Arriving at the Outer Gate Elder Hall, Elder Xie had been waiting here for a long time.

"You boy, you are truly blessed!"

Elder Xie looked Su Chen up and down before speaking.

With Elder Xie's eyesight, he could tell at a glance that the toxins on his body had been completely eliminated.

"The elder is full of praise."

Su Chen said modestly.

In my memory, Elder Xie is a trustworthy person.

Elder Xie had learned about the two unexpected encounters of the original host in detail, and finally concluded that Su Chen was a person blessed with luck.

She often helped him in his practice, and explained all the confusions he had about his practice.

Su Chen also understood Elder Xie's intention.

He is wooing a future strong man and investing in him since he was weak.

When Su Chen fully grows up, Elder Xie will naturally not suffer any loss.

Those who are blessed by luck are protected by heaven, and even if the strategies against them are extremely sophisticated, there will still be uncontrollable factors.

Therefore, no one wants to provoke a lucky person unless necessary.

Even if you covet their opportunity very much in your heart, you will try to restrain yourself.

Su Chen had saved his life twice before and was able to break through the realm. From the perspective of monks at the same level, this was indeed great luck and opportunity.

But it is not enough to make Elder Xie think of greed and covet.

The treasures of heaven and earth that could sometimes help Su Chen had little effect on Elder Xie's current state.

In this case, why didn't he choose to invest in Su Chen?

"I will personally take part in this matter, but you should be able to imagine the result."

Elder Xie looked at Su Chen in front of him and said.

He originally wanted to ask Su Chen what opportunity he had to get rid of the poison that left him helpless.

But after a second thought, I gave up the idea.

He had already understood it in detail twice before, so it didn't matter if he didn't understand it this time.

If he kept asking for the details every time, it would arouse Su Chen's resentment.

"Thank you so much, elder!"

Su Chen slightly cupped his hands and said.

Although Elder Xie is more powerful than Su Chen, after all, he is just an outer elder of Taixuan Sect.

Even if he personally came forward to negotiate, he could not do anything to those Wuji Sect disciples.

Usually this kind of thing is usually left to the outside deacons. Elder Xie is willing to come forward in person, which can be regarded as showing his attitude.

Su Chen did not refuse Elder Xie's solicitation and overtures.

If there is an elder in Taixuanzong who can protect him, it will be much more convenient no matter what he does.

"By the way, there's something I need to remind you."

Elder Xie looked at Su Chen, paused and continued:

"The reason why you are being targeted by Wuji Sect disciples should be related to the fact that you are blessed with luck."

"No one will easily provoke someone blessed with luck, unless both parties are enemies!"

"Your luck is a good thing for our Taixuan Sect, but this is not what the Wuji Sect wants to see. They are trying to find ways to consume your luck. If you can save the day this time, you may encounter more dangers in the future. A terrible crisis!”

Having said this, Elder Xie's expression gradually became serious.

Elder Xie has actually been observing whether Su Chen is a person blessed with great luck, but he has never dared to make a conclusion.

Even after experiencing this, he could not guarantee that Su Chen would be blessed with great luck.

The only thing that is certain is that Su Chen has a lot of luck. Not to mention becoming a legendary figure who shocked the past and the present in the future, it should be very easy to reach the status of an elder of the inner sect.

Taixuan Sect is one of the top sects in the Chu Dynasty of the Eastern Wilds, and the status of the inner sect elders can be said to be very high.

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