If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 69 Wuji Sect, Situ Feng, Ancient Qiongqi! [Please read on! ]

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

Taixuan Sect held an inner disciple competition during these two days.

The conditions were that the candidates were under 23 years old and above the Qi Hai realm. Anyone who met the requirements could participate.

After two days of fierce selection.

Finally, the top 50 disciples were selected.

Thirty of the 50 were above the fifth level of the Qi Hai realm, and the remaining 20 were below the fifth level of the Qi Hai realm.


Accompanied by a big sun slowly rising in Taixuan Sect.

It was a low-grade flying spiritual treasure shaped like a disc. At this time, its power was fully released, and thousands of rays of light shot out, making people dare not look directly at it.

The 50 selected inner disciples all stood on the disc, rubbing their hands, with expectant expressions on their faces.

They knew.

This time, they would compete with the top geniuses in the entire Da Chu territory.

If they performed well, they might even get rewards from the Da Chu royal family.

The Great Chu Dynasty is not an ordinary force. The things they reward are not ordinary items. Any of them can attract countless people to fight.

At the front of the disc.

Elder Fan stood with his hands behind his back, turned his head and looked at an inner disciple beside him and asked:

"Has Su Chen not arrived yet?"

"I have just notified Senior Brother Su Chen, and he should be here soon."

The inner disciple replied respectfully.


As soon as he finished speaking.

A white figure appeared on the disc, gradually solidifying.

No one could see how he appeared. It seemed that he walked out of the void, and it seemed that he appeared out of thin air.

Many inner disciples were shocked when they saw this scene.

"I am delayed by something, please forgive me, elder!"

When he came to the disc, Su Chen immediately bowed to Elder Fan.

"Not bad, but after two days of not seeing you, your strength has improved."

Elder Fan looked at Su Chen in front of him and was very satisfied.

He saw at a glance that Su Chen was a sign of practicing the Divine Step to a minor success.

Then, Elder Fan retracted his gaze, looked straight ahead, took a deep breath, and said:

"Let's go!"


As his voice fell, the disc made a roar.

The disc, like the sun, instantly tore through the void, turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.


Fifteen days later.

Huangji City.

A majestic city is like an ancient beast lying on the ground.

The city wall is thousands of miles long, standing here for countless years, full of vicissitudes of life.

This majestic city is the capital of the Great Chu Dynasty, Huangji City!

Today's Huangji City is extremely lively.

Everyone knows that Huangji City will hold a big competition soon, and all the geniuses in the territory of the Great Chu Dynasty can participate.

Of course, this is just a superficial statement.

In fact.

If you don't have a certain background, just a casual cultivator, no one will pay attention to you.

After all, the Great Chu Royal Family is not a charity.

The secret realm of the Hundred Demons Battlefield in their hands is extremely precious and cannot be opened to everyone.

Now, opening it to other sects is just to see the top geniuses in these sects in recent years!

But even so, countless people are still rushing here.

The purpose of these people is also very clear.

Since they can't participate, it's not a bad choice to watch the excitement.

At this moment.


A thunderous dragon roar came from outside Huangji City.

At the end of the distant sky, a dragon was like a mountain range, pressing down on the world and casting a large shadow in the void.

For a while.

Everyone felt a heavy pressure, making everyone a little breathless.

At the position of the dragon head, two figures stood side by side.

One was a hunchbacked old man with gray hair.

But he was in high spirits, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, looking forward, and his momentum was terrifying.

Next to him was a young man.

He was wearing golden armor, looking heroic and majestic, with eyes as sharp as swords.


"I'm afraid this dragon is going to revert to its original form!"

"Yes! Its dragon might is so terrifying, I guess it's at least at the peak of the Divine Stage!"

"Only the beast-controlling lineage of the Wuji Sect can afford to ride a dragon at the peak of the Divine Stage?"

"Yes, it's the beast-controlling lineage of the Wuji Sect! Did you see the two people standing on the dragon's head?"

"Yes, who are they?"

"One of them is an elder of the beast-controlling lineage of the Wuji Sect, and the other is probably Situ Feng, who has recently gained fame in the beast-controlling lineage! "

"Situ Feng? ! Is he the genius who only has the third level of Qi Hai Realm but has contracted a Qiongqi blood monster?"

"Yes, it's him! His Qiongqi blood monster is said to have been cultivated to the sixth level of Qi Hai Realm, and its strength is terrifying!"

"I've heard about it too. It is said that even a ninth level Qi Hai Realm warrior can't do anything to him, and he can even compete with a Shen Tai Realm warrior in the early stage! If nothing unexpected happens, this person will be the first in this competition!"


The appearance of Wuji Sect made the whole Huangji City boil.

Especially the genius of Situ Feng, who was praised by countless people.

After all, the beast control lineage of Wuji Sect is different from other sects.

Their own combat power may not be strong, and their main combat power depends on the monsters they contracted!

And the monster that Situ Feng contracted has the blood of the ancient Qiongqi, and his own strength is not weak, so many people think that he is the favorite to win this competition!

Although the Great Chu Royal Family has not yet clearly stated the reward for the first place in this competition.

But it will definitely not be too bad!

Just when countless people were talking about Wuji Sect's Tianjiao Situ Feng, the air around them suddenly dropped!

The originally scorching sun slowly disappeared, the surroundings suddenly became cold, and snowflakes floated in the sky.

This phenomenon that goes against common sense made everyone present stunned at first, and then their faces were full of confusion.

But soon everyone reacted and looked up at the sky.

I saw.

Above the sky, a flying boat shaped like a snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain broke through the air.

There were dozens of girls standing on it, each of them was outstanding and beautiful, which made people imagine.

"White Lotus Palace!"

"It is said that the White Lotus Palace is full of women, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

"Do you see the girl in front? She is so pitiful!"

"It's a pity that the White Lotus Palace is too mysterious. We don't even know their leader this time..."

"Is there a possibility that the White Lotus Palace is not mysterious, but because they really don't have any outstanding disciples?"

"Brother, the possibility you said is very low. The White Lotus Palace is a powerful force that has been passed down for thousands of years. They must have a certain confidence to dare to come here this time!"

"Well... I agree with what you said. Maybe the White Lotus Palace will make a big splash and win the first place in this competition!"


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