If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 68: The ruins of the ancient Tiangui Sect, Ye Ruxue's thoughts! [Please read on]

Last life.

The contemporary Great Chu Emperor is very powerful, with a cultivation base of the peak of the sub-sage realm, and only one step away from the sage realm.

During the thousand years he has been in power, he has many children.

But if we talk about who is the most outstanding, it must be the eldest prince and the ninth princess!

Both of them are outstanding people in their lifetime, and they will make a great reputation in the future.

If you can get in touch with the ninth princess of the Great Chu Dynasty now, then entering the Hundred Demons Battlefield is not a problem at all.

"The ninth princess of the Great Chu Dynasty, her true identity is the saint of the Wuji Demon Sect, but at present, this secret should not be exposed..."

"I may be able to use this to exchange with her, and maybe I can get a place to enter the Hundred Demons Battlefield."

Ye Ruxue knew.

Now this stage should be the stage where the ninth princess and the eldest prince compete with each other, and both want to get the position of the Great Chu Emperor.

On the surface.

The current eldest prince has suppressed the ninth princess.

But in fact, the ninth princess has the support of the Wuji Demon Sect behind her, and she is not far behind.

This situation continued until a hundred years later, when the identity of the Ninth Princess as the Saint of the Wuji Demon Sect was revealed, and the eldest prince became the crown prince of Dachu with an overwhelming advantage.

Later, he ascended the throne and became the new emperor of Dachu!

After he came to power, his ambitions broke out.

He suppressed the sect internally and expanded the territory externally, and even almost destroyed the neighboring Dashang Dynasty!

The result was surprising. At the last moment, a female emperor suddenly appeared in the Dashang Dynasty!

As soon as the female emperor appeared, she showed unparalleled talent and terrifying strength.

She led the army in person, turned the tide, supported the collapsing building, and led millions of troops to counterattack.

In the end, they fought to the gates of the Dachu Emperor.

Ye Ruxue was not particularly clear about what happened later.

Because at that time, she had already perfected the Four Spirits Saint Body, left the East Wilderness, and went to Zhongzhou, where there were many geniuses.

However, even if there were only these, it was enough for her!

After all, the future affairs between the Great Chu and the Great Shang Dynasty have nothing to do with her.

Right now.

She just needs a drop of Suzaku blood.

"The Ninth Princess should be at the peak of the Divine Platform Realm now, and is only one step away from the Divine Sea Realm."

"If I can help her become a Divine Sea Realm expert, then entering the Hundred Demons Battlefield will not be a problem!"

Thinking of this, Ye Ruxue slowly stood up.

She has a perfect figure and a slender waist.

At this time, she stood on a high platform, her eyes swept around.

This is also a place of opportunity, and it is not yet time for her to be born.

But she came in early, and it was here that she got a drop of White Tiger blood.

In addition to the White Tiger blood, there are many good things here.

For example, she remembered that there was also a bottle of Divine Sea Pill.

Divine Sea Pill is a pill that can make people break through the Divine Sea Realm. Each pill can increase the chance of breaking through the Divine Sea Realm by three levels.

This kind of pill is not comparable to the Huahai Pill.

In the outside world, it is worthless.

Using such a pill to exchange for the qualification to enter the Hundred Demons Battlefield is more than enough.

The current problem is that if I take the Shenhai Pill to find the Ninth Princess, although there is a chance that I will be qualified to enter the Hundred Demons Battlefield.

But the greater possibility is that I will be killed for the treasure.

After all.

The Ninth Princess is not a good man or a believer.

She is the saint of the Wuji Demon Sect. Killing a stranger can get a Shenhai Pill.

For her, there is no psychological pressure at all.

On the contrary, she will be happy to do it!

If you want to avoid this situation, you have to prepare more trump cards.

At least you have to make sure that the Ninth Princess dare not attack you at will and ensure your safety!

"This opportunity is the ruins of the ancient Tiangui Sect. I remember that when it appeared in my previous life, there seemed to be two Shenhai Realm puppets that attracted countless people to fight for them."

"If I can find those two puppets, I will be more than enough to protect myself!"

Ye Ruxue's lavender eyes lightly swept the depths of the hall.

That was the only place she had never set foot on.

If there is a complete puppet left, it must be in the hall.

"If I meet him in the secret realm..."

Ye Ruxue's lilac eyes were full of brilliance.

She recalled the broad figure who protected her in the saint's opportunity, and her cheeks flushed slightly.

Last time, he protected her.

This time, it's time for me to protect him!

Thinking of the two of them meeting again, his shocked eyes, Ye Ruxue couldn't help but smile slightly.

She remembered very clearly that when they separated, Su Chen was only the third level of Qi Hai Realm.

It is estimated that if nothing unexpected happens, Su Chen should still be standing still.

However, she is no longer the same as before, and her cultivation has completely surpassed him!

With her current cultivation and the experience and memory of her previous life, Ye Ruxue is absolutely confident at this moment. Even if several powerful people in the Shentai Realm join forces, she is not afraid at all!

Even if she didn't use the formation, she didn't think she would lose to Su Chen from a month ago!

She might even win!

If she used the formation, Su Chen wouldn't have any chance of winning!

This was her confidence in her rebirth!

"There happen to be two puppets here. If I can meet him in the Hundred Demons Battlefield, I will give him one!"

Ye Ruxue thought so in her heart.

As he thought about it, his pace became much brisker.

As for whether Su Chen would go to the Hundred Demons Battlefield, she had never considered this.

Su Chen in his previous life did not enter the battlefield of hundreds of demons.

To be precise, he didn't even appear in Huangji City!

But it’s hard for him not to think about it in this life!

Because Su Chen's strength is at the third level of Qi Sea Realm, even if he doesn't want to go, Taixuanzong will not agree.

after all.

There are only a few young geniuses in the entire Taixuan Sect who can defeat the seventh level of the Qi Sea Realm at the third level of the Qi Sea Realm.

Ye Ruxue's heartbeat couldn't help but beat a little faster when she thought that the two were about to meet.

Ye Ruxue pressed her chest with one hand, feeling her heartbeat.

For some reason, she suddenly felt a feeling that she had never experienced in her previous life.

That's a...

The feeling of rapid heartbeat!

Indescribable, indescribable.

Ye Ruxue put down her hands with a blush on her pretty face, turned her head and looked in the direction of Taixuanzong, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and Su Chen's back appeared in her mind involuntarily.

Then, she calmed down the expression on her face and tried to get her mood back to normal before turning around and walking towards the depths of the hall, preparing to find the two puppets.

Only by finding those two puppets can the Hundred Demons Battlefield and his party be protected this time!

Not only protecting her, but also Su Chen!

ps: I went to a parent-teacher meeting today, I came back a little late, sorry...

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