in the ninth princess of the Great Chu Dynasty!"


ps: Three more updates for votes!

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